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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 9 hours ago, Mr. Doran said:



    What problem?

    You were referencing my wish that Devs work on the ROE problem. My personal opinion is the best solution is a longer join time for all regardless of the BR. It could lead to bigger and imo better battles. Yes, that allows gankers. It also allows counter gankers. Many have expressed that the timer is too long. The BR balancing ROE is exploitable. I’m in favor of little to no ROE. But the fact is few seem to like what we have now.

    I’m certainly willing to play with the current ROE. It’s not our biggest issue. The problem is some like you — if I understand your position — want continuous action. Some like me define action differently and we want the game to be complex in other facets as well besides a great combat model. For years, both camps have been hoping (in vain) for progress in one direction or another. 

    I think it’s past time for the development team to decide and tell us which direction they’re going AND to start putting tangible improvements in that direction. Then we can all decide if the game will be for us.

  2. 12 hours ago, Felix Victor said:

    The map has received a lot of interest after the wipe which also means a lot of server traffic. I use netlify to host the site. I have never noticed it or they have changed their pricing model, half of the allowed bandwidth is already used. It will cost for above 100GB. So far I can use their (great) service for free.

    I am now considering the options:

    1. Hope for the best that the bandwidth threshold is never reached.

    2. Try to reduce frequency or amount of data downloaded.

    3. Look for another free hoster with higher bandwidth.

    4. Try to collect money from users, maybe $20/month needed.

    Preferred option is 1, obviously. Option 2 is also related the browser caching, one of the biggest IT mysteries (leading to outdated files). Option 3 might not work (do not know any comparable free hoster, and I need time to move there). Option 4 is my least preferred option as it require payment for a service that I consider should be free (and I would need some time to set it up).

    Any thoughts?

    Your map is invaluable to everyone who ever uses it. And you continue to improve it and provide tech support. I think you deserve to get paid. How about a donate button if not out and out charging a small subscription fee?

    • Like 1
  3. Honestly all my DLC or alt purchases are on hold until I see some positive development. Something. And I don’t mean just bug fixes. I mean fixes to improve some of the many issues repeatedly, for months/years pointed out. Pick one. Even adding more paints to the DLC I already purchased would be a step. Make a real crafting XP improvement. Make a real trading improvement. Work on the ROE problem. Work on the Port Battle BR issue. Improve the new player experience with more tutorial or instructions. SOMETHING that shows the game is moving forward rather than just tidying up after the release and moving on to a different project. They could even make an announcement that they are basically satisfied with the game but will be releasing DLC for players wishing to expedite/ease their experiences in game.

    • Like 4
  4. I don’t know how they could fairly make this transition, rewarding prior game buyers (although I do know the Pandora wouldn’t be it) but...

    I would prefer a free-to-play game with every ship and xp opportunity available as it is now even though some are random drops BUT future DLC ships come as blueprints giving the option to build using players’ materials. Most if not all of these ships should be available this way. Then I would prefer a subscription model allowing speedier labor hour, player xp, crafting xp accumulation, ship visual customization, ship naming, etc.

    But, I think unless the developers can regain the player base’s trust (which has suffered) I don’t know how much additional money can be wrung out of this population. We need to have confidence that continued player investment in the game will result in continued development and improvement of the game.

    • Like 1
  5. You seem to be angry at anyone who disagrees with you. Here’s another “no” vote. 8 is enough. Make choices.

    However, I do agree that the limit is artificial so in order to make you happy let’s remove that limit and somehow simulate the problems with expansion, not just the benefits. Instead of a outside-the-game pay to win DLC, your 9th outpost should cost 50k reals per day, 10th will be 100k per day, 11th = 200k, 12th = 400k, etc. No limit but some might find it expensive to play beyond the old limits.

    • Like 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, John Hood said:

    Honestly that is one of the things I suspect. A total wipe and then with the release annouce DLCs that ease the pain. I would not even be surprised to see it on launch date after all would be the best time to rake in money. Here by your Admirals rank back...  or here are the 3 Book collections for sale etc. I even further think this will be a free game sooner or later and financed by DLC content. 

    I’ve also suspected that this was the plan, if not forever, at least for a long time. It’s one of the few explanations that makes sense of methodology they have taken on this “test”. They make huge, drastic, painful changes causing the population to howl but then rather than adjusting the change in small ways in order to find what works, they make another drastic change in the other direction, or just change something else in a drastic way. Did it ever seem like changes were designed to find solutions to issues the player base faced? Rarely. I wondered if they were basically just searching out the pain points to see where they can sell DLCs in the future to ease the pain.

    • Like 6
  7. 1 minute ago, Hethwill said:

    A surrender will count as a kill when you sink the enemy ship.


    Want the kill or want the ship ? Choices...

    Yes. That is the system we have now. But you don’t agree that it would be more in line with the period and make more sense if the biggest reward for a captain was returning a prize to the admiralty? Our system of combat medals and missions skews this away from logical outcome.

    Perhaps now that we have fractional kills for assists, a capture and return to port could count as .25 kill?

  8. 9 hours ago, --Privateer-- said:

    ^ I like this idea. ^

    I am/was fine with the xp wipe when it was just 120k xp to max rank, but with the new ranks it seems like it will be way more than that. Some people who have been playing for a long time are no longer at the highest rank. I won't quit playing if/when the xp is wiped, but I don't think I'll spend the time to grind pve fleets until I'm back to Curse either. It would be nice if skill or real experience could be taken into account. 

    I agree. I am amazed when some experienced captains and the devs claim how quickly we’ll all simple rank up after an XP wipe. I just don’t think that’s true. There is a lot that players need to do in this game that gives little to no XP. Now imagine doing it all in light 5ths and smaller ships. Hell, even imagine doing it in heavier 5ths and 4th rates. Even once you can crew them, they are rare and almost all difficult to get. One may not be able to casually throw it into the abyss of 1 v 5 AI grind like we used to do with heavy Indefatigables to gain rank.

    I used to say that it didn’t matter if XP got wiped and did understand the merits of a level playing field at start. Not anymore. My own progression was made far more enjoyable by being able to sail with equipped, experienced, high ranking captains. I ended up learning more, learning more quickly, and sailing nicer stuff. It was fun.

    • Like 2
  9. I gave you very detailed advice several days ago. You’ve also asked similar basic beginner question of “what do I do” in other threads and in the Spanish language section. Have you tried ANY of the advice you have been given previously? It’s been fairly complete. Please let us know what you have tried of the things which have been suggested to you that has not worked.


  10. 49 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    I agree.

    but it shouldn't be taxed in addition to the cost to get resources out of my building - Rather, the Port Owner should get a portion of the cost that normally is consumed as a money sink.

    To be more clear with an example.

    I extract 1,000 oak logs from my building - it costs 10,000 Reals.

    The Port Owner should get 10% of these reals. So 9,000 Reals would be the "money sink" (consumed) and 1,000 Reals would go to the Clan bank of the port owner.


    What we don't want is to have players taxed on top of the cost to take resources out.

    We don't want the player to have 1,000 oak logs cost 10,000 reals and then an additional 1,000 for tax cost (for 11,000 total)


    Agree 100%

  11. 10 hours ago, Son of Surcouf said:

    You're taking it a bit to the extreme here. Ships won't be for free and I proposed some restrictions to make ship production easy there but not in a production line. There are no DLC ships for RVR.

    The only thing that is a waste of time right now is The Grind. It's as if I proposed to have one week more of holidays and you said No to it because you love to work your ass off.

    Well, no. There would still be a lot of benefits from setting up your headquarters: decreased labor hours, upgradable production buildings, no tow restrictions, vicinity to frontlines, income from tax, better defenses, etc.

    By the way I like that you call them an island paradise, because that's what there are right now for every nation holding them, the ultimate safe zone. Might as well call my proposition The Secret Islands Paradise. ;)

    But like I said, if you read my proposition, there would be a lot restrictions. So it's more of a hideout to lick your wounds instead of the whole Club Med experience.

    Well, I wouldn't call it worry, more of an observation about the game mechanic which seems to automatically lead to some nations floating dead in the waters (to use an appropriate wording here) after losing vital assets.

    Did they? You are very optimistic.

    Map wipes would be a good thing for sure. Sort of like rounds. Everybody gets a new chance after a while.

    What makes "nations" powerful in Naval Action are not just forts, port bonuses or rare woods, but the number of players. If you want attract more players, give them a chance to participate. And no, not by throwing them into the water as shark food with DLCs.

    Perhaps I did write with too much hyperbole.

    I recognize that you proposed restrictions on the secret island use. However, the benefits you mention of having ports somewhere else would be outweighed by the safety and ease you propose of building in the secret islands.

    It just didn’t work in a game to design a mechanic and then provide a means to completely circumvent that mechanic.

    I am optimistic about ultra strong nations not lasting forever. They may last a long time but eventually it gets boring, personalities start clashing, it’s harder to work together the more people you have, and jealousies develop. There has always been a way in game to be the strongest. But which nation has always been the strongest? Not one.

    Anyway, it’s clear that I don’t agree with your secret island proposal. I would like to see things in game to simulate the difficulties of ruling a vast empire, thus putting more pressure on the Zerg if it exists. Exponentially rising port costs, depletion of overfarmed resources, unhappy populations, clan wars, bonus for joining small nation... there are many ways to do this without creating a mechanic to “go around” normal gameplay.

    Fair sails. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    But also in real life, nations have fleets positioned at their important ports...something that is not realistic for the game.

    Why? You can have 8 outposts. More than 2 dozen ships. Hopefully front lines will be fixed. It seems like clans and/or nations tend to expand bigger than they can handle or in to areas they can’t support.

    It’s a real life player and in game captain recruitment problem, not a game mechanics problem. 

    • Like 1
  13. I actually think it would be better if a captains individual shipyard was upgradable to port bonuses rather than every shipyard in a port. Resource development and defenses would still be port level improvements but shipyard an individual. Clans would maintain the same control they have now. Clans would still have an advantage as they can coordinate their production line and donate labor. However, small clans and solo players could develop a role as ship merchants. It would also put a small slowing brake on the wave of super ships.

  14. 6 hours ago, Son of Surcouf said:

    With the new port upgrades I wondered how any nation could get out of a corner if they lost all ports or only have the national ports remaining. Because their ships will lack the port upgrades and they won't have woods like White Oak or Teak available.

    Maybe it would be viable to make The Secret Islands a haven for all nations to replenish:

    • North Inlet, Rum Cove  and Kidd's Harbor become Freetowns
    • One of these towns has all the ports bonuses available (or each is specialized in a certain bonus)
    • They have all the resources available to craft ships and cannons
    • White Oak, Teak and Live Oak become available without investment (buildings produce only at 50% of the usual rate)
    • There is a No-Attack zone around these towns (for safe hauling)
    • Tows to Nations capitals only (NO tows to frontlines)
    • NO bonuses to labor hours discount
    • NO possibility to craft purple or golden ships
    • NO upgradable buildings
    • NO drops of any other items
    • NO hostility missions can be taken to any neighboring ports
    • NO passenger or cargo missions can be taken

    Basically The Secret Islands would be a place that makes sure that every nation no matter how small has access to well built ships for Port Battles. It would be a spot for retreating and replenishing and serves as an Equalizer.

    It would also make The Secret Islands a special place instead of just another port to capture.

    + more ships =  more chances, more battles, more contest

    Thanks for your comments.

    Why waste our time then with doing this to the secret islands. Just give us all a button to push to get the ship and/or materials we want. Oh, wait, they did already do that with DLC.

    But I digress, I see no reason to implement your suggestion if we are going to keep RVR, port investements, hauling of materials in game. It would make them all a waste of time. Everything would be up in the island paradise.

    i get that you worry what happens as one nation (or nations) fall further and further behind the power curve. In the past, those things have tended to work out. Ultimately we may need to deal with map wins and map wipes but just because nations fall behind that power curve doesn’t mean we should just get rid of the things that make a nation powerful.

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