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Everything posted by Jeheil

  1. Joined up t'other day o7. Closed Beta Player. Will jump on TS probably over the weekend and say herro. Is there a website or somesuch ? Oh and do a drop of NA youtubin, so look forward to capturing some port battles (and ports too).....right now though...gotta level me ships up. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAyTtmB_y5mlj8YlUXQEX8vjql7XVjNSz
  2. Illusive Tabby is a most attractive person
  3. Some basic voice acting to increase the immersion and feedback. Friendly ship close on the Larbord side sir Sire...we hit a friendly Captain we are taking heavy water There goes the rudder sir Shots were long sir Load chain you laggards Sire Captain Prater spotted...prepare to ram.
  4. Takes me back...took a while to get my noggin around 3D on this one. Great game, really atmospheric (big + to the music), this was the New Battlestar Galactica...before there was a new BG !
  5. I would need my own forum for this....a highlight...was in a recent (about 10 on 10) I was the 2nd largest ship (in my consti) and was at the 'head' of the line. Our glorious leader in a Bellona was laying out a rather excellent plan...and I was very engrossed in the conversation....and asking a couple of confirmation questions (as he wanted me to chain their lead). By the time I had consumed his excellent plan....I looked over my sholder and realised step 1 had been to tack and head at about 120deg to my current heading. This basically meant I was now too far from my team...and indeed became the 'kill the idiot' target of their entire team....and undid our glorious leaders plan......
  6. I see alot of similarities and of course heaps of difference. I am very much looking forward to Star Citizen...but at the moment it is to early to know if it is closer to dream or reality. Elite Dangerous, I was a Beta Backer. It has some simply brilliant elements, however its open world (a 1:1 scale model of our entire galaxy, with 400 billion star systems, rendered to reflect our ACTUAL galaxy as best we know it) is currently a bit 'weak' on 'why am I here'. The group dynamics don't exist (they are improving this in their next release) and the feeling you are 'part of something' is missing. If you enjoy just being you and doing what you want with your own made up goals, solo exploration...well its is blisteringly good. The flight model, the audio, the visual effects are simply stunning. Combat is very well balanced and very skill based. It has implemented 3 layers of travel to manage the sim v game element. Pottering around (say a local station or combat zone) is effectively the 'real sailing speed' we have for Sea Trials. You can then travel with in a solar system at sub-light speeds, with lets say the trip from earth station to say neptune station taking 10 mins, a trip that can be interupted by pirates etc. But you could fly there at slower speed if you had the months to do so. Finally there is hyperspace that allows you to 'jump' from one star system to another in just a few seconds (fuel allowing). Naval Action I hope will do a better initial implementation of 'group' dynamics as well as giving the player a 'place' in the open world...a point to it.
  7. Jeheil

    Black Sails

    That is Captain Flint, his eyes aren't closed...he is just somewhat beaten up after taking on a wannabee for his captainship....good series, focuses on a pirate trading enclave of New Providence (in the west Indies) and is set around the start of the 18th century, it is considered a prequel to 'Treasure Island' and has a cast containing lots of historical characters (John Silver, Flint, Lady Hamilton etc). Its sort of what Deadwood was to the US Goldrush/Formation of states for the Golden Age of Piracy. It has a fair dollop of 'naval action' along with many a booby and plenty of biffo.
  8. Hats off to you sir. I have read it once. I will now try and pick each piece, digest and learn...and practice. I love forums and passionate players.....gaming..the gift that keeps on giving.
  9. So much fun with all the new players on, seeing 200+ players online and having 12+ ships per battle was greaaaat fun...then we (me and able seaman Tanlash) had to move house...and have no interwebs for 3 days...the lack of spray and salt...the howl of whistles and the thunder of cannon replaced by lugging boxes and unpacking laundry...now there is a comedown Cant wait to get back on.
  10. More and more folks, especially gamers, have multiple screens to play on, can you set the mode (or options) on NA to be windowed borderless ? so if I click on my second screen, it doesnt minimise please.
  11. Be really good if you could know how many 'free' players are in the lobby as well as how many are in each queue. Thanks for the response though, really good to have a responsive dev/forum team, makes all the difference.
  12. Noticed we now need 8 players to kick off a general PvP, that is fine and certainly makes in general for a better game. However off peak (which for us Aussies is our peak) we have like 25 players on....so...then its not such a good idea, can the cap be time based ? Also, showing the number of players in each queue on the main lobby menu and the current timer might be good
  13. While we are still in Alpha, would be great to see how many ships are in any given queue on the menu/lobby page and perhaps their type (so I dont find my brig in a 1 on 1 with a Victory again !!)
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