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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    to fix this invisibility and speed boost must be removed. but i think its generally a very much liked feature

    Keep the invisibility and speed boost.

    When one faction tags another faction, the join circles should be for those two factions — not an artificial pirate designation for one side.

    Keep all battles open to join for longer period of time. I’d prefer they never close. Each side has the opportunity to bring their numbers up to 25 no matter how far they have to sail or what the BR is as long as they can get there within the 90 minutes. Of course, the more time that passes from battle start, the more likely the join circle will be far away from the action.

    I know this isn’t perfect because of time compression but it’s the only fair option.

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/3/2017 at 3:37 PM, The Red Duke said:

    certain woods and crafting options alter the amount of repairs needed for each cycle.

    the baseline is as Hodo wrote, but differences may appear.

    Thanks guys for the replies.

    That’s interesting. So, for example, a teak ship takes different amount of repairs than an oak ship? Any guidance or advice which builds take more or less?

  3. Our Danish friends continue their rather awkward attempts at immigration to the Dutch nation. All they need to do is apply to our Foreign Alien Office in Willemstad and we will provide you with the necessary documents as well as a handy time zone chart which will assist you in setting your watches and avoid those nasty mistimed port battles set exactly at server maintenance.

    On the immigration forms please don’t forget to note the Bellona you took off one of our captains. This fact could hurt your approval chances but lying on your application is even worse. We will take in to account your generous sacrifice of a Victory and Wasa.

    And to the poor American captain who apparently lost his way in our waters last night, here’s a tip: north (that’s your home) is up on your map, south is down.

    • Like 1
  4. 22 hours ago, Zoky said:

    1. Huge self-sustained safezones for old farts

    2. Huge disbalance among ships

    3. Too long tag timers

    4. Too accurate stern chasers

    5. Too little rewards

    6. Stupid unlimited repair system

    7. Maginot line in many smaller regions

    8. Too few free ports

    9. Stupid ROE based on br

    10. Stupid ROE in general

    11. ...

    and many more

    1. The size of safe zones can always be tweaked but overall they should remain in place and be big enough that a player who wants to spend an hour in game can do so without having to constantly look over his shoulder. However there really needs to be more economic reasons to make players want to leave those zones.

    2. Balance ships? Some work need to be done there with more accurate BR numbers. I would love to see each of the frigates have a legitimate roll.

    3. No opinion.

    4. If magical repairs was fixed/limited, I feel like stern chaser accuracy would be less of an issue. Seriously, if you are chasing a faster ship 1 v 1, he has a good point of sail, and open ocean in front of him, he should get away. Basically if someone wants to run and he’s fast, you’re gonna need to do massive damage to him in the opening minutes or he’s getting away.

    5. A lot of rewards now. Do you mean higher rewards for PVP? The rewards available for PVP marks should stay very expensive and always be in the form of permanent mods. We don’t need the best PVP to sail around with super powers in every ship they own. Permanent mods are vulnerable which is a good thing.

    6. Yep, repairs needs repairing. I believe the Devs realize this.

    7. I assume this refers again to your problem with safe zones. Do what the Germans did, don’t attack them at the Maginot Line.

    8. I’d be okay with a couple more free ports but don’t think it’s vital to the game with our current population.

    9 and 10. To what stupid ROE are you referring?

  5. 42 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    It should be noted that the rule of thumb as pointed by Hodo can change according to the crafting/equipment choices of the ship. So it can increase but never under the baseline. So don't be surprised if you see a Snow at 4 hull and 5 rig.

    You mean, for example, if using certain perks or mods that increases the effectiveness of repairs? Please explain further. I always assumed a repair would use X amount of repairs with Y percentage of restoration modified by perks/mods. 

  6. THIS would be a totally different way at looking at repairs but I know that many have advocated for more flexible or dynamic ways to assign crew than just On and Off.

    What if there was an additional crew assignment “Repairs” or it could just be a function or replace the Survival button. We’d have to experiment with percentages and the speed each crew does but wouldn’t it be cool if you could devote more and more men to Damage Control but it would be at the expense of everything else?

  7. 3 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    Can someone explain how the reinforcement zones work?  Where are they located?  When were they added to the game?  Perhaps a link to the post when they were last added.

    Not a very in-depth explanation (in the taxation section) but they came with Patch 11.0


    Subsequent patches made the zones smaller and provided a visual indicator when you were in a reinforcement zone.

    I’ve never had to call on reinforcements or had them called against me but my understanding is if you are tagged in to battle within your nations zone, there is a button on your screen to call for reinforcements. They come in the form of an overwhelming number of friendly super powered 1st rates that will make it difficult to impossible for your foe to escape. 

  8. 5 hours ago, George Washington said:

    Easy to use BR calculator to set up your ideal PB combination.


    Thanks for getting this done so quickly, George.

    I have added a few functions, created some explanations, and changed the formatting some. I tried to set it up like a planner for pb participation.

    Note to all... this spreadsheet is not editable. You need to make a copy on your google drive or download a copy.

    Port Battle BR Calculator v1.2

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  9. I don't go out looking for PVP very often but I know that when I'm out of the safe zone, I am fair game for any foe. And if I'm in a warship, I'm looking for targets.

    I never have understood why some players consider those that sink them as evil. It's the goal of the game in the PVP servers. A batter in the World Series is not evil just because he wants to score even though that comes at the expense of the other team.

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