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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Oh, so when it comes to trade trust and word of seaman doesn't really matter?. Got ya....:)
  2. Trust and words of a seaman, Coming from someone who sold an expired deadmans chest to another player knowing it was expired. You such a hypocrit.:).
  3. How did they just "drop" cannons I wonder?. I think it would end up everyone denying opponent any cargo in hold everytime you about to loose. No.
  4. Great minds think alike?.😉
  5. Well, it's a game, maintaining 100% realism is very difficult without affecting gameplay. Doesn't mean we have to throw in Walt Disney😂 But, still suspect OP joking.:)
  6. Managing to retreat from a battle that for whatever reason went wrong (outskilled, outnumbered, having a bad day), it not that easy, your sails may be wrecked, you may have several opponents you have to dodge while making your retreat etc etc. It's part of combat, also part off combat preventing an opponent that is loosing to be able to retreat. That sometimes require just as much (if not more) skill then sinking your opponent. Calling it "fake" combat is just silly. Again good combat mechanics is not measured in pvp kills / hour.
  7. I disagree tho, even if battle timer is 1 hour 30 min i can probably sail from Havana and join with 30 left of battle. That's unrealistic and not needed.
  8. Some sort of timer to is needed tho, otherwise I could sail from Havana to La Tortue and still join a fight and would just be weird.
  9. No it doesn't. Pvp per in game hour does not reflect the quality of pvp or how good the game is. High quality pvp will increase the pvp per hour, ... there are other ways to increase it but at the cost of quality which is not good. I would rather have 3 good fights on one afternoon then 20 shitty ones.
  10. This is the worst idea since DLC and I don't even know where to begin explaing why. I will edit with a more thorough explanation later on. (Actually @Licinio Chiavaribeat me to it., and coverered pretty much my thoughts)
  11. Ever crazier, pirates cannot attack other pirates... what a world.
  12. Good idea. As long as the defeated captains name is not displayed.
  13. LOL, Whatever makes you feel better mate.😉
  14. What about scamming someone for 300k, is that productive for the pve player?. You post tribunal about someone "stealing" loot, but you have no problem with scamming other players in game. Gotta love double-standards.
  15. Well he did just fine before the "broken" mods so my guess he will have no trouble sleeping.😏
  16. Next time do it like a spaniard, shoot first and ask later.☺️
  17. Besides AI maneuvering will never be better then a veteran, the things that make it "challenging" to a veteran are things like "super" aim, "super tougness" and stuff like that. And no I don't support that. Fighting an AI as a veteran, to make it challenging would be to fight several of them or being outgunned by a much bigger ship. So AI can be challenging for both new ones and veterans.
  18. Sure they will. They won't improve by taking on AI that can't sail. But again it's not AI maneuvering/sailing skills that is the problem. More about they able to shoot at impossible angles etc.
  19. If we make this game challenging only for new players then people will get bored soon as they are not new anymore. Not the way to go.
  20. I have to agree that AI can give some really devastating broadsides, at near impossible angles. They are much tougher then the average player, good thing they don't have repairs or snipe mast. With that said i dont' mind the toughness of ai (since they lack ability to repair) but the angles which they manage to shoot should be looked into. Had really good ships sunk by AI because I forget about their "Godlike" angling, thinking only a couple of guns will actually hit and probably not even penetrate... but too my surprise they unleash a perfect full broadside smashing into my structure like cannonsballs from hell.
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