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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 4 hours ago, Archaos said:

    The problem is that for proper moderation you need moderators who are always going to be online and for an unpaid job that is not very likely. We have had moderators before and what has happened to them? Some no longer play, some have probably given up moderating due to abuse they have received or accusations of being biased, there has even been tribunals raised regarding the mods.

    For proper moderation you would need permanent monitoring of the channel by people who are not actually playing the game.

    Is it a perfect system? No. But I think having 8-10 or so Moderators who are only responsible for Help chat would provide enough coverage. “Violations” would be more clear cut. If it’s not players asking questions and being answered, it’s a violation. The system can periodically broadcast the sole purpose of Help Chat. Those who violate this can be assumed to not need Help Chat and have their access removed for some period of time. No tribunals. No appeals. First violation lose it for a day. 2nd for a week. 3rd forever. 

  2. Please consider keeping Help chat. Assign some moderators. Moderating Help Chat should not have the same issues you had with moderators in the past. They’re either legitimate Help discussions or they are not. I’ll volunteer. There are others who actively and regularly respond with Help as well. 

    • Like 4
  3. Removal of Global Chat?

    Well, I guess...

    Removal of Battle Chat?

    Well, I guess...

    Both we can ultimately live without.

    Removal of Help Chat?

    Not a good idea. EVERY DAY there are numerous pleas for help from new players trying to understand something or other in game that is not explained in the tutorials or introduction. Nation chat is too crowded for help discussions. This is definitely going to negatively impact player retention.


    • Like 4
  4. 9 hours ago, Koltes said:

    Thats great, but I never heard players complaining that fighting mechanics makes this game unplayable...

    I have heard a lot that poor crafting implementation together with poor RVR and Open World mechanics were the biggest problem. 

    Are we getting our priorities right?  

    “sailing model to make Naval Action (and future games) better” Emphasis added.

    As someone else recently said, “It is, what it is.” :( 

    • Like 3
  5. On 8/7/2020 at 10:09 AM, Lt Sekiro said:

    Alt Account power again :D

    Give reward to player they have to do something for get it , don't give more gift for alt player.

    Sure. Why not. Have something like sail for 10 hours this week and receive 5k doubloons. Whatever. The point is characters logged in to the game are good for the game. 

    • Like 1
  6. I get how the owner clans feel. I’d probably feel the same. But increased availability of competitive ships would definitely be a good thing for the whole game.


    Port Battles sure were more fun and more popular when the reward for winning was port ownership and a chest in your hold. Remember the excitement of trying to get back to port to open your chest and find a paint, ship note, and some mods?

    • Like 2
  7. I’m just spitballing here trying to address the legitimate complaints of those clans who have put in so much work with the idea of karma which I think is a good one for alliances and allowing a different style of gameplay.

    1. Bonuses are available to clans on your friend’s list. Like we have now.

    2. They are not available to those in your nation not on your friend’s list. Like we have now. An anti-ALT mechanic.

    3. They are available to neutrals HOWEVER neutrals CAN NOT TOW ships in and out of that port. Maybe not even be able to teleport in and out. Clan owners will able to decide how much neutral traffic they want to allow in and out of their ports. Neutrals will probably need to escort in and out. Could generate PVP.

    Obviously this restriction could be avoided by one more ALT in the owning nation. Neutral builds ship; gives it to someone in the owning nation who tows it out but selling more accounts is perhaps one of the secondary goals in this anyway.

    (I must admit that my opinion is there never should have been port bonuses and if they had to be, each crafter should have to develop their own bonuses.)

    • Like 1
  8. In the original @admin post, defense seemed to be allowed. Now I’m a bit confused.

    What about this scenario: I’m a Pirate. I have positive karma with Sweden. I come upon an open world battle where Swedes have tagged/attacked Pirate. If I join to help defend my fellow Pirate, do I lose my positive karma with Sweden?

  9. I’m not sure what you’re looking for. I am a long way from learning or using much math, but...

    The adjustments to labor are applied separately.

    First, the port’s reduction:

    2000 x .6 = 1200

    Then, your farm’s level reduction:

    1200 x .8 = 960

    I assume somewhere in there is a rounding up to 961.

    I really hope I don’t now have to copy and paste this on my Facebook page and tag my friends. 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Lt Sekiro said:

    If you join a battle against nation A , you can't help this nation 


    I help russian vs swedish , i can't help swedish in battle

    Yes, I understand how it works at least as far as has been revealed by Admin. I was responding to your statement — which without scrolling back — was something like that “it will kill PVP.” It doesn’t necessarily do that. What it will do is you’ll have to decide if you plan to be allied with any other nations. If so, you can’t jump into a battle against them. You can’t attack your allies which just makes sense. If you want no allies and want to pass on the potential benefits having allies might provide, then you’ll have just as much PVP as before.

    • Like 2
  11. 5 hours ago, Lt Sekiro said:

    The last change on speed really killed actual pvp situation.


    7% speed lost.

    On most of ship , this lost mean 1kn speed lost. You will say its equal for all ship so its the same.

    Not really , 1kn speed change a lot of think for manoeuvring , windows beetwenn fire ect ect..

    New meta is what? , full tanky build^+ relaod  / floating battery build

    Why? , before chance for a fast ship to kill this kind of ship was hard but can be do cause of speed and manoeuvring.

    Now you don't have chance  chance to kill them, they turn like you , they shoot you 2 time before you get out of line of fire  + new meta on heavy rig make most of time impossibleto demast tha kind of shi... more for floating battery one who got ruder bonus and turn better than you even slow as fk.

    + lower speed mod ( floating battery ect ect) give less malus now for ship cause of speed change. (everyone is slower , so 15% speed malus is less a penalty)


    Hunt is most of time take a small ship or a fast one for take some kill and run out of ganking action ( most of time happen).

    Now hunt is go take fast ship , can't kill tanky ship cause you can't out manoeuvring him , and die in ganking action.

    I hope you will fix it, cause action is PZ with full tank and shoot like tard only

    This is a good point. Quick, agile ships show their advantage not primarily in straight line speed but in the ability to dart in and out of the enemy’s targeting window while still getting in their own broadsides. Even tho the speed difference remains the same, it is going to be harder for agile ships to use their one advantage to get out of the way of that heavier broadside. It’s going to take longer but reload rate of that heavier ship is still the same. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Henry Long Castle said:

    lol didnt even know that was in the game. If it is, why is again % chance of happening, should be either 100% or 0%. You either have boats affecting the wind around them or you dont .

    I took that to mean that the chances they will implement wind shadow in game have gone up. That is, they are considering it more seriously. 

  13. @admin bravo. I think this will be ultimately a good development.

    Will there be a visual indication on positive, neutral, or at war karma with your nation when you view an enemy captain on open water?

    It would be beneficial to know whether that enemy is maintaining positive karma with my nation in making my decision whether to attack. 

  14. I understand the frustration, but we know from what happens to population every time we await a big announced change: population drops as people don't know where invest their time and effort. The game gets frozen by inaction. How soon before such a wipe do you think players will start not bothering to do stuff? A wipe is just not the answer. The answer is negative pressures on nation growth. It should more and more difficult to own an empire the bigger it becomes.

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