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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 20 hours ago, Stars and Stripes said:

    You don't even play the game anymore.

    No one at all,  moans about this in game except gankers. Oh how the gankers would love this idea. 

    1 repair and your sails are down and no escape for you......equals even less players.


    I play every day and while I don’t moan about this issue, I do think repairs need some refinement.

    I like that we decide how many repairs we take and how our decisions affect ow and battle speed. It also requires thought before and during a patrol.

    The problem with repairs can be solved IMO by reducing the stackable repairs bonuses, repeated repairs giving diminishing returns, and  increasing cooldown between repairs significantly. Repairs should infinitely drop and sell in every port.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, SnovaZdorowa said:



    main rule for sucessfull online games instead simulators (most single-played) imho
    it's not historic cinema, it's game

    I agree. Gameplay > Realism. That’s why I’m against scurvy, real world wind patterns, realistic sailing times, and all kinds of other simulator ideas.

    But right now the ability of my alt to craft a Cartagena Refit in Cartagena, plop it in his Captains Chest, teleport  to his outpost in a Freetown, Give it to my character who puts it in his Captains Chest, teleports to my shipyard and plops it on a ship discourages all kinds of Game Play. The waters outside the most valuable ports should be the most dangerous in the game. Instead, they are very quiet.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Gizbo said:

    lol take a L'Ocean to enemy waters to kill noobie players then cry when they stall you to fight 

    P.S love the griefing troll story 

    I don't believe any of us Dutch have accused Gregory of sealclubbing or targeting newbies. He has always been known to be an honorable player.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    This kind of unsportsmanlike behaviour shouldn't be tolerated.

    Seriously? I’m consider myself fair and and usually able to see all sides to an argument but this specific situation doesn’t seem to have anything to do with sportsmanship or the lack thereof. I guess sportsmanlike would be if you only engaged a single first rate in your first rate but no one is advocating such “sportsmanship” in NA.

    We have a problem with mechanics in battle. Is there a problem with post battle spawn locations being exactly known? Yes. It’s also a problem that an artificial timer determines if forces can join a battle or not.

    But the idea of a lighter ship slowing and shadowing with a goal of bringing heavier ships to bear is a valid tactic. That is what happened.

    You raided Dutch waters in a lone L’Ocean for much of yesterday. The idea that we would not respond because it was your bed time and you wanted to get your first rate back to home waters is preposterous.

    I was in the last squadron headed out to attempt to get you. Ultimately we decided to turn back. We made several mistakes in our responses to your incursion. You made the mistake of getting stuck deep in enemy territory in a slow but powerful ship. You ultimately fought your way out gaining — as you said on Global — the top spot on the PVP board.

    Griefing without the intention of combat is bad. But that’s not what happened here. The Dutch were looking to fight and since you were in our waters in a 1st Rate, I assume you were too. We just weren’t headed to bed yet.

    Fair sails. 

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    Should be able to switch main ship for a fleet ship in OW.


    50 minutes ago, springby said:

    sure but make it a charged ability, the process should take some time and not be instant

    I disagree that it should be an extra perks - it should go with the fleet perk. But then, I think Fleet 1 should be not be a perk but every Captain should have it.

    Transferring to fleet ship should take 2 minutes with sails down just like log out and not be able to be cancelled.

    • Like 2
  6. 21 hours ago, Jack Spencer said:

    In a way this decision is unfortunate and game changing. Especially around Nation Capitals and Freeports which abound with gankers and port campers. Sometimes it is the only way traders can get cargo into port (by sailing to the outer boundaries of a teleport zone and teleporting into port. True it deprives the enemy of easy pray but gives traders a safety net against the predatory odds of this game. 

    The key to the traders' success, and in my opinion, more fun for traders, is a developed economy which makes the goods you are carrying have value to your nation and it's war/national effort rather than just a means to make one player rich.

    A trader bringing a load of needed ship building or war fighting materials for my clan can get support and escort. A player making a killing on historical artifacts is out of luck if others don't have the time nor inclination to stop what they're doing to come help.

  7. 60 seconds invisibility and hyperspeed that begins when sails go up or 120 seconds whichever comes first. No logging out but you have time to run and pee. After the invisibility, you have 120 more seconds when you can not tag or be tagged. If you've put enough distance between yourself and the enemy or hidden well enough, you'll have time to log out. If they can still get you, there's too many, it's too good of a trap, and you're screwed. 

  8. On 9/19/2018 at 1:56 PM, melarky said:

    Archaos - I guess that is my real question. I have to have at least 2 if I want to learn and make a perm? Was hoping there was some trick to be able to learn and make a perm with only 1 book. I'm just cheap.

    To craft the perm, you need an unread copy of the book. That book will be "consumed" when you craft the perm. So to 3 perm mods of this type, you'll need 3 book copies. The skill would be learned by reading yet another copy. 

  9. On 9/11/2018 at 4:47 PM, Dracul said:

    Just out of curiosity, where do you think the lines are drawn between 'historical simulation' and 'game', with regards to NA?  There is masses of historical simulation in this game.   IMHO,  NA is built around historical simulation.  What I proposed would just add more apprehension in battle.  Isn't this supposed to be a hard core 'game'?    

    The trouble is we can remove the magic info of crew numbers and damage percentages but we can’t — for technical reasons — provide the more realistic alternative: what a Captain would see to determine ship and crew damage levels. So, guessing based on unrealistic visual info would just be not fun.

    Maybe someday our computers and virtual reality programming will be up to the task, but not now.

  10. 1 hour ago, Captain Chemical said:

    Zijn jullie nog actief?

    Ik speel nu voornamelijk op de PVE server maar dat begint saai te worden!

     Dus als jullie schepen nog drijven hoop ik wat van jullie te horen,


     met vriendelijke groet Captain Chemical

    Vergeef alstublieft de google vertaling. Ik zeil voor de Nederlanders maar tijdens Noord-Amerikaanse tijdzones. Ik heb deze clan niet gezien. Neem contact op met iemand van clan VWIC. Ik denk dat ze Nederlands zijn en actief in het spel.

    Please forgive the google translation. I sail for the Dutch but during North American timezones. I have not seen this clan. Contact someone from clan VWIC. I think they are Dutch and active in game.

  11. 20 hours ago, Macjimm said:

     It's not unreasonable to imagine that the actions of the merchants in a port may continue for a few days after a military take over.  Sometimes when a regime is changed the daily commerce continues.  It can often take a week or two before the change of leadership is noticed.  


    Or, it’s not unreasonable to imagine that all goods that have been purchased but not paid for — unclaimed but filled contracts — are seized by the capturing nation.

    Contracts have too long a period anyway. Make contracts 7 days. 

    • Like 2
  12. 5 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    I'm not saying you're wrong but how can you know the test was done in an unbiased way? 

    I don't know @Hethwill the Harmless and I don't recall ever sailing with him or even against him, but I do follow the forums closely and I do watch Global and Help chat.

    We can't know whether or not he tested in an unbiased way but based on all I've seen on the forums and in game, he seems to genuinely want to improve the game for all. He's passionate about the game being a fun and a good, complex game, not just one where he always wins.

    • Like 1
  13. In addition to it being bad luck to whistle at sea, you also shouldn’t do it in a theatre.

    Spilling salt. Countered by tossing a pinch over your left shoulder.

    Being separated by an obstacle while walking with a friend or lover. Counteracted by saying “bread and butter”.

    A hat on a bed.

    Shaking hands across a threshold. 

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