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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 3 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Not to mention that most guys who are trying those missions for the first time in a brand new store-bought ship (they can't have the skill or resources to have capped a sixth rate yet) might not have the perks for double/charge yet either, or potentially have wasted them on other less useful perks, etc. because they don't know better. Remember, these missions are the *first* thing someone would do when they step up to a sixth rate.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't have a challenge laid out for them from time to time, but potentially it should be a low percentage mission occurrence and they'd then have the chance to learn how to run if they are scared to take on three?

    Yes. I really hope that the final tutorials include either an FAQ or other instruction on how the perk system and knowledge slot system work. The community can also do a FAQ but I’d feel better about the time commitment required after the Devs get their UI in place. 

  2. On 2/12/2018 at 7:32 PM, RedNeckMilkMan said:

    You have a base repair rate 

    25% base hull

    25% base rig

    so when you hit a repair you will use the number of hull reps or rig reps required to repair that amount

    each hull repair/rig repair (item) = 100 hp

    so if you have 10000 hp you will repair 2500 hp on a repair and will use 25 hull repair items.

    So if you have a perk or mod that increases your repair percentage above the base 25%, you’ll use more repairs per instance?

  3. 1 hour ago, Bearwall said:

    So.. on average the merge did nothing for the playerbase and the numbers went above 700 twice this week because of important PBs? Hardly a testiment to the success of the global server..



    What is the global gaming population + population like myself who otherwise plays no games but is interested because of this games theme?

    Some may have quit because of timers or lack of but the reasons why we don’t have 2k, 3k, 10k or greater players at any one time are far more complex than timers.


    3 hours ago, admin said:

    this will change soon once new VM conditions will be deployed

    Perhaps it would prevent stuck conditions (where too many ports are “locked” behind timers) if there was a limit to the number of timers a nation can place.

    In fact, make it based on the “difficulty” level of a nation. You can place timers on half the number of ports you have in a safe zone. For example, the Dutch have 4 safe ports. We could place (and pay for) timers on 2 additional ports. I don’t know how many Spain has but let’s say 30. They could place 15 timers. “Impossible” nations are impossible. They have no protected ports so could place no timers.

  5. As I recall, the big problems with the War Company idea were it was rough for newbies and clanless players and the idea of capturable ports only in the middle of the map seemed limiting.

    Here’s how I’d do it.

    Clan wars are possible for both PVP and RVR outside their safe zone.

    Safe Zones remain similar (or smaller) to now. Within a nations safe zone, there is no green on green allowed for that nation. For example, within Dutch safe zone, no Dutch can attack or fight another Dutch. If a Swede on Swede battle was encountered in Dutch safe zone , Dutch could join either or both sides.

    Port status choices would be: Available For All, Available for Nation, Available for Clan and its Friendly Clans.

    Yea, outside the safe zone one could attack newbs and clanless players but I personally think a species that eats its young will ultimately dwindle away anyway.

  6. 13 minutes ago, H2O said:

    Assign color and number to each rate, this way we will be able to quickly distinguish ships for each category. No need to sort by alphabet. Rate colors is the most efficient way to sort ships. By looking at the color player will automatically know where it belongs. Having a simple 'colored' square with rate number next to ship name is the way to go--> VICTORY [ 1 ]. 

    1st rates - Color 1 00000000

    LOCEAN [ 1 ]

    SANTISIMA [ 1 ]

    VICTORY [ 1 ]

    2nd rates - Color 2 00000000

    PAVEL [ 2 ]

    BUCENTAURE [ 2 ]

    3rd rates - Color 3 00000000

    BELLONA [ 3 ]

    WASA [ 3 ]

    4th rates - Color 4 00000000

    5th rates - Color 5 00000000

    6th Rates - Color 6 00000000


    Since we now have the whole RNG crafting ship color thing, I’d say sorting by color would confuse some. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    What about having no downsides of smuggler flag? Literally, everyone can sail around 24/7 with a smuggler, just in case, it might come in handy... Only benefits, no downsides of this mechanics, so why do we need it at all?

    Yes. Either give it a meaningful purpose or get rid of it.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    I will give you the damn finest teak logs you have ever seen along with 500 war supplies!

    Hold on to those war supplies! Within 3 months those will surely meta...


    I offer up one of the Aggies I have to redeem in the next month.

    • Like 2
  9. A scuttling option would be good IF we had a total war game where economic warfare was developed and mattered but since we're for all intents and purposes basically just a variation on a shoot 'em game, it would mainly be used for griefing. One can always just turn off survival if you've suffered enough damage and keep enough distance to avoid the preemptive boarding.

    • Like 2
  10. Agree with most of previous suggestions. 

    Totals from previous THREE weeks since one week's statistics can be a fluke:

    Victory Marks earned

    PVP Marks earned

    Combat Marks earned

    XP earned

    Gross economic activity of clan and members

    (And while we're talking about clans, warehouse logs please!)

  11. 7 hours ago, admin said:

    do you have it on video 
    we need detailed description of positions from which you caused the flip

    I'm afraid I'm rarely recording a video and don't have one in this instance. Best as I can recall, I believe I slowly tapped the bow of my Indefat to probably somewhere on the back third of the Inger's starboard side. That's all the information I have unfortunately.

    My ship was a regular 5 knowledge 3 permanent slot Teak Frame White Oak Plank Indefatigable with roogs on bottom, carros on top, longs at the front, mediums at back. I don't recall the exact mods I had. I think Bovenwinds, Gazelle and Basic Hull refit. If it matters for your big squashing, I was probably using Art of Ship Handling, Optimized Ballast, Winged Out Ballast, and a couple of gunnery perks. 

  12. I'd love to have ship names display in OW and battle but understand that would be complicated. So...

    Google reveals numerous lists of historical and fictional ship names. Replace the crafting region field with ship names randomly assigned from this list when crafted. AI ships wouldn't have a name. 

  13. At approximately 2/10/18 00:30 UTC I was moving in to loot a Dane Ingermanland. I tapped him and my Indefatigable flipped like someone flipping a pancake, landed upside down, and sunk. PVP marks were awarded to the dead Dane I tapped.

    I'd like this Indefatigable (Teak/WO) with edinaroogs on bottom and carros on top restored to me. I submitted an F11 in game when it happened.

    Thank you.

  14. 1 hour ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    Why not make naming your ship a reward for doing very well in that ship. If a ship survives over numerous battles it becomes famous and the name of the ship becomes "feared across the sea."

    That's a good idea. Let's say after you open the 5th slot, it gets a name visible to all that stays with that ship until sunk. That ship would be recognized on the waters. Or at least have the ability to be notorious. 

  15. While it would be awesome to be able to make our ship, it would still be great if names were assigned randomly based on historcal ship names. Duplicates when they happened would not be a big deal.

    My opinion is that naming ships would be worth the additional database work, even if it was a paid feature. I'm pretty sure it would be successful.

  16. IMO we should seek balance for gameplay and players desires and not worry TOO much about historical accuracy that 1st rates are rare.

    It appears the Devs are going to implement a way so smaller nations can obtain them. Let’s see how that plays out.

    If it doesn’t work, or inflation or 1st rate supply runs rampant, What about a way to limit horded supply and encourage their circulation? What if only 5 could fit in a Captains Chest, only 10 could go in a clan warehouse, and they were otherwise not stackable. Players would have to use valuable warehouse space to store them, spend them, or eventually push them to market.

  17. 3 hours ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    The issue I have with this change is the port battle timer. With only about three hours to grind hostility it would be very difficult to grind enough hostility in smaller ships to flip a port. Extend the time frame of ports then I can see this as a reasonable solution @admin. Otherwise I feel there is a need for a new system.

    Yes. Allow hostility generation to start at least one hour prior to the window.

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