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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. Are you on the War Server?

    NPC frigates on north coast of Venezuela and south coast of Cuba. A lot of NPC in the shallow waters of the Bahamas. Larger NPC ships down around Bridgetown and south. Mixed NPC fleets all around Guaryaguara (sp?). Alot of others around as well. However, around Sweden and France the ports are close together and it will be dangerous for you to hunt AI in that area.

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  2. 1 hour ago, bart430 said:

    More and better missions are all well and good, thank you for that.  However,  you shouldn't have to take a mission in order to find an NPC ship to fight.  

    Sometimes you just want to cruise around and find ships that may not be available to fight with missions.  Having to only rely on missions limits the scope of the targets you can fight.   It doesn't seem to me that it would take much time at all to increase the solo NPC spawn rate unless there is some CPU/RAM requirements that would cause issues.  The other issue is the size of NPC fleets.  With the server population on the PVE server so low its hard to find someone to group with, especially since you can only group with your own nation.  

    As it stands now you cant just jump into the game for an hour unless you take a mission, if a mission is available and expect to find a ship to fight. You might, but you might not be able to find a target and that limits players who maybe dont have 4 hrs to play.

    Are you sailing around friendly ports? Enemy doesn’t like to sail near them. Sail in hostile waters if you want to find hostiles. 

    • Like 1
  3. Possible solutions:

    1. Sell doubloons.

    2. Craft repairs and sell them in Freeports and other hubs.

    3. Capture AI and Player traders and sell their cargo and their ships.

    4. Don’t play an “impossible” nation which doesn’t have enough ports for your play style.

    5. Lead your nation in conquest and take the ports you want.

    6. Get rich trading in the Maracaibo area. Get rich raiding in the Puerto de Espana area. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    Since interest seems to be waning I'll sum up it up short and sweet.

    The joy is in the journey, not in what people think of your travels.

    Feel free to use that as a total life philosophy. 

    • Like 3
  5. On 1/23/2019 at 10:20 AM, Rickard said:

    I didint mean google translate, I was thinking about a build in game mechanic.

    So have our small team write a version of google translate? I don’t think that’s going to happen.

    Imagine all the different languages one would hear in the waterfront taverns of the world. I’m okay with multiple languages showing there. I do sometimes wish that those who wish to carry on extended conversations would switch to private messages. Or switch to a language I DON’T understand. 😂

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  6. As a few others have mentioned, one of the most unfair aspects of trading, especially for new players for whom losses can be catastrophic, is escaped fleet ships just wait for the captain’s original ship to be sunk and then the sunk captain must try to escape again from the original battle location. It doesn’t make sense that a captain would order his fleet to escape and then they just sit there in harm’s way.

    I know this change was made to prevent exploit by someone putting their valuable ship or cargo in a fleet ship and sailing on an expendable one but surely there is some other way to combat that exploit. Ideas?

    And I say this from the viewpoint of typically a hunter and not a trader.

    • Like 3
  7. What I would like to see is players able to join the battles for a longer period of time (bigger battles good) but reduce or eliminate the sitting at the crossed swords waiting for the serial or revenge gank.

    1. Ideally exit from battle would be based on position not on original sword location. Apparently this is a big coding challenge.

    2. Increase invisibility/hyper speed time. After invisibility no join/attack timer for 60 seconds.

    3. Battles stay open much longer but to join the battle after it starts you must be OUTSIDE the join circle (like Port Battle attackers must do). That join circle constantly increases in size up to ultimately rendering range of the swords. There could result in several small battles within one battle instance. Or reinforcements could be chasing the active battle. Or the prey could be running towards help.

    • Like 3
  8. 5 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    It wouldn't matter, were it 3/5, 4/5, or 5/5, as long as it was standard.  I would personally be happy with 5/5, but you have to unlock all slots, not just knowledge.  Maybe make it difficult to unlock the mod slots and it is not a "class" unlock but limited to an individual ship. 

    Yes. Keep knowledge slots as is, earned on a specific ship model and make all ships potentially 5 upgrade slots but the last two unlock with XP earned on that exact ship, those exact pixels. You’d simulate more, reward risking the good ship you’re “working” on. It’s extra value is to the captain developing its potential, but does not become a rarity that skews the market price for ships.

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  9. On 1/7/2019 at 9:53 AM, BuckleUpBones said:

    Add to that…

    +1 -1 rank battle limit, including group formation, this is the way to keep ganking in check, at commodore or rear admiral everyone fights each other but every other new player gets a chance.

    Sure it will lower PvP content sort term but in long term, the playerbase will grow and along with it PvP content.

    The trouble with this:

    I’m sure I’m not alone in that I learned this game and earned my rank by sailing with experienced captains. Just sailing around doing low level missions by yourself or even with a bunch of other newbs is a painful endeavor.


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  10. 16 minutes ago, PG Monkey said:

    Can we please have the option to turn off battle chat. It's a bit embarrassing when people start whining when they get caught

    Why embarrassing? Didn’t you mean to catch them? 😜

    But seriously, can you just click on a different chat tab such as combat news so you don't see their chat? (I don't know if this works or not.)

    • Like 1
  11. @Licinio Chiavari in another thread you said "a Requin can lose badly to a bunch of smaller ships or to a single nicely geared and handled Privateer. Especially so stupid requin sailing with Carronades."

    I get the first part. But if you wouldn't mind, would you explain why you consider equipping the Req with carros to be stupid? I always thought the far superior damage of the carros would be desirable, especially considering the Req's manuverabily.

  12. On 12/17/2018 at 9:54 PM, greybuscat said:

    Pretty hard to do that when your green zones extend right up the edge of enemy ports. Some of them are so close to enemy docks that if you were standing on one in real-life, you could skip rocks into your guys' reinforcement zones.

    So what you’re saying is it is challenging for one nation to have a port really close to enemy territory and the reverse, a nation would have an advantage launching a campaign against an enemy port when the preparation and sailing could be accomplished primarily in a relatively secure area.

    I see nothing wrong with this. Sounds realistic. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 12/15/2018 at 4:03 PM, Slim McSauce said:

    1. Are rewards increased for Hostility missions?

    2. Can hostility only be raised during the port timer?

    3. What's the difference between a hostility and a raid?

    No. The very best rewards are for killing AI fleets in the OW away from your reinforcement zone.

    Hostility only goes up for missions/kills that take place during the window.

    The difference is Hostily Missions exist. Raids do not.

  14. No. My ships are crewed by a staff of professional officers and sailors. There’s always someone keeping track of friend and foe. But then, they all seem to be quitting. I used to have an officer who could spot a ship in the distance and tell me it looks like the Surprise captained by the dread Iroquois Confederacy. Then that officer quit. I can’t seem to find a manager who can make any sort of decision unless I personally go to his port and tell him what to do. And NOW my navigator is threatening to quit unless I pay him more.

    But seriously, I don’t see any reason incorporating this sort of “realism” would improve the game or gameplay. I could understand if the target tags faded during darkness but since time is so compressed, that doesn’t seem to be worth the coding effort. 

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