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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 11 hours ago, admin said:


    • Additional PVE combat improvements
      • AI improvements for NPCs 
      • Elite NPCs
      • Bot routes in the open world will improve
      • NPC chasing abilities improvements + NPC aggression in the open world (when AI is confident it can catch and the target and give it some action). Captains will have to plan the movement around clusters of enemy ships (players or non players).
      • National NPCs will also try to support weaker side in uneven battles if they are around. 


    (I play on the PVP Server.)

    Most of plan sounds really good. I especially like the planned Econ and Trade stuff.

    I do have some concerns over the NPC stuff.

    Aggressive AI within the reinforcement zones is a good idea. In fact, make them very aggressive. Make it so that it is almost a death wish to attack a nation’s player within their zone. At the same time, reduce significantly the size of all the zones. Each nation should have a zone where new players (or those with limited amount of play time or just want low key for a session) can go, run some missions, and have almost no danger from other players. But, you can not get rich, farm all resources, basically can’t advance just by staying in the zone.

    Outside the zones, aggressive AI is not so good. Sounds more annoying than valuable outside the zones but it will come down to a question of how balanced the mechanism works. No one will be happy if we’re constantly having to run from AI.

    Regarding Elite NPCs: again it’s how it gets implemented. NPC combat ability needs to be improved but suddenly being surprised that the Aggie you tagged has the ability of the Epic event Aggies is not desirable.

    Aggressive AI would have no place on the Peace Server, I think, but captains who sail there might want it??

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Captan Thomas Fremantle said:

    As we know we have the possibility to tow a ship from a port to another. Like was in the past , you could tow a ship and wait 5 hours to tow it again . 

    - I am suggesting to put that system back .

    - Put back the tow request in OW without alt the teleportations.


    One of the most magical, gamier mechanics we’ve had.  Please don’t put it back. 

    • Like 4
  3. I’ve never tried making my “living” as a crafter but I’ve always just crafted my own ships. I would rather NOT have RNG in the process but make it more skill and effort based.

    Permanent mods should be built in at the time of crafting or otherwise take a ship out of service and put it in a shipyard and invest labor and time to install upgrades.

    It would be great to see ship building as a specialized and profitable career choice in game. 

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, reiser said:

    Obviously you all (admin included) miss the many points I was trying to make. I’m playing on PVE server now because I’m not welcome on the PVP server, fine whatever, way to welcome back players.

    i’m trying really hard to be civil but everyone’s posts do not add to the discussion.

    i’m a captain on PVP server. When I came back all I had was a T brig. I left port only to lose my ship immediately to Le Requin squad. @admin says I can outrun them at 180, yet I was destroyed while running at 180. They turned me into the wind, boarded, one volley and I was 0 crewed. What the hello kitty is the point of suggestion section of the forums if everyone is just going to tell you to hello kitty off and play PVE?

    this is why your steam rating is shit and this is why people complain about this game endlessly on other mediums. This game was really good at the beginning because people actually cared, I remember I did, and helped kick people out of the capital area of KPR but now I play US.

    when I came back (after the UI update) I had nothing. I did a mission or two only to lose, then to get out of my capital (where there’s the only 7tier missions) where I run into DLC fleet. @admin says I should be able to outrun, which I haven’t seen nor could do myself, at 180 full sail.

    I’m OK with ganking, I love PVP, but you have to let players OUT!!! I can’t leave my capital without getting Le Raped.

    i used to have so much fun in PVP server but if this is your normal than any new player will just quit as they can’t get out of their capital to complete their first mission without it being camped.

    I don’t need lessons on how to play (I am rusty but I’ve had no problems sinking ships in PVE). There’s just too much hardcore right off the bat that makes vets such as myself start to hate the game.

    i also find it accurate that those with high post counts say “that’s what it is” while people with lower post counts agree with a few of my points. It just goes to show how disconnected dev is from reality.

    Ok. As long as you’re happy. There were some legitimate suggestions in this thread on how you could get going. You (at least in this thread) did not respond if you’ve tried any of them.

    To sum up: getting established on the PVP server is not easy. But it’s possible. You can even get more assistance than you can handle but PVE server might fit you better right now. I’d encourage you, if you do indeed “like” PVP to give it a go in a few weeks after you’re more familiar with changes since you last played. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

    Reason ?


    10 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    like always they have no reason, it's just a personal whim to them to state their feelings without any sort of structure.


    Because it's impossible to defend non-existent rubbing damage because it makes no sense. A 5th rate parking in front of a SOL going 6 knots into it's side....it doesn't take much imagination to put that together.

    Sorry. Too subtle humor, I guess. 

     +1 on damage from ship to ship contact. 

    • Like 3
  6. @reiser one thought if you do need to sail basic cutters...

    All basic cutters in a port available for “purchase” have one build. Sometimes that build is a light but fast wood. If you’re grinding or doing missions, it helps to have a heavy build instead.

    First, if you can’t afford them, ask in your nation for someone to give you or sell you really cheap 6lb cannons to replace the basic 4lb. Equip the basic cutter.

    If you don’t like the build of the available cutter, sail to another port and check the build of those cutters. If better, move cannons to warehouse, “sell” the original cutter, get a new one, put the cannons back on. 

  7. @reiser you have made some valid points. There are some routes to slow success but they require more understanding of the game than is explained by the tutorial and just doing low level missions.

    The best advice I can give: Shout out in nation chat asking if there is anyone willing to sail with you for a while to help you learn the ropes. If you get no response, try it again later. Be ready with Teamspeak or Discord to communicate with them. I know that at least in the Dutch nation you would get some help but I bet your nation will help out as well. I wish you the very best of luck. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Galt said:

    As far as I am aware, xp from battle already has damaged factored into it. If no one dies, but you do damage, you still get xp and some reals (I think.) My recommendation is don't use it if you can't lose it. Also, "don't suck." - KoC

    I get what you’re saying but I’m pretty sure you only get XP, no reals.

    Also, KoC’s philosophy is perhaps not the best for getting and keeping new players in the game. Long ago an alt of mine sailed with him and his gang for a few patrols. I witnessed him in his Trinc and 6 or 7 others giggling all the way in TeamSpeak to sinking a single low ranking player who was in a Snow.

  9. There have been numerous suggestions to help players deal with and recover from loss. Me losing a ship with mods is annoying. The same thing happening to a new player can be devastating. When you face huge odds in a battle there is nothing to be gained by fighting except the “thrill” of the battle which can admittedly sometimes be fun but is often obviously futile and just plain annoying. Players avoid fights or run when they don’t think they can win. The XP from a battle you lose is negligible even to non Admirals who actually need rank XP. This small gain is negligible to the loss of a ship. It discourages risk taking.

    Proposal to reward the valiant fighter:

    If the loser deals more damage than the actual ship he is sailing, then grant a reward. Obviously this would be significantly less reward than what the victor gets. Is there a single number we can equate with a ship? For example, let’s say I’m in a Trinc. I fight valiantly against an enemy player fleet. I deal 1.5x a Trinc’s worth of damage to enemies but ultimately sink without any enemy players heading to the bottom. The multiple of damage required could be negotaiated but hopefully the idea is clear. Reward this effort.

    I realize rewarding a Captain for a battle he loses is not historical, but does it matter if that realism hurts the game?

    • Like 2
  10. 9 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    So i'm reading one of the Alan Lewrie adventures (King's Captain, Dewey Lambden), which covers the Nore Mutiny of 1797.  This was a major issue in the age of sail and i'm wondering if it has a place in the game.  As all of you history buffs know, the mutiny was caused by a number of factors.  low pay and pay in arrears, brutal officers, no shore leave for years on end and horrible food (issued at 13 ounces to the pound).  Many games factor in "keeping the plebes happy".  Could we have (and do we want) a "Mutiny" trigger in this game.  It's a good add for the realism factor, but of course, gameplay should come first.

    To do it, the only way I can think is to institute operating costs for each ship you own.  Adjustable by the Captain (you), if you pay more, you get a happy crew with high morale.  Pay less and you get a surly crew.  Leave them surly long enough and you get a Mutiny.  Once a ship mutinies  in harbour, you'd have to put up a lot of money to get it back.  At sea, you could find yourself in a boarding mini game without warning and lose your ship.

    How will it add to the game?  Some players will flat out hate this as they don't want any distraction from PVP, but part of this game is economy and that means covering your overhead as well as making profit.  This could make the economic part of the game more vibrant.


    For your consideration, Messrs.

    I’d much rather see ports revolt, turning neutral or even to another nation that keeps them “happy”. Rather than having timers cost reals, have traders have to bring in materials.

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, Beeekonda said:

    Literally any scrub of my faction can enter my battle and do such things. He would just see swords in open world and join.

    It was R-zone. We had @Bodye joining pirate side at the very end. 

    You’re right. Sorry. I forgot about battle in the Reinfircement Zone staying open. I’m rarely there. I stand corrected. Good luck keeping the scrubs away from your loot. The rules as announced will be difficult to fulfill. 

  12. The North American Time Zone Dutch would be happy to talk to you. There are not a lot of us, but we are a sociable group of US, Canadians, and Aussies. We operate pretty much as socialists... if you lend a hand you'll have more ships and stuff than you know what to do with. We'll do missions or whatever it takes with you to help you level up and gain xp. We are not the place to come if you want port battles. We do enjoy going raiding, we have a few who like the PVP Zones, and we have some who just trade and help protect the home waters. It's an easy going group.

    • Like 4
  13. When talking percentages, was the difference between the numbers of players lost on Global and numbers of players lost on Euro that different? I don't know for sure, but it seemed like both kept seeing a steady decrease at a similar rate. Euro server just started from a much larger number. At a certain point, numbers will drop off a cliff because there are so few, no one wants to play.

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