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Everything posted by TXSailor

  1. Uh... he listed at least two separate people who did this before him...
  2. lol had it been a good natured encounter, I certainly might.
  3. My point wasn't grief but rather this: Not a day has gone by where I haven't seen Pirates complain about being outnumbered and essentially bullied in battle. And yet I have not had a single pirate interaction where they sought to bring more than 4 times my BR to the fight. To me, it's hypocritical, and I felt it was worth pointing out. As per his point of view, I get that. Which is why when the battle started and I saw the numbers arrayed against us (Right on top of us, many of them) my assumption was at first that it was a mistake on his part (We've all pulled in a target and accidentally dragged in AI. It happens.) so I came up battle text to say "Hey man, there's no chance of survival here with these AI. We're gonna run." which could easily be followed up with something to the effect of 'Oh yeah, with 15 some-odd more ships and SOL, running makes sense'. Instead it was met with calls of 'Coward! US is a bunch of cowards!' which again, to me, sounded foolish. And to go beyond that, I DID tell him we're not out to gank n00bs (Hell, we passed a kid in a Trader Snow, when he started trying to run, we came up on global to let him know he wouldn't be attacked, he could continue his course) so there was no need to try to bully us out of the water. His choice of action? Bring another overwhelming fleet and try to do it again, all the while calling 'Coward' that we wouldn't dive into 5 times the number of ships we had, all of which outgunned us. This isn't a "NERF PIRATES!" post. More I thought it was worth pointing out that for all the cries of 'unfair numbers' I've seen from Pirates, it seems to be the only tactic they know in return.
  4. I read your point quite clearly. You accused us of trying to gank him, playing it off as if he was the poor victim having to resort to a fleet to survive when it was quite the opposite, he was attacking people fresh out of port using a fleet to hide and throwing insults at us for being smarter than to take the bait. As to our purposes there, we were out hunting NPC groups as we have pushed you so far back that there isn't any other hunting ground near our shores. We very specifically do NOT attack your players who are outmatched.
  5. I certainly agree with you there.
  6. No one ganked him buttercup. No one even clicked on him to see him there, as we were grouping up to head elsewhere and he was INSIDE our ships when we spawned. Funny... I DO recognize your name from attacking baby traders off the East Coast though, so I guess I'm not surprised you're rushing in to pretend your pirate was defensive...
  7. No, but nice try swinging the blame. We both left port. Before our sails had a chance to raise, HE had attacked us with the fleets there. As we attempted to leave the area after having escaped, he followed us to engage, again, with a numbers advantage.
  8. Well, that's equally damnable. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as cranky at the US guys who don't see an issue setting up at La Tortue and ganking Pirate n00bs. I don't see the fun in seal clubbing... not at all. I guess I just expect far too much in the vein of honor. For me and mine, I have a standing rule that if a player's BR is less than ours, we will NOT attack. Maybe I'm silly for that, but to me it means something.
  9. Eh, I've only served to confirm that Pirates only play with at least 3x the BR of their enemies.
  10. Me and a few of the new guys I dragged in have been hunting NPC ships to engage. The largest we can muster is a Surprise each for the two of us, and Cerberus and smaller for the other three, and since there isn't much drive among players to provide a fair match, we focus mostly on NPCs lest this situation happen. Nothing more to show, lol. Surprise is fast, and I made good on that speed running like a little girl.
  11. Oh I get that. I'm not saying it's a game issue. I just find it amusing that Global is full of Pirates crying about how they're the victims of US bullies, but the first encounter I have with a Pirate player is THAT fleet, and him calling me out for not wanting to fight that lol.
  12. He grabbed us as we left port, so there was no chance to move. And then proceeded to follow us, only the following time with a fleet of Ingermanlands. Each time we escaped he would follow with a larger and larger fleet, all the while screaming that "US never fights! You just run away!"
  13. So, I've seen a LOT of Pirates in PvP2 complaining that Americans don't play nice, that the Pirates are the REAL victims... and then I get this lovely fleet after me and they wonder why I don't want to stay and fight? Just wanted to throw this out here. Whine and complain all you want, but I doubt anyone here would take these odds.
  14. I like this thought process in particular, as well as the other suggestions.
  15. I would like to very enthusiastically add my name to the support list for this! Little bits of customization like that go a LONG way to getting everyone immersed and in love more than they already are!
  16. I understand your love of history, and share it, but I think the barrier is broken when we have twelve ships all with "Surprise" on their stern looking identical...
  17. I would just like to chime in on this. I love the ability to craft a ship to the trim and focus you'd like her to have, but not being able to name her is quite a crime. I know for myself and the friends I've recently dragged in here, the ability to feel a real ownership and connection to the ship that comes from being able to give her a name is really worth looking into. Heck since kickstarters are a thing here, I'll put into a kickstarter to be able to have our ships name on her stern! Being able to customize small things like the flags, pennants, and names, may seem small, but they have a huge effect on players' immersion.
  18. I see that absolutely KILLING new players... seeing things like labor contracts going for north of a million gold, it won't take long for the big guys to simply buy n00bs out of any ability to craft.
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