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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. Suggestion:

    Invisibility and super speed after battle escape which lasts for 30 seconds. The timer doesn’t start until you raise sails or 15 seconds after OW spawn, whichever comes first. Plus after invisibility, you have the regular post battle no join/attack timer. It seems if you can’t eventually escape under those conditions, you’re not destined to escape. 

    • Like 1
  2. I wish the Devs had tried something less severe than Patch 10 but along the same lines.

    We went from having too much money (and goods) prior to 10 to almost zero money supply, no capturable ships, no tows or teleports, expensive — rare coal? — crafted cannons and repairs, odd grinding requirements, etc. The game became difficult (or drudgery) almost to the point of being no fun for all but the most well organized clans or players with multiple alts. It seems like every quality of life feature disappeared. So we lost folks. But rather than fine tuning, the money spigot was simply turned back on.

    • Like 2
  3. 29 minutes ago, woodenfish said:

    4. You have to go to the port where you sold it and go to the ships tab in the shop to get your money if I remember rightly. (It's a while since I sold a ship, mostly I just give them to clanmates...or end up sinking in them :( )

    Correct answers I think on all but this one. To remove the ship from sale, you have to go to that port but if it sells, the gold automatically goes to your account no matter where you are. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Sparkydog said:

    My ship will dead stop in the open world. I can use chat and switch to map view- the waves in the ocean are still moving. My ship will freeze like this and I will get disconnected within 30 seconds or rarely will it start to move again and it will be fine. Any ideas?

    That happens to me at least every few days — I play a lot. 

  5. I really wish the Requin’s and Herc’s roles could have been balanced before they were made available as DLC. It will be hard for them to be nerfed now which leaves the choice of Pay to Win or strengthening some 6th rates to the point where they are an unnatural threat to the 5ths. And the power creep would have to keep flowing on down.

    • Like 3
  6. 12 hours ago, melarky said:

     A relative newb to NA. Reading thru several threads regarding trader ships I see there is a lot of interest in the number cargo slots. Some poster commented that a particular boat had 15 slots but he wanted 25. Why are these important? I have been doing a lot of trading using various trader vessels and so far have only been concerned with max capacity of the hold.

    Am I missing something?

    One other thing: extra slots in your warehouse or clan warehouse are expensive. Some keep trader ships in port and use them only for storage. If you’re storing things like mods and books that have little weight, the more slots in the ship the better.

    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Capn Rocko said:

    It would be nice if "recently killed" players would yield PvP marks IF they are part of an attacking party. 

    Whether revenge fleet or random encounter, I run into "recently killed" players attacking me all the time. It sucks because I have to fight a battle and receive no reward, its just a waste of time. I understand the "recently killed" mechanic was introduced into the game to protect players from being farmed, but if the recently killed player is the one starting the battle, they do not need protection IMO.

    I don't think it was put in to protect players from being farmed... I think it was put in place to keep people from farming their own alts. But I agree, it is a problem. I can usually count on if I kill someone in the PVP zone, they will be outside waiting in another ship once I finish.

    Perhaps a shorter "Recently Killed" tag would help? Make it 30 minutes. That would still make it a chore for someone to farm their alts -- is this even a game breaker anyway -- but allow full game play with or against a regenerated player more quickly.

  8. 1 hour ago, Cpt Lynx said:

    there are only large ai groups near green zones, single trader ai's near low pop ports


    As @rediii tried to tell you, it's just not true what you are saying. I don't know where you look or for whom you sail, but look in the corners, choke points, bays, gulfs, etc and you can find concentrations of large AI fleets just waiting your wrath.

    Or, enjoy your break.

  9. Perhaps something like...

    Player character can only compete in one team. Special duel room is open for 3 days with random opposition matchups. Teams can keep sailng in this round until they lose. Single elimination. Teams with 3 wins advance to next round. This process will probably cut the number of teams down for the next round to a manageable level. Then I'm not sure if we should do single elemination in subsequent round(s).

    Tournament victories could be stored in place of the Trader Mark slot currently unused and could be wiped for each tourney. 

  10. 12 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    As a test , to attacks on OW AI fleets with Trinc and Indefatigable, against the odds 1:2 and 1:3, 4th rate fleets [ Constitutions with belles and renos in fleet] dropped 2 encyclopedia parts books plus a mix of everything else.

    - Table of Parts of Ships of War

    - Notes on Best rudder angles

    Sorry to say, but I seldom do pve, and this is but a sample:

    - attacked two 4th rate fleets ( main ship + 4 average )

    - attacked much stronger BR AI fleet ( 1:2 and 1:3 )

    - rewards were really according to the challenge


    In truth, everytime I went overpowered against the AI the rewards were meager.

    As someone who kills a lot of big fleets of robots, I can tell you that your experience is atypical with those drops.

    But to the OP:

    I love the Basic Refits, especially Hull and Tackle. 

  11. On 5/10/2018 at 1:18 AM, admin said:

    The following will be implemented in the next BIG patch. 

    • Capturable cities will give much better chance to build an exceptional vessel. 


    In terms of making ports matter more 2 things could be done

    • Removal of safe transport of upgrades
    • Ability should be given to clans to completely lock trade in the controlled city, giving all resources produced by city to a clan.

    This will make at least some cities - a must have - and will create constant pressure to capture. 

    But, we have not yet learnt how to balance the following (as we are not sure it is possible)

    • This is a pvp game content should matter
    • This is a pvp game one side cannot lock down another nation from content by conquest

    I don't recall how expensive in money and resources a level 3 shipyard is but it's a lot. Perhaps consider making it a little cheaper as presumably folks will move shipyards out to remote ports and lose them to capture as well.

    The ability to lock resources by clan would be good if there is a friendly clan list that can produce resources. If the choices are only single clan or everyone then it would be bad unless we go to clan wars.

    Regarding your last point about content, conquest, and PVP...

    The key is providing other means of attacking/hurting the conqueror besides the actual port battle. Raids and blockades. No magic wallet for upgrades. Ports having needs -- not just gold -- to keep them happy and producing. Basically ways to weaken the defender when a PB is impossible.

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