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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 2 hours ago, NethrosDefectus said:

    So we should all just be sailing fir/fir ships and running from an actual fight?

    Well yeah. Although you probably don't have to go to the fir-fir extreme. But if you're going to play open sea raider solo or in a very small group you're going to have to be fast and avoid decisive engagements.

    I guess it all goes down to how far one wants to pursue their role-play or play style. We've seen posts from Captains who sail light fast ships and pride themselves in pulling off the kills and staying alive: Knowing when to fight and when to run away. They want to keep that ship and crew just as a real life captain would have to. Others are out there pursuing the engagement. They want the fight and hope to have a positive kill to die ratio but know they will be sunk sooner or later. Neither idea is correct. They're just different.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Capt Aerobane said:

    Yeah when I do that i can see my ships if I hover over my ship but not the enemy. No window pops up, it must be a glitch because it works in the OW if I go to crew management and it works on my own vessel when in the x interface. I'll submit a ticket next time I board something.

    I believe it only works vs player ships that you capture, not AI. At least that's how my game behaves. 

  3. Obviously boarding needs a whole new process, but in the meantime...

    The value of Determined Defender is it puts the brakes on the instant rage boarding which is also IMO not realistic. It seems to be a tactic for those who have trouble winning a sailing/gunnery battle but they've got that whole clicky thing down. Perhaps the percentage requirement is too high but I don't think it is: 30% more crew is not a very high bar. Kill some crew while preserving your own... then you can board.

    For those thinking it is too high or want it removed, I'd like to hear examples of numbers scenarios between combat ships that they think don't make sense. The one I can think of is versus trade ships. Perhaps Determined Defender should not apply to trade ships??

    But if you're going to nerf down  (or remove) DD, then I would at least like to see a short malus after winning a boarding: a period of time when you would have to get your crew back on your own ship, get them untangled, cut the grappling ropes, get your crew up in the rigging, etc. I'd say something along the lines of a reload/rigging shock effect that lasts a significant amount of time (~1 min?). Basically boarding and being boarded is a traumatic event even for the victors and should reflect that.

    • Like 1
  4. There should be an area on the PVP server that is no risk. It should be called Naval Academy and offer instant spawn battles vs AI. You could take any of your ships in with no chance of loss.

    It should give no gold and no XP.

    Otherwise, in game there is always going to be some element of risk dependent on when you sail, from which port, and for what country.

  5. This option may not interest you, but perhaps it will others.

    If you want/need Victory Marks, don't want to buy them, and don't want to be part of a clan, at least develop a relationship with a clan that does RVR. Help them out. Let them see that you can sail and fight. Then when they have a PB and need another person, they'll probably let you join their clan for just long enough to fight the PB.

    • Like 1
  6. Obviously it would take some graphics work, but otherwise how difficult would it be to have the forts/towers function as "ships" commanded by player captains? Sailing model is simple: 0 turn rate, 0 max speed, 0 sailing physics. Massive armor, massive HP and Structure. Incredible crew protection for the large crew. Give them mortars as well as large guns. In most PB there would 3 of the 25 captains assigned to the forts.

    In order for the attacker to win a PB, they have to board and capture the forts. 

  7. I'm sort of liking it. I like that chain hurts. Bad. But one doesn't have much of it. I've both given and received unpleasant surprises when one player is expecting a rake or broadside and in comes a massive hit from chain. And it seems that by working an opponents armor and sails, you make him make some crucial choices. When you do that, I don't suppose he thinks repairs are coming to quickly.

    If we increase repair time or cool down, I think we'd see less of the ebb and flow, change of momentum and advantage that makes the good battles good. I'd hate to lose that just to get rid of all the bad battles.

    The most dangerous opponent is the one who is such a good sailor and shooter that he can devote a lot of slots and perks to repair mods. It's not how quickly you can repair, it's how effectively. 

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    I started a completely fresh character ( hardwipe ). Did the tutorials and passed the exam, same as it would be a fresh arrival.  Had nothing but a rattlesnake, a hercules and a ton of repairs and the cash.

    Went for a safe bet, inside the zone. nothing to show killing the AI. Decide to try outside the zone.

    The difference of rewards is massive. 

    This is an important point. Alot of us have become jaded on the rewards because we have played so many hours that we just don't need one more Coles Pump and we probably don't sail with Pellews Sights. But if you're new, having such knowledge or mods can really help your small ship. I still sail most ships with basic mods installed. And being able to sell a capped LGV for 100k means something to you when you are just starting to build the bank roll.


    Give ship XP, Gold, and Combat Marks for capping ships OUTSIDE the reinforcement zones.

    1. It would provide a natural incentive for players to venture out once they feel ready

    2. This is important for low ranking players allowing them to earn income while still gaining useful experience and combat marks. Farming abuse is not nearly as big a problem as new player integration and retention.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

    It could be a fun way to proceed, but just foreseeing that it would likely cause much more of the nation jumping problems that we've had in the past, especially with the nation-jump-enabling DLC that's available.

    So if you switch nations, all your previously accrued points disappear from old nation and don’t transfer to new nation?

  10. I’ve always wondered if we could have a winning nation.

    EVERYTHING done by that nation’s players counts. Harvest oak? That’s some points, but not many. Sell violins? Points, but just a few. Craft? Yep, base it on Labor spent. Sink AI, youre giving your nation more points. Sink players, alot more points. Capture or succesfully defend a port. Alot of points. After some time, a winning nation would be declared, map reset, and start over. The top 30% point producers in the winning nation would get something shiny as a reward such as a banner he flies from his ships until next reset.

    And the beauty is ALT activity would earn points for a different nation than your “main” so you may want to think twice what you do with your ALT.

    But I honestly don’t know if anyone would care if their nation won. But I do think the game would improve if all player activity meant something.

  11. I don't know what a new player sees after character creation but obviously there needs to be some way of making them aware of the tutorials. I assume in the new UI?

    There should be small rewards for completing each tutorial. Remember that new players may not complete them all in one sitting and they start out with 0 gold. Give a few gold for each completed step the first time it is completed. Perhaps a book or basic mod, progressively increasing the rewards.

    Time limits for tutorials and exams should be stated prior to start.

    Gunnery Tutorial
    You say something like "You can release the mouse by pressing Left CTRL". This seems unclear to me. I would explicitly explain it: "While in combat, you can freely move the mouse cursor to make selections by holding the Left CTRL."

    Demasting - I agree with some others that it is a pain that the guns keep reloading so fast that you can't keep track when you are on target. It's also not how the guns work in game. Have the reload happen while shooting at the normal speed so if someone is shooting very slowly, he'll see that eventually you are using the same gun but if all guns go empty, instant reload. Since I am not a demaster, this as well as the demasting exam were good practice for me.

    Sailing Tutorial - no issues noted but I'd recommend there be more explanation of when and why these manuvers are used. 

    Special Maneuvers
    Dead in to the wind "Set your yards perpendicular to the wind" but you never say to reraise your sails (They were lowered to 0% in previous step to stop ship).

    Pursuit and Capture
    You say to aim at the sails and reduce to 60%, you don't mention beginning the pursuit.
    When repairing sails the tip says something like you can only repair sails and hulls at the same time every 12 minutes (or something like that). That is actually incorrect. You can't repair sails and hull at the same time ie concurrently. I think there's a translation mistake there. "You can repair either sails or hull, but not both, during a 12 minute repair cycle" would be perhaps more accurate. 


    Was urgent repair ever explained?

    If your ship is equipped with repairs, tell the player in advance and also warn them to loot repairs from captured or sunk ships.

    Demasting Exam
    I've never been much of a demaster. It took me about 6 tries to complete this with the last couple killing the second mast just a little over 10 min. I'd warn players that you mean take down both masts, not 

    Endurance Exam
    In the description, I would warn the new player in advance that by "Endurance" you mean that the player will need to defeat a new enemy after destroying the first.

    Final Exam
    I tried numerous times with more traditional tactics of trying to get in to position, angle hull, make shots count, etc. It was not until I watched a couple of videos and saw that either players were demasting the AI or rage boarding that I got close. However, since I'm not usually a demaster nor a boarder, this was a huge challenge.

    Heel is huge but I assume it's the same as with a stock Cerb. In fact, if you're still having trouble with the final, it wouldnt be a bad idea to take a Cerb out in open water or do some 5th rate missions to get the feel again. 

    Success was with trying to board right away.
        - I couldn't get a board (G) immediately. I had switched off guns to increase board prep so when I finally did get the first guy boarded, I had 100% prep but I had taken 20-30 casualties already perhaps due to the increased casualty rate of board prep sailors.
        - Won boarding action using the Get-Enemy-on-Defend and Shoot-His-Ass with cannons method. 
        - By the time I won the first boarding action, I was down to 90 crew and had a fresh AI with 180+ to face. I switched ships to the AI Cerb, transferred all repairs, sank my original Cerb, then tried weakening the remaining AI a bit before running. (I'd already used rum during the boarding.) I don't know how much benefit I got from using the AI's Cerb. It sure felt stronger. 
        - I ran for 2 repair cycles and one rum cycle and then reengaged with 140 crew v 180
        - I was able to get him down to about the same amount of damage I had, both sides at <50%. Basically it would be who could land the next solid broadside. I decided to disengage for another repair. Ran until I could do a rum and a hull repair.
        - Reengaged with my sides in slightly better shape than enemy, my structure significantly better, and 178 v 177 crew. 28 minutes left. I also could have repaired ship in a couple of more minutes but I don't want to wait anymore.
    Exam completed with 22 minutes left.

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  12. 16 minutes ago, victor said:

    that's why I asked it right before the announcement. A permanent reedemable would have been nice.


    9 minutes ago, victor said:

    and it would have helped OS PVP as well, since it would have been an expendable 5th rate to throw at the enemies with basic upgrades while learning to fight properly (at least I would have used it that way).

    Has @admin actually answered that it will not be a permanent redeemable? He said "use them wisely" not "use them wisely because you only get it once". I haven't seen any clarification but there's alot of pages in this thread. 

  13. 7 hours ago, admin said:

    by the way. 
    this is how 260m ship looks from 12-14km, it is sailing in line with a 225m ship.
    Can you tell me which one is prince of wales and which one is hms hood?


    No, I can't tell which is which. But our cannons do not have a 12-14km range. And on OW, how much time does it take two forces to close 12-14km? VERY quickly. We don't have a helmsman to steer the ship while the captain and first officer looks through their spyglasses and discuss fleet composition and strategy. And a navigator to look at the map and plot course.

    I get your point about what it was like in real life but by hiding all the details you are removing or hindering strategy and battle planning. I predict the result will be more runners. (Which along with removing names in OW was supposed to reduce.) Hopefully I'm wrong and this won't be a big deal. But please take a look at this after we've tested it and consider making details reveal as distance gap narrows. The ship cards from Legends that showed the line drawings would also be helpful for learning target identification.

  14. 5 hours ago, victor said:

    you are an optimist, I think that they will never add new PVE content (but maybe I am a pessimist)

    I'm 27.6% sure they will add more content someday which in game gets rounded up to 28% plus I have a few mods which would take it over 50% except for the hard caps on optimism. So I still doubt it as well. 

    • Like 1
  15. It seems to me that there are sometimes differing definitions on these forums of casual and hardcore. And I'm not sure what the devs mean either.

    To me:

    Casual means a player who only has a few hours per week or an hour per day to play. Developing content for these players does not mean the game would be "easy". It should not be easy. I'd even suggest that the PVP zones are for this type of player. More varied mission options and a more vibrant economy that encourages crafted ship availability and affordability would help these players. Better availability of NPC ships and ROE that make them more viable in PVP missions would help as well 

    Hard core are players with the time and desire to invest in getting the biggest and best. Again, efforts need to be made so that their hours in game can feel more goal oriented than grind.

    The best game will attract and retain both types of players. Notice that neither of my descriptions have anything to do with a players desire to fight or being a carebear. 

    • Like 3
  16. 4 hours ago, Greysteak said:

    Perhaps any active officers could be give the option to take control after the 3 months?  I'd hate to see an active clan loose everything just because the creator is on leave or something.

    Of course. I should have clarified that I meant no active creator and no active officer/members. I would hope the devs would provide support to switch ownership to yeh actives. 

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