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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. You both have to have an outpost in the port.

    You (the one giving the ship) have to have an extra ship in that port because you can't trade the ship you're on. If you need to, temporarily get on a basic cutter.

    Initiate a trade (right click their name in chat, select trade). They agree.

    In the window where you normally choose the materials to trade, there is a button to select a ship. Click this and choose the ship you what to give. (If you don't see it, that means you are on it and need to switch to a different one).

    You both just "accept" all the way through. 

  2. Due to the inaccuracy of the standard smooth bore muskets with which most marines and sailors would have been equipped during the period AND the relatively limited number of said muskets that would be brought to bear, it's doubtful that a high number of casualties would be caused by musket fire. But, casualties of significant importance would occur. Rather than every musket being able to select his own target, the orders would probably be aim for the officers, helmsman, etc. Mass fire at just a few targets or target areas.

    So, rather than simulating this defense by causing a lot of crew casualties, perhaps it would be more accurate to simulate it by constant states of crew shock and rigging shock.

  3. I always arm my traders.

    Even if I ultimately die, I can cause the raider some damage, probably causing him to have to use some repairs that then won't be available to him if my brothers or I can catch him in warships before he is able to restock. That sort of effort is important to me from a roleplaying aspect. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Oberon74 said:

    Im with Crow.  If the AI's escape and the battle goes on for 15 minutes, that means they had 15 minutes of sailing time to run away.  Why should they appear right outside where the battle started?

    Um because 15 minutes on the OW is at least 100,000 km distance?

    The intent should be allow them to escape this enemy. Not everyone on the server. That's why I would limit it to 3 minutes invisibility. Anyone invisible could escape anything OW in 3 minutes. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Crow said:

    The amount of time from when the fleet escapes the battle instance, to when the battle ends, should be the amount of time the fleet has to sail invisible on the ow.

    That would be fair.

    That could be really extreme. Often fleet escapes early and battle goes on a significant time.

    What is it... OW battles close after 3 min to simulate distance a battle would be visible and reachable by reinforcements? Grant 3 minutes invisibility to the escaped fleet. 

  6. 12 hours ago, AeRoTR said:

    You sink a trader and get 5 pvp marks. What if you bring it to your admirality and return the ship, you will get 2x or 3x of 5 pvp marks. Can be a nice addition. 

    What I'd like to see...

    Reduction of PVP marks awarded for sinking a a trader. Bonus PVP marks (like 2-3x PVP marks) for taking the prize to your country's capital and turning it over to the admiralty.

    Also no more magic wallet for mods.

    • Like 2
  7. I feel your pain. We all do. (Except for the aholes lol). We've all lost ships that hurt. Hell, I can build multiple copies of any ship and put on the best upgrades and still hate it when I lose a store bought Snow.

    As others have suggested, playing with others significantly helps mitgate losses.

    Playing solo makes most things take longer. That includes building wealth and a fleet. You're very concerned about the Buc you worked so hard on. That's understandable. It's a nice ship. But I'd suggest that if one Buc represents so high a percentage of your game wealth and effort -- and its potential loss stresses you this much -- you may have built and started sailing a 2nd rate too soon.

  8. Sniping masts just feels wrong whether you are the shooter or the target. It doesn't fit in with age of sail combat, the weapons we're using, and the manuevers we sail.

    So, an adjustment to make that undoable should be implemented. I'm totally okay if some other mechanism is used to better simulate that masts did fall as their support was shot away. 

  9. I like the idea of a safe zone except the biggest IMO key to a new player becoming a regular player is him becoming involved in the community. New players stuck out of sight somewhere will not facilitate this. I know I learned the game by sailing with more experienced players not to mention the significant help in ships and materials that a clan or friendly players provided.

    How can we provide some growing room for newbies and still allow the community to nurture them along?

  10. 16 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    In light of the hot weather would it be possible to have a ship in-game that reflects the current weather we have the joy of experiencing?

    I was thinking along these lines but please do feel free to chip in.


    Damned Determined Defender! I stand zero chance of boarding. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Why you can't recruit more crew, your rank is too low or you don't have gold? As I see no other reason.

    You may have it figured out. OP stated he was a Captain of Corvette. That’s 200 crew. I believe the ship he is trying to sail is a Frigate which as a 196 minimum crew. This would leave him not enough to crew any other ship while the Frigate is crewed.

    • Like 1
  12. I’m afraid the ship has sailed on nerfing the DLC ships. (Can the Devs even do it if they wanted?)

    But, if they could...

    They already have some inherent advantages.

    1. You basically get a free one each day.

    2. With some creativity you can own 4 (or is it 5?) at a time.

    3. Any wood choice costs the same.

    4. Nothing can touch the Requin sailing upwind. Its got an incredible number of crew for its rate. It sports far heavier guns than its peers. Its sails seem to dodge chain on their own.

    5. The Hercules can have amazing broadside weight and turns on a dime.

    So my proposal. Make these DLCs only have 1 permanent upgrade slot (you still can have your Pirate Rig) and only 3 Knowledge slots.

    I believe these changes would still make it worth buying but not skew the balance too much.

  13. I wonder if the answer lies not in making larger ships slower than smaller ships, but in trying to simulate the increase in cost of operations. Yes, I know that there is a lot of gold in players hands, but it’s not spread evenly and if a significant money sink to sail the biggest ships existed, perhaps our fleets would become more task oriented. US aircraft carriers are among the fastest and undoubtedly the most powerful warships afloat but they are not used for every mission. That costs too much.

    Of course this suggestion is useless as long as the answer to every sailing decision is our little frankenships Requin and Hercules. 

  14. 10 hours ago, Old Crusty said:

    Capturing of trader vessels was not dishonorable as long as you soared the life of the crew. It was considered part of war. I am referring to conduct of fairness in battle that has been around for centuries in a lot of cultures. Start here. I learned most of what I know from text books in school and reading history books. Unfortunately I am not as familiar with internet use as younger people. Here is a place to start.


    Lol. I may be older than you. I certainly learned most of what I know about history before the Internet. I have tried to keep up with the times so that I can use some modern reference tools.

    Thank you for the link to the Wikipedia article on Chivalry. I’m familiar with the concept and practice.

    Sooooo... you don’t have any examples of sea captains being ridiculed/dishonored for using overwhelming force or for using a larger ship to defeat a smaller?

    Perhaps these actions are not now and never were dishonorable.

  15. 1 hour ago, Old Crusty said:

       In the age of sail, Honor, personal and national, was an extremely huge thing. 

       The Captain of a ship of war that attacked and defeated a ship that they clearly outmatched  was not looked upon favorably by anyone including captains and politicians of their own country. Same went for the commander of a squadron of ships that attacked a much smaller squadron.

       PvP rewards should reflect this even to the point of taking away PvP rewards for attacking enemy ship while grossly out numbering them. If 5 British Frigates chased down a single French Frigate, the Captain ( or Admiral ) of the British Squadron would choose a single ship to fight the French. 

    I’m not saying this isn’t true. I don’t know. But do you have some specific examples of what you are describing (or examples of Captains being ridiculed for attacking a weaker target)?

    I’ve seen unrated vessels on the prize rolls of famous captains and ships. Hell, here’s the future Lord Nelson himself in command of a 28 gun frigate in a story that sounds a lot like Naval Action the game “on a cruise to hunt American privateers. Nelson was generally unsuccessful; he succeeded only in retaking several captured British merchant ships and capturing a number of small fishing boats and assorted craft” (Wikipedia quoting another source.)

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