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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. Increased join timers — due to OW travel speeds — gives a chance for everyone to receive reinforcements. It allows battles to grow bigger. Obviously, depending on how that particular battle plays out, that can be a good thing or suck. You’re holding your own right when 6 enemy ships join and turn the tide against you. That sucks. You’re barely hanging on and the cavalry arrives. Hooray!

    Numerous good and complex suggestions have been made on how to deal with the whole revenge fleet, gank, or other problems associated with unrealistic OW speeds and battle join times, most of them dealing with circle size and placement, tagging, control perks, and BR limits. I suggest that right now, with the extremely low populations on both servers, we try simply increasing the join timer just to get more players involved in PVP. It would seem like it would be an easy thing for the Devs to implement and adjust. As it is, not only do you have to find a PVP situation on a very big map, you only have 3 minutes to do it. 

  2. 6 hours ago, HamBlower said:

    Dear Devs, dear swedish fellows and beloved enemies

    Christmas is coming and I will post my wishlist. Maybe some of them come true.

    • Ammounition:
      I think it would be a nice feature to load the cannon decks with different ammunition.
      It could be realized by locking decks with F1-F4. If all decks are unlocked, the ammunition that will be loaded is the same on all decks. If the player locks a deck, it will not be reloaded. This allows the player to (re-)load deckwise and to use the canons with different ammunition. For example: You can use in the low caliber canons on the wheater deck "grape" and penetrate with balls in the heavier sized cannons of the middle or bottom decks.
    • Fire:
      Fire on a sailship was in history fatal. In Naval Action fire has a very weak impact, except of using a fireship as bomb. Fire should have more effects on sails, hull and structrue of the burning ship. Firefighters could be increased by crew transfers from cannons or sailing. 
    • Shallows and reefs damage:
      If a ship runs aground there is (nearly) no hull damage. I think the damage level should depend by the speed of the ship and by the hump. A reef should cause leaks, shallows should damage the structur
    • Escape by destroying load:
      It's possible to destroy load in open world, it should also be possible to do this in battle. Sometimes the only chance for traders is to escape the attacker(s). Fighting is no option in some cases, so you can only stay alive by escaping. It should be possible to destroy also in battle the load and the cannons of a ship to get quicker. This can balance the saildamage of the follower. Everyone can decide by his own, risk the whole ship or destroy your load and loose money.
    • Fleet ships:
      Allow a player to chose the ammunition of a fleet ship and let us order the escapecourse and the attackcourse of a fleet ship. Therefore players can use the battlemap, if they don't want to do this by there own, the AI can work like it's current.

    Finaly - I think the devs do a great job with this game. Not every patch fits for each player, but after more than a thousand hours playing this game, it's a pleasure for me. It's like a virtual pub, talking on TS with my mates and fellows and having fun in playing.

    There's one poor work: I have to draw my beer by myself ;-)

    Sincerely yours



    Good list. 

  3. 2 hours ago, jodgi said:

    <stifled giggle>

    We'll talk later about NA:L, "simple shooter crowd" and sufficient population.

    I think you misunderstood my point. This discussion is about the game Naval Action, not Naval Action Legends. Legends will hopefully appeal to a huge number of shooter oriented players: the kind that want to click one button and get the immediate adrenaline rush. There is nothing wrong with such a game. But the game Naval Action can be so much more complex. Much of the structure is there already but it would be a huge step backwards to waste all the money and time invested by both players and the Devs to give up and say all this game is going to be is a really pretty version of a FPS.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Rickard said:

    haha, this is the stupidest post I have seen in a while...


    I’m not sure if it’s the stupidest — that would be a tough competition — but it does reveal an incredible lack of understanding of game design, player population, and of people in general.

    Naval Action is not a first person shooter. It is a niche, historical game. You’re never going to have a sufficient population interested in just sailing ship PVP battles to satisfy the simple shooter crowd. The game has to get richer in content due to diverse population goals. Preferably these goals will take more and more players outside the safe zones. Then we will have more PVP, but not only the PVP the poster seems to prefer. It will be players influencing their nation’s success by competing against other players not just on the battlefield, but in the economic markets, in technology, and in competition for resources.

    • Like 8
  5. 8 hours ago, Quineloe said:

    Didn't get to play until now, so first fights...

    Starting with the Pavel 30° into the wind, I managed to do a full turn through the wind and after just ONE minute, I was fully turned through the wind, almost at 45°. Sorry admin, this is not realistic, this is arcade gameplay similar to AC Black Flag.

    Damaging the rudder is irrelevant now. I don't even notice it anymore.

    Agree. Although there is some element of fun when my Bellona sails like a light frigate and my Victory like a fairly nimble 4th rate, something needs to change to make the “more realistic” physics affect the heavier ships in a realistic way. It’s weird as it is now and I’m afraid applying the same physics to lighter ships are going to make them sort of supernatural.

    Perhaps go ahead and apply the new system to the light ships and then quickly scale down all the numbers?

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, GreatTimo said:

    I am not mad because people are mean. I am mad because this game issent playable wen someone goes first the cirkel in one minute. If this stays.. i pray to god no one will ever buy this game. On steam 66% of the users dont like naval action. That says enough. Mine is till now positive , gotta change that tomorrow.

    A few different issues here  Timo, I’m going to give you some advice. I hope it doesn’t offend you — you sound like you might be a bit young

    1. You posted in the section for Naval Action. I believe you are complaining about Naval Action Legends. You’ll get more notice from that player base and those developers by posting in the correct section.

    2.  People can be mean, especially with the anonymity of the Internet. None of us deserve to be victims of hate speech though. Use whatever reporting mechanism exists in Naval Action Legends to report it. If there is currently no reporting mechanism for chat in Legends, submit a bug report. Do not engage these people in conversation. Their goal is to get in your head. Don’t let them.

    3. It is very early in the development of Legends. And life is too short to let a mechanism that may be different in one week to get you mad. If that mechanism causes you to lose, provide feedback. (Constructive, polite feedback will get more attention). Then shrug off that loss.

    Fair sails and good luck.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    to fix this invisibility and speed boost must be removed. but i think its generally a very much liked feature

    Keep the invisibility and speed boost.

    When one faction tags another faction, the join circles should be for those two factions — not an artificial pirate designation for one side.

    Keep all battles open to join for longer period of time. I’d prefer they never close. Each side has the opportunity to bring their numbers up to 25 no matter how far they have to sail or what the BR is as long as they can get there within the 90 minutes. Of course, the more time that passes from battle start, the more likely the join circle will be far away from the action.

    I know this isn’t perfect because of time compression but it’s the only fair option.

    • Like 1
  8. I would not stop playing if there was another wipe but there has been absolutely no hint that there will ever be such drastic change to gameplay that it seems necessary.

    Make it harder or easier to make money. Buff or Nerf ships. Implement (or reimplement) ROE or timer changes. Basically the only change I can see that would be a big enough is the implementation of a smarter AI assisted but player driven economy and there has been no hint this will ever take place in a meaningful way. This doesn’t seem to be on the todo list prior to release.

  9. On 11/3/2017 at 3:37 PM, The Red Duke said:

    certain woods and crafting options alter the amount of repairs needed for each cycle.

    the baseline is as Hodo wrote, but differences may appear.

    Thanks guys for the replies.

    That’s interesting. So, for example, a teak ship takes different amount of repairs than an oak ship? Any guidance or advice which builds take more or less?

  10. Our Danish friends continue their rather awkward attempts at immigration to the Dutch nation. All they need to do is apply to our Foreign Alien Office in Willemstad and we will provide you with the necessary documents as well as a handy time zone chart which will assist you in setting your watches and avoid those nasty mistimed port battles set exactly at server maintenance.

    On the immigration forms please don’t forget to note the Bellona you took off one of our captains. This fact could hurt your approval chances but lying on your application is even worse. We will take in to account your generous sacrifice of a Victory and Wasa.

    And to the poor American captain who apparently lost his way in our waters last night, here’s a tip: north (that’s your home) is up on your map, south is down.

    • Like 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Zoky said:

    1. Huge self-sustained safezones for old farts

    2. Huge disbalance among ships

    3. Too long tag timers

    4. Too accurate stern chasers

    5. Too little rewards

    6. Stupid unlimited repair system

    7. Maginot line in many smaller regions

    8. Too few free ports

    9. Stupid ROE based on br

    10. Stupid ROE in general

    11. ...

    and many more

    1. The size of safe zones can always be tweaked but overall they should remain in place and be big enough that a player who wants to spend an hour in game can do so without having to constantly look over his shoulder. However there really needs to be more economic reasons to make players want to leave those zones.

    2. Balance ships? Some work need to be done there with more accurate BR numbers. I would love to see each of the frigates have a legitimate roll.

    3. No opinion.

    4. If magical repairs was fixed/limited, I feel like stern chaser accuracy would be less of an issue. Seriously, if you are chasing a faster ship 1 v 1, he has a good point of sail, and open ocean in front of him, he should get away. Basically if someone wants to run and he’s fast, you’re gonna need to do massive damage to him in the opening minutes or he’s getting away.

    5. A lot of rewards now. Do you mean higher rewards for PVP? The rewards available for PVP marks should stay very expensive and always be in the form of permanent mods. We don’t need the best PVP to sail around with super powers in every ship they own. Permanent mods are vulnerable which is a good thing.

    6. Yep, repairs needs repairing. I believe the Devs realize this.

    7. I assume this refers again to your problem with safe zones. Do what the Germans did, don’t attack them at the Maginot Line.

    8. I’d be okay with a couple more free ports but don’t think it’s vital to the game with our current population.

    9 and 10. To what stupid ROE are you referring?

  12. 42 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    It should be noted that the rule of thumb as pointed by Hodo can change according to the crafting/equipment choices of the ship. So it can increase but never under the baseline. So don't be surprised if you see a Snow at 4 hull and 5 rig.

    You mean, for example, if using certain perks or mods that increases the effectiveness of repairs? Please explain further. I always assumed a repair would use X amount of repairs with Y percentage of restoration modified by perks/mods. 

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