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Everything posted by caldrin

  1. You could check out their other game Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts.. its not an MMO but its cool designing your own ships to fight in battles haha https://www.dreadnoughts.ultimateadmiral.com/
  2. Yeah think it would be a cool idea to have more ships showing in port and for the main ports to actually be bigger than they currently are. New updates to the port buildings were nice tho.
  3. I cant see any reason why they could not have some practice areas.. as long as you don't gain anything from doing it.
  4. Sounds interesting look forward to seeing how it all works
  5. I would like to see some more lower tier ships for sure.. but I just want to say. The current ships in the game look bloody amazing and you guys could not have done a better job on them. But I think at the moment we have enough ships, now is the time to nail down the game mechanics and get working towards beta and then final release. More ships can come after release
  6. @OP should you come back ? Well sure if you want to get involved with testing a game in Alpha then come back and test.. the new features need testing so it really is worth jumping on and helping out. If you want to play a finished game with no bugs and so on then best to stay away until the game is released.
  7. More will come back when the game is released. Not many want to spend their time playing a game in testing knowing that they will loose all their stuff at some point before release. Others like jumping on now and then to test new major updates.. Myself I played a lot initially and now only jump on now and then with big updates. When the game is actually finished I can see myself spending a lot of time with this game and a few of my mates as well.
  8. i7 2700k @ 4ghz 16gb DDR3 Nivida Geforce 970 OS on a SSD the game is on a 1TB hybrid drive. Win 7 x64 Game runs perfect no issues at all but I guess that dont help the OP.
  9. I am the other way around I tend to get bored fighting against npcs all the time I enjoy PVP a lot more.. hopefully there will be a nice mix.
  10. Most people playing as a team with friends will be in voice comms anyway.. so kind of pointless limiting it in game.
  11. I thought I had wandered on to the world of warships forums by mistake then..
  12. I really hope you guys stick with your vision.. if thats open world then bloody awesome.. if its match making like wot then I will also be fine with that as we need a good age of sails game either way hehe Its important to listen to the community but sometimes the ideas they come up with can be bad hehe
  13. I would also love to get into testing this game.. I love the time period and nearly always pick up games set aronud this time.. Anyway no real experiense other than playing older games but i will keep checking the forums and if i feel like i have anything to add i will.. either way I cant wait for this game to get finished hehe
  14. what an awesome price as well.. Will pick this one up tonight as it looks like will be good, came here for Naval Action but fonud this as well
  15. please no micro transactions.. Have a box price and then a sub to support the servers and more development if the game is good people will pay it...
  16. well lets just get them to finish the game first hehe before thinking about exp packs
  17. Well believe it or not I only found out about this game to a Facebook add that randomly popped up no my facebook page.. I almost dismissed it thinking it was just a browser based game or something. Well glad I decided to come and check it out this game looks awesome and the features the devs are talking about sound great. Like others I can not wait to see more of this game and of course maybe help towards funding when you guys are ready for Kickstarter or something similar
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