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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Could be, I haven't looked at your scaling logic in any detail.
  2. I do have a lot of experience with UGCW. It sounds like the battle is in a decent place post patch. The majority of players in this game do not seem to be particularly interested in the land combat so cranking up the difficulty there doesn't make sense.
  3. Every battle compares against all units currently in your army. Summary is available in this post: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/
  4. I used the exact same setup on the prior patch where all the AI infantry was 270-310. Took a few more casualties but otherwise the same outcome. If you put an extra unit or two in reserve behind your fortifications they will see off the charges. I will also usually move units out to flank anything that gets close to the fortifications so they will be very diminished during the charge. I should also note that I barely charge at all anymore unless it's to finish off a routing unit. Better to move multiple units into position to hit an AI unit from multiple sides and have the unit that gets targeted by any return fire hold position. Charging can be effective but it wears out your units too quickly so I don't think volley and charge is a good choice anymore.
  5. My main advice regarding the fire from the naval ships at Bunker Hill is that as long as you stay in certain areas you are relatively safe from them. On the left flank as long as you aren't to the left of the small hills you are basically fine. On the right don't cross the crest of the hill to the right of the road. In the north you are basically fine until you get down the slope of the hill in the NE. The two enemy artillery units on the left are easy to capture. The 2 further north can be captured but it's harder to recover them to your lines in time. Easier to just focus them down with your artillery instead. Also, make sure you are using hold position for the cover bonus whenever possible. Series of screenshots showing my setup and battle progression. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2044250563 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2044251649 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2044252281 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2044252740
  6. Is this only in the Gettysberg custom and historical battle? Or also in the campaign version of Gettysburg?
  7. AI infantry appear to have lost ~1/3 of their men on normal difficulty compared to the last patch. Should be much easier now.
  8. Just played through Bunker Hill on normal and it seemed only slightly harder than before? I wasn't able to completely overwhelm the AI on the left so it took a little longer to silence all of their cannon. Still very possible to kill every enemy unit and then sit around for as long as you like sinking ships. The trade off between the sea and land battles currently seems to be, do you want to get enough crew weapons to last multiple chapters(land battle) or do you want to capture 5+ ships with a chance at getting a medium transport or a 3rd rate for almost free(3rd rate and merchants will never raise anchor). With burning of norfolk the militia did ok holding the second line of fortifications near the VP. They will eventually get routed, but you can give up the VP for as long as you want it seems. I don't think you're bringing enough units to that battle. I brought 7 units of fusiliers from an old save where they were all 0* and the battle was not difficult. Most of the initial AI units chased the militia to the right side of the map, so I just walked into the fortifications and waited until the remaining AI units were small enough to drive across the map and wipe out. Definitely noticed some new issues with units seeming to get locked into retreat directions when routing and not updating as they encounter new enemy units. Hopefully that gets straightened out.
  9. This is correct. The extra folder I was referencing was from an older version. I don't know what's going on with the blank corps screens, will have to wait on Adishee's assistance.
  10. I thought that change made it into the latest beta patch on steam, though I haven't tried to upgrade those myself yet. If you're not running 0.6.49 or later it definitely won't be there. I'm pretty sure those slots just correspond to available spots on the ship. The deck height refers to the ship as a whole. For instance, the top deck of a sloop is going to be lower than the top deck of a 2nd rate. The devs mentioned at one point that there is a penalty for smaller ships boarding larger ones basically.
  11. Yes, weapon melee damage affects damage dealt in boarding. Yes. The unit's stats, equipped weapons, perks, soldier type all impact how good the unit is at boarding. The lower deck of the transport compared to the higher decks on warships will also have an effect. Permanent upgrades have a small hammer icon in the tooltip description. Though I think the latest beta patch lets you pay a fee to upgrade them now.
  12. Odd, not sure why you got different results than me when I went all the way to day 2. The difference between your first attempt is only ~2.5%, so at least the impact is minor. The good news here is that this difference won't matter in the grand scheme of the campaign. It's very possible to have more money than you know what to do with. Based on what I've seen in the past I'd give it about even odds the prebattle numbers just aren't displaying correctly.
  13. There was a fix related to this in the 0.6.51 beta patch. Can you confirm which version you're seeing this in?
  14. Results of several quick tests: Newport News: rewards match pre-battle numbers CSA Shiloh win day 1: rewards are about 5% short of pre-battle numbers. CSA Shiloh win day 2: rewards match pre-battle numbers Union Shiloh win day 1: rewards are about 5% short of pre-battle numbers. Union Shiloh win day 2: rewards are about 5% short of pre-battle numbers. CSA Gaines Mill: rewards are about 1% short. Presumably a rounding issue of some kind. So there appears to be something going on with certain battles which causes the numbers not to line up exactly. Presumably a bug, will probably look into the details and fix it in the mods at some point. Captives returned are not included in the post battle numbers, but do correctly get added into your recruit pool. Supply captured is also not displayed in the post battle numbers, but is also correctly applied.
  15. The difficulty modifiers and politics bonuses definitely appear to be applying to the displayed pre-battle numbers. You can see those increases applying if you check between saves on different difficulties or with applications of career points. This isn't to say that something else isn't going on to result in the discrepancies you're seeing, will review and try to see if I can reproduce and provide an explanation for what you're seeing later today.
  16. Select the units and click off the edge of the map and they will attempt to retreat off it. I think all the land battles currently in the game will give you defeat if you withdraw off the map though. Many battles give you either infinite time or at least more than enough. It's worth waiting for them to arrive in my opinion, but I'm more than happy to just watch my artillery do all the work in every battle if allowed.
  17. The displayed reward amounts prior to starting the battle already have the penalty from the difficulty and the bonus from politics applied. You can verify this by checking the numbers, applying an extra point in politics, and then checking the numbers again. If you don't use up enemy supplies you will receive extra money from them after the battle. Any money received from capturing supplies will be listed on the post battle report goods tab.
  18. Agreed, the indicators are guidelines not definitive conditions.
  19. They are indicators to let you know how close you are to being able to board. Left to right: matching speeds, distance between ships, angle between ships. If all 3 are green then the grapples will probably be able to pull the enemy ship in and allow boarding to start.
  20. Yes, the starting mission of each campaign have been generally made easier. The unit sizes are set for legendary difficulty and every step down in difficulty the AI units will shrink while the player unit size stays the same. This probably makes the battle a bit too easy on Colonel and BG difficulties, but given that most players just want to get past the starting battle and move onto the campaign, this seems like an acceptable trade off.
  21. Unfortunately, I don't think there any built in ways to configure that without getting into dll editing. The mod already applies a 15% melee damage penalty to skirmishers which impacts the AI's decision making on when to charge. This probably needs to be looked at more in a future patch.
  22. There is a bug from the base game that wounded officers from allied units can sometimes end up in your officer pool. Not sure how it happens, but it's a nice bonus. A mid/battle save load will unfortunately lose any officers that were wounded and replaced by a subordinate. I don't think this is something I will be able to fix, so my general recommendation is to limit the use of mid battle saves when possible. Saving in camp during multiday battles is safe as far as I know. In the Mod/Rebalance folder there are OfficerName and OfficerSurname files which override the list of randomly generated officer names. While not a perfect solution, you could add in some of the names above to have a chance at getting them. Truly supporting this would require more extensive work though, especially trying to get the portraits somewhat close. In the mod the larger and more experienced brigade is more likely to win the melee against multiple smaller brigades if the total numbers are equal. Getting flanking fire into charging brigades is very important early on to deal with the larger AI brigades. The high kill rate is somewhat necessary to balance out the condition cost of charging. If damage drops then melee steadily becomes less useful overall. We are working on a new capture/shatter system that will hopefully move melee into a better spot.
  23. Yep, those negatives are the maintenance costs for your ships and men. Bigger ships/trophies and more experienced men will cost more.
  24. Do you mean that your maintenance costs have increased? Or that your funding received decreased? You can check these by hovering your mouse over your money amount in the top right.
  25. The Reserve checkbox just under the crew/men/soldier slider works as I described above. If you're referring to a different button could you provide a screenshot? The 'To Reserve' button moves a land unit off of a transport ship into a holding slot. This allows you to keep the unit intact while putting some other unit into the transport slot.
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