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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. I’d like the leaderboard to give a certain notoriety in game. We need a reputation system but in the meantime, for example, PVP leaders should have some sort of designation when you click on them in OW. It just goes to figure that an experienced captain in these waters in the 18th century would have someone on his crew who would recognize it and yell “That is the Dread Pirate Sink-You-All’s ship!”

    But, I'm sure that won't happen since removal of names and ship types was implemented so that we can't avoid or plan wisely for a meeting with the killer PVP gods and more of the glorious 1 killing 6 videos that seem to amuse some would not get made.

  2. 3 hours ago, admin said:


    • This also means that outnumbered players will have easier time fighting against bigger groups who rely on active chaining as the ONLY tactic. 

    Please start thinking about new tactics and of course.... discuss. 

    I am interested in any new tactics suggestions and how you and the community envision that this will make it easier for smaller groups to fight bigger groups. In the past, one of the few tactics I saw for a smaller group to effectively deal with a larger force is by limiting their movements and ability to consolidate their forces so that they can be dealt with separately (or even to escape to fight another day). In NA that is often done by chaining or demasting.


    1 hour ago, admin said:


    • Chain DOES NOT not have ANY tactical depth.
      •  It is just ololol clicker heroes currently. CS FN P90 has more tactical depth than chain in Naval Action.


    1 hour ago, admin said:

    For chain there is no tactical depth becuase you just click fire by KD. Tactical depth in shooting

    Limited chain is a win win feature. There are no losers
    If you plan to fight and you fit for strong rig it will be harder to chain you non stop
    If you plan to run, if you really really want to run limited chain will actually make running easier.


    While there are obviously some chain griefers, I disagree with your assertion that use of chain is not tactical. See my above comment.

    Anyway, we don’t know how limited chain will be so let’s test.

  3. Make all mods craftable. Make them require raw materials only available OUTSIDE the safe zones. Require a workshop INSIDE the safe zones to craft them. (Sorry Poland, Russia, and Prussia — you’re “impossible” nations tho you would still be able to control raw resources.)

    Make outside the safezones resource production and ship building cheaper than inside. Cheaper labor and require less materials. Basic resource production should be less expensive than inside.

    Makes control of resources in remote areas more important as well as making more trade lanes that need raiding or protecting.

    Yes these suggestions are more economic but I feel that the more we can tie economy to RVR and PVP, the more vibrant the population.

  4. I’m not sure if this change has even been implemented yet but if so, can we please see some screenshots and videos showing instances where AI reinforcements were called for and they were not enough to save the player.

    There are numerous reasons why the game is working for so few players but I’m not sure insufficient AI reinforcements in the safe zone is one of them.

  5. I don’t get this change BUT then I am even more puzzled why IMO the bleeding off of new players (and the resulting bad reviews) hasn’t been countered with a quick and dirty list of explanations/instructions available in game.

    But before everyone decides that this change is the final nail in the coffin, do we have much evidence that players who are attacked in the safe zone and then call for reinforcements, are they still dying?

  6. 2 hours ago, Atreides said:

    The Indiaman was reclassified as a 5th rate ship in some recent patch, so this is indeed some weird bug.

    Yes. They were listed as 5th rates when I saw them in OW. 

  7. I submitted an F11 when this happened but I wanted to make sure this was indeed a glitch and not what was supposed to happen...

    Last night (North American time) I attached a player who was sailing an Indiaman with a 3 Indiaman fleet. He fled but was forced to abandon 1 of his fleet ships so it immediately dropped sail and "surrendered". It took me some minutes to work upwind to inspect. When I tried to transfer crew, I got the message that I can not capture a NPC ship. I do have Fleet 1 perk and i was sailing alone. About that time the surrendered ship put up a few sails and started slowly moving. A caught up to him, again got the "X" but the same message about unable to capture. Needless to say there wasn't enough room on my Indefat to take much of the Indiaman cargo. 

  8. But couldn't quality of life features exist alongside reasons to sail?

    As others have suggested: encourage shipbuilding and resource gathering outside then zone. Encourage manufacturing of mods inside the zone using resources only available outside. Transport contracts. PvP zones created by trade interdiction missions in a certain area. The mission is to sink all foreign AI and player traders. Or sink enemy combatant missions. But you can still TP to your ports and have your tow option. Ports should have needs and Im not talking about gold.

    If there are more roles to fulfill besides just show up at next hostility or PB, I think you'll see players step up to fill them with their own niche style of play. The game could attract and hold others beyond those who just want to go churn PVP marks for their personal benefit. 

    • Like 1
  9. Players active in the forum hear about game changes. But it's my observation that most players I talk to in game rarely (or never) come here. The game should not be dependent on visiting a separate website in order to learn of new or changed mechanics.

    I hope the new UI shows the most recent patch notes on login as well as a link to past notes.

    • Like 18
  10. On 3/19/2018 at 4:07 PM, admin said:
    1. There will be a recruitment leaderboard for clans by mid april (based on 4 main activities, pvp, port battles, pve and crafting)
    2. New players will be forced to join a fleet or organization to get post captain rank (hard requirement)
    3. The list of clans to join or request to join will only be picked from the leaderboard
    4. As long as a player passes a first leutenant exam (challenges) nation chat will be notified by @Clerk about it with player name 
    5. as a result clans will be big and powerful

    Regarding the log - there will be no log unfortunately for some time; IF they happen they will be very limited (for example show logs only for 1 day). Dont expect logs as new players who come into the game do not care about logs. Logs will not increase online.

    Seems like an awful lot of effort to develop an area that is not a problem. Currently it is not a big issue for a new player to find clans or for clans to discover new players.

    What is a problem is the lack of clan management tools. I would suggest that warehouse logging should be given very high priority even if some other server task had to take a backseat. Without some warehouse security while still maintaining its accessibility it doesn’t matter how clans meet their new players nor what tests the new players have passed.

  11. You should post this in the support section. There seems to be a bug with the Ingermanland which causes ships to do this sometimes when even a light collision happens. Several of us have lost ships and Devs made good on them. 

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