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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 1 hour ago, EliteDelta said:

    This is a bit of a question and suggestion. 

    What if safe ports (that have a reinforcement zone) charged a higher tax rate than capturable ports. My thought is if a safe port had a tax of 15, 20, or even 25%,  would it be enough to discourage high level players from operating there?

    Right now most all ports have the full 10% tax, because its already hard enough to pay their maintenance costs. It seems to me that players would be more likely to setup shop away from their capital (and safe zones) if it was less profitable to use these safe ports. 

    When I was part of GB, there was a lot of discussion in my clan about where to base ourselves. In the end, we all realized KPR really had no downside, so why risk establishing a base elsewhere. If the KPR tax rate had been 25%, I think we would have settled elsewhere. 

    Ideas? Suggestions? Opinions? 

    I understand what you are trying to do but won't this hurt even more the players the safe zone is designed to protect. New players can't afford high taxes while experienced players can.

    The solution can be found in a combination of players have a reason to leave the safe zone and the call for reinforcements is not available at higher ranks. 

    • Like 2
  2. IMO we should seek balance for gameplay and players desires and not worry TOO much about historical accuracy that 1st rates are rare.

    It appears the Devs are going to implement a way so smaller nations can obtain them. Let’s see how that plays out.

    If it doesn’t work, or inflation or 1st rate supply runs rampant, What about a way to limit horded supply and encourage their circulation? What if only 5 could fit in a Captains Chest, only 10 could go in a clan warehouse, and they were otherwise not stackable. Players would have to use valuable warehouse space to store them, spend them, or eventually push them to market.

  3. 3 hours ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    The issue I have with this change is the port battle timer. With only about three hours to grind hostility it would be very difficult to grind enough hostility in smaller ships to flip a port. Extend the time frame of ports then I can see this as a reasonable solution @admin. Otherwise I feel there is a need for a new system.

    Yes. Allow hostility generation to start at least one hour prior to the window.

  4. Anyone else confused?

    I gotta say that as a North American timezone Dutch player who plays both during the day (Europe prime time) and my own evenings, I don't really know who the Dutch are allied with.

    I think at some point in my afternoon I switch from being enemies to being friends with the Brits and the reverse happens with Russia. French are friends 24-7. Poles are friends at night but not during my day. I think I'm always enemies with Prussia. I never see a Spaniard. At least I know to always try and kill Swedes, Danes, and Pirates.

    Diplomacy is futile.

    • Like 4
  5. 5 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    HOw many ships was it and what type?

    Yah I sat in TS with our clan doing them back on global and we lost half our ships and got out with three chest. It wasn't something we would take lightley and we use to take those 25 ship mega fleets to flip ports with something like 5-10 guys only with no problems. Loved those fleets as they where instantly like 60% hostility.  It was how we flipped so many ports so fast back than we put a little agro on the port.  Catch a mega fleet and it would push it over or we would have it high enough a PvP kill or something is just needed to flip it.

    I'm kinda wondering what the rewards are going to be for the 4th rate ones.

    I'm afraid I don't remember the makeup of the AI fleet. A mix of around 10. Doesn't really matter as they don't perform like the ships we know.

    I believe they are doable but it's a battle that will tolerate very few mistakes. A missed broadside or two. A friendly that cant disengage to execute a repair. Being stuck between two AI. Getting rammed. For us things snowballed quickly. 

  6. Would I pay real money for cosmetics, ship name, or forged paper? Perhaps. Depends on the cost.

    Would I buy a special ship or mod? Doubtful. I also doubt that I would pay a subscription fee. That opinion could change if I saw the game headed in a direction I think is positive: a real concentration on adding a civilization building, real economy and industry aspect to accompany the great combat mechanics that are already done.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    Knowing the enemy has one less warship.

    Capturing the trade goods of the enemy nation.

    Interdicting the routes behind the lines.

    So many reasons other than marks.

    Admiralty could pay your Admirals the allowance, guaranteed cash every 30 days at sea plus share bonuses for prizes ( not sinkings, that's your duty ).

    O a lot could be done with career papers and not marks.


    ...* wakes up *...

    I like your vision. If only...

  8. Great ideas!

    But as I would expect implementation to require a lot of new code as well as exponentially growing demand on processing power, I would hope that this would be more of a long term goal of a Naval Action 2.0 rather than something that happens now. Thickness, BR reevaluation, functioning economy, 4th dimension hopping Port Battles and screeners, not to mention tutorials, FAQ, and UI design all are higher priority.

  9. 12 hours ago, Giobhniu14 said:

    Hey, I'm struggling in understanding the full strategic value of having/giving people the wind, I've no naval background or experience, until I started playing this game so a lot of the naval terms are coming slow to me. I've played on and off for a little while, and I believe I understand part of its value, however I'm sure I don't have the complete picture, I've seen it mentioned that is is bad giving an enemy the wind, I can see why its not ideal, but it seems a primary concern of some captains to avoid, and as I don't share that sense of priority, and i'm woefully inexperienced with pvp, I assume there is something I'm missing, and its not something I'm prioritizing in battle. I'm hoping that someone out there can explain the concept to me so that I can play more effectively. I'm used to fighting A.I also so I have no idea if they are trying to gain wind-related advantages on me or if they are just playing as simple as I assume I am, and if I got sunk in pvp more maybe it would become apparent.


    What I think giving the enemy the wind means:

    If the wind is blowing from S to N, and the enemy is to the S of my ship, and we are both sailing due N that enemy has the wind. 

    Why I think that is bad:

    if someone is downwind of me it is more difficult to close the range of the engagement assuming we both want to fight, and we have comparable speed and stern/bow chasers

    Where I believe my confusion lies:

    1. If players are presumably using longs in pvp as its the dominant weapon isn't their range the same (I'm aware pen is not)? If so when they turn to shoot, as long as I can meet their turn can't we exchange fire the same regardless of the wind? Assuming we can pen each other of course.
    2. if I'm in front, they have to sail towards me to engage which means they can only shoot when we are in effective range of each other, they cannot force me to a specific side for fear of losing distance, doesn't that mean that if I'm in front I dictate which side I fight on?
    3. If I have the wind (by my thought of what that term means) and I turn to shoot, do I not get pushed into the water lowering my aim and presenting a nice flat surface for my enemy ship, which is up wind to shoot assuming their elevation is too high?

    Additional questions:

    1. Is having the wind only useful if you are the faster ship? I know the consensus is that speed is king in PVP but if its that important and a player is that good at staying in that pocket why have much Armour at all? And why isn't everyone just attacking and kiting from that sector of the compass?
    2. Can a slower ship do anything against a faster ship that can sit back their effectively?

    Maybe I've simply got the concept backwards now that its typed out in front of me and I've read over it, it wouldn't be the first time a Naval term has done that  to me. Either way I'm definitely missing something and I know its simple and I'm going to feel a fool when its pointed out, but I've been married long enough to know sometimes that's just the order of things. 

    @SteelSandwich gave you some quite good answers. I will address your question 3 if I understand you correctly. If you are running with the wind (wind at your back) and the enemy is in front of you, yes a turn to fire a broadside will tend to lower your aim by differing amounts depending on the tendency of your particular ship to heel. You can counter this by depowering (the T key) which lowers your stay sails and by turn your sails perpindicular to the wind. In other words: reduce the amount of sail that you have catching the wind and making you heel.

  10. 7 hours ago, seanjo said:

    Where is fleet practice? And if you get sunk, do you lose your ship?


    Under the Missions tab. You will enter in the ship you occupy in port when you enter the Fleet Practice. There is no permanent damage nor rewards. I don't know what happens if you survive the Fleet Practice but if you die, you spawn again in the same ship right OUTSIDE the port from which you started.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Villars said:

    I am happy to say I signed up for Naval Action and am very impressed. 

    However, in pure battle mode, I do not understand how I can get bigger ships. How do I get gold?

    I have sailed in the open world and earned 25,000 gold from attacking a ship. But that did not transfer into the battle mode for some reason.


    In addition to the previous answer, note that to effectively captain a bigger ship, you need more crew which you can buy when you are a higher rank. Check out navalactionwiki.com for details on player ranks and ships.

    I'm not sure what you mean by pure battle mode. A combat instance is started from open water by either you clicking on an enemy and clicking "Attack" or him doing the same to you. If you are victorious, you win gold. If you're talking about the fleet practice room, no gold is awarded there and you sail in your own ship. You can "capture" ships by boarding in this fleet practice but you don't get to keep them.

    Welcome to the game. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    capitol part won't work....I'm RUSSIAN we have no capital.  Though just make it done with a workshop and it would be limited enough.

    Well you did pick an "impossible" nation. :P 

    Okay, Capitol not required but if only a workshop is required, someone could put their workshop in the resource producing port and we'd be back where we started: resources harvested, mods produced, and then added to the Captains Chest all in the starting port. Remove or change the Captains Chest and the ships will just get built in the original port, modifications made, and tp'd out.

    My goal is to see uninstalled mods or their necessary components out on the open water.

  13. 2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I don't mind the captian chest for the mods, but what I don't like is you can pop into a port, buy the rare mats needed, craft the mod and than pop back out to where you need it.  The resources need to be brought back to a port to be crafted so chance some oe gets your trade ship.  Easy solution is make the work shop needed not just for cannons, but any mod you want to craft you have to have a work shop in a port and bring all mats to that workshop to craft the mods.

    Yes. Make all mods craftable but only in a workshop in your Capitol. 

  14. This game will make you yearn to upgrade your graphics card. I played the first few months on a weak card and finally upgraded. It was a feeling like the first time my bad eyes out on a pair of glasses.

    Welcome to NA!

    • Like 1
  15. 9 hours ago, Baptiste Gallouédec said:

    Thanks to the few Dutchs who came to help at the El Toco screen, when some Russian and Polish captains choose to fight side by side with the Swedes and  Brits... 

    It was an incredible few hours. It seemed like every nation was represented -- some nations perhaps even fighting for both sides of the primary combatants. On Dutch TS we were trying to figure out who was joining whom.

    Anyway, I enjoyed joining up with the French. It was the first time I'd faced @Liq in battle. And even tho he spanked our small frigate force in his Bellona, at least I didn't die.

    Many good fights in those waters yesterday. 

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