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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Could you please send me this message via forum private message?
  2. Nice to hear the problem is solved!
  3. Please check private forum message for additional clarification
  4. Greetings, please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  5. Nice to hear the problem is solved!
  6. For the first issue, please try to launch the launcher and wait for about 5 minutes - the state should change from in game to play Regarding the second issue, have you tried to run any other game? Perhaps drivers update was not done correctly and you need to completly reinstall it using software like Display Dirver Unistaller
  7. Greetings, were there any special symbols or just letters?
  8. Такие случаи могут быть когда, например, НПЦ догонял цель, но не смог догнать, и, при возвращении в свою зону патрулирования, наткнулся на новую цель (в данном случае - Вас). Как результат, НПЦ может отойти на достаточное расстояние от своей привычной зоны
  9. Попробуйте отключить anti aliasing в настройках графики
  10. The case is under review. Appropriative actions will be taken once reports are checked
  11. Captain, are you sure you were tagged 5 times by Thomas Slade? According to server logs there were 3 tags by the player. Unfortunately without video it is hard to make a decision, thus the case is closed.
  12. Based on provided evidence and additional investigation there are no sufficient facts to consider violation of rules (griefing) to be true. Based on video both sides had their chances, it wasn't a fight from 1 km, ships recieve damage through the whole battle length. Thus the case is closed.
  13. Due to lack of evidance (video) the case is closed as no decision can be made
  14. Greetings, please check private forum message for additional clarification
  15. Greetings, please check forum private message for additional clarifications
  16. Greetings, have you searched for mails from Xsolla in your email address that was used to purchase the game, including spam folder? If you did and still can't find the link, please reply
  17. Добрый день, просадка FPS скорее всего никак не связана со свободным местом на диске, поэтому удаление других игр Вам врядли поможет. Просьба написать характеристики своего компьютера и настройки графики в игре
  18. Greetings, please check private forum message for additional clarification
  19. The exact date on Steam Early Access is not yet decided, please stay tuned to news from the dev team
  20. Проблема с количеством игроков исследуется По количеству ботов бага нет, в описании миссии приводится их количество, например:
  21. Please search for mails from Xsolla in your email address that was used to purchase the game. If you can't find it, please let us know
  22. Greetings, do you mean you lost the icon on the desktop? Please try this workaround: open Windows Command Prompt (press Windows + R), then type: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\ There is launcher.exe file, right click on it and make a shortcut which you can place on the desktop Also, you can try to reinstall the launcher and make sure the shortcut is selected in the settings
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