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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 3 minutes ago, victor said:

    I read "player's manual" ... not "tutorial" ... uhm ... is this also a translation thing or .... no tutorial?

    It does translate to players manual. Hopefully what comes will be both: some necessary video tutorials but an FAQ and written explanations on certain mechanics would have even more impact. I've got 1000s of hours and still would like a OFFICIAL reference.

  2. 37 minutes ago, H2O said:

    Can someone confirm this, I used google translate.

     Примерный срок выхода следующего обновления - следующая неделя. Однако, эта дата может быть перенесена, поэтому точную дату на данный момент предоставить мы не можем. Возможность добавления описанных вами функций будет рассматриваться после руководства для игрока, интерфейса и локализации.

    The approximate date for the next update is next week. However, this date can be transferred, so we can not provide the exact date at the moment. The ability to add the functions described by you will be considered after the player's manual, interface and localization.

     У нас пока нет точной даты релиза игры. Ориентировочно - текущий год. План на ближайшее полугодие пока еще не сформирован.

    We do not yet have an exact release date for the game. Tentatively - current year. The plan for the nearest half-year has not been formed yet.

    Give like if you are happy!

    Google translate is pretty much accurate except instead of

    "this date can be transferred"

    a more clear translation would be "this date could shift".

  3. In OW, the 4 knot speed of many ships when close hauled is mindnumbing.

    The skating on ice feel might be just an impression of how it looks graphically rather than what's happening.

    In a game where looting ships is important, someone needs to instruct AI Captains that when they are in trouble, turning upwind is not a helpful tactic. It's now too often impossible to get to a wreck. It doesn't have to be automatic, but ability to loot needs to revert to a percentage chance similar to before the new sail mechanics.

  4. 1 hour ago, Odol said:

    Here is an example for you.

    A Trader Brig sails out of La Navas at 0815 heading north west to George Town.   A Pirate jumps out in a Belle Poole 20min later, and catches him 40min after that, so at 915 the battle starts.  The T-Brig screems for help in national chat, and a Victory and a Surprise jump out of Kingston at 930, then sail around the cape, head north to where the battle is, and arrives at 1845, they then jump into the battle spawning damned near on top of the Belle Poole pirate who had an easy prey.   Because for the Pirate and the Trade ship it has only been 20min real life


    If you want escorts, have someone escort you and stay within tag range the WHOLE time, this is how escorts worked, and how they STILL work.

    We're not anywhere near "real life" in this game.

    And I'm not looking for help for the Trader Brig in your example. Reinforcements from KPR will not be able to save him 20 minutes later. They'll spawn nowhere near him.

    BUT in a game with low population and interesting PVP between multiple ships difficult to find, I want those KPR reinforcements to run in to the sortied ships from Mortimer who have all set sail to join the action.

    Keeping battles open does not necessarily save the weak or help the ganker. Additional players can join on both sides.

  5. 2 hours ago, victor said:

    Point is with a progressive reward system, if a PVP player has very little rewards in sealclubbing and has good skills in fighting he will seek better targets. If a PVP player has not enough skills he will indeed stick to sealclubbing, but at least he will get the mediocre rewards he deserves.

    Now you get exaclty the same rewards in killing a noob and in killing a pro ... which one would you prefer fighting?


    I understand what you're trying to do but worry that simply doing this will tempt some to exploit the mechanic: You kill me now, next battle I'll kill you. The only way to avoid that is if being killed lowers your rank and I think we want to avoid that.

    Your solution assumes most players will attempt to obtain the most rewards by giving themselves the greatest challenge. Although I'm a fairly recent returnee to gaming after a 25 year break, I've seen very little evidence that this is how most folks play this game. In reading about the constant use of game mechanics in RVR to avoid combat and competition, I'd say a large portion of the player base does not find competition desirable.

    PvP opportunities are rare enough and the need for PvP marks great enough that few of us can afford to pass up the opportunity to kill another player if we think we can be successful.

    BUT if your idea was part of a more developed reputation system pehaps it would work. 

  6. On 1/12/2018 at 5:24 AM, Eyesore said:

    So, if a trader/smuggler escapes a warship (in a battleinstance) ... should he be awarded with a pvp-mark? After all, from the traderperspective, escaping the raider is a win ...

    It would be a change and perhaps the uber-pvp'ers can stop calling traders that can get away from them noobs? Or perhaps the raider simply loses some of his pvp-marks if he fails to sink or capture a tradeship? After all, the shame of such a failure must cost something?

    And why exactly would you differentiate between a smuggler and a trader? The smuggler is already taking the higher risk?

    As someone mentioned, the first idea is unfortunately too exploitable. But it would be perfect if they ever implement Trade Marks. Escape earns a trade mark.

    I don't think the raider losing a PVP mark for an unsuccessful chase is a good idea. That would discourage risk taking and solo action and encourage ganking.

  7. I get the point that giving PVP Marks for killing a "Recently Killed" is exploitable. That's unfortunate. But make it so a Recently Killed can not attack.

    The OP was referring to a situation we had yesterday. I killed a trader in my Traders Brig. He popped in to La Mona and got in a Cerb and was waiting for me when I left the battle. Being low on repairs and obviously outgunned, I ran. He chased me almost all the way to Aves before he caught me. A countryman was able to join the fight, save me, and sink the stubborn Cerb. But my countryman got no reward because the Cerb captain was recently killed.

    And for the captain who said "who cares about PVP Marks?"... Some of us need them. They are our only chance to ever see a Victory Mark.

    • Like 1
  8. On 1/12/2018 at 2:25 AM, admin said:

    i missed not in post

    we thought that not leaving friends and comrades is taught by men and fathers and schools and movies. 

    Sure. I think we all understand your justification on why the fleet is lost.

    But if a player has not ever done it nor been told about it, he probably thinks hitting "escape" will escape his whole fleet. Remember, you currently have no instructions in game. Please make sure you address fleet operations in the upcoming tutorials. You don't even need a tutorial but simple instructions explaining commands to fleet are needed. 

  9. To complete 7th rate mission in basic cutter:

    1. I choose double charge as my first perk, others may choose differently.

    2. Start sailing towards enemy at full sail. Load regular ball on left side, double charge on right.

    3. As you near enemy, slow to battle sails, prepare to pass him on the his downwind side.

    4. As you are about to pass, if your heel is too great to aim at his side, manually turn your sails to the left, reducing heel.

    5. Give him the left broadside, increase sails to full, turn on autosail.

    6. Turn right (downwind) the enemy will turn left downwind.

    7. Line up to give him the right broadside. He will be reloading. Slow down if necessary to aim well. Fire right broadside.

    8. Turn in to him and close distance. Your left side will be almost reloaded. When it is, turn slightly upwind and fire that side.

    9. The biggest mistake I see folks making is going too fast in the basic cutter. Use battle sails to turn more tightly and aim more accurately. Continue to close distance to repeat giving him both broadsides.


  10. The problem in ship crafting is not the time and effort it takes to gather the materials. That's trade and econ and even tho this part of the game is woefully undeveloped, going backwards in game complexity is not the key to success.

    The problem: It's the multiclick, multidrag shuffles between screens, warehouses, and storage locations. The UI is awful for the crafter and traders purposes. Hopefully the new UI will fix this.

  11. 2 hours ago, seanjo said:

    Sharks with frikkin laser beams on their heads...

    Oh great... [sigh] Probably only available for Victory Marks. Small nations will continue to decline of we can't get sharks with laser beams.

    Perhaps an RNG drop. #makefishinggreatagain

    • Like 2
  12. Something has to be done about the Wasa. Yes, one-on-one skilled players in the right build 3rd or 2nd rate can beat it. There are even a few who can probably beat it one-on-one in a 4th rate. BUT... It is an incredible force multiplier on fleet engagements for those who can get it. And more and more they are going to be in the hands of those who don't need a force multiplier. They're already the most powerful nations.

    Nerf it or bump its BR and then allow everyone to build it.

    Or the other idea is we all just instasurrender to Wasas and save some time.

    • Like 1
  13. Since so much of this game is dependent on building competitive nations, I'd like it to be difficult to switch to a more powerful nation.

    1 set of Forged Papers should be given to each new player, usable up to a certain rank or it disappears. That gives a newbie a chance to get a feel for nations and the game.

    Otherwise a move to a weaker nation is paid in gold, progressively less expensive as you go down the power ladder. A move to a stronger nation costs Victory Marks, progressively more expensive as you go up the nation power ladder.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

    It might be that it is too easy to level up.  We know thee are a ton of max-rank players who never did anything but farm missions, build an uber ship, and think they are unstoppable.  When they are disabused of that notion, they have to decide if they overestimated their own abilities, or if the game is broken.

    Usually, they favor the latter.

    This is true. I got almost to Admiral before having to face the fact that I really didn't know how to fight another player effectively. Hell, even tho now I can sort of hold my own once in the PVP battle, I still don't think I grasp the concept of getting the initial tag right.

    As with almost every "problem" folks point out in game, the solution is more population -- more Captains of all ranks and skills -- so that the new player wanting (or being forced) to PVP has some chances of meeting similarly experienced peers as well as meeting the PVP gods.

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