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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. You will have to rank up to be able to crew larger ships, including your DLC. Do the tutorials. Don't worry about the exams right now. They will be too difficult. You are provided with a ship for the tutorials. You can get a new basic cutter already outfitted with small cannons. They are always free and come with unlimited repairs. Click on the gavel icon in port to see ships for sale. Use the cutter to do some 7th level missions or kill small ships in OW. You can earn reals by capturing traders and selling their cargo. You earn XP by killing things. You can also earn reals by taking cargo or passenger delivery missions. Be advised you have to be in a trader ship to enter an enemy port unless it says on the map available to all. Cargo is heavy so you'll need at least a trader brig to carry one cargo. Once you earned some reals and gained some rank, you can consider buying a more powerful small ship until you can crew your DLC.

    But most importantly, ask for help in your Nation Chat. Someone may be willing to help you out by giving you some starting funds, a better ship, or even sail with you to show you some things. Getting on Teamspeak or Discord with your Nation will help.

    I will request the a Moderator move this post to the appropriate section.

    Good luck. 

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, Barbarosa said:

    Sinking enemy ship, capturing their ship, looting their cargo should be the only economic reward you get by PvP.

    All the rest should be aesthetic rewards or titles boosting your fame.


    3 hours ago, Socialism said:

    I'd rather get rid of marks completely


    2 hours ago, Teutonic said:



    combat medals, pvp marks, combat marks - whatever you call them would be better off not in this game.

    I added two more choices to the poll. I also don't like combat medals, but the poll was originally written assuming that devs were going to keep them no matter what. Anyway, based on preliminary results, perhaps players would rather do without rewards in order to keep them out of the hands of a few exploiters.

  3. I added more choices because some seem to be taking this poll as an opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with combat medals in particular. I'm with you. I don't like combat medals. In fact, I think we have too many currencies in game. But I created the poll assuming the devs were going to keep a combat medal system.


    I don't like it when players farm their alts either. However, to me, those players are more or less wasting their time. I don't view them as farmers, but as targets. Go ahead, obtain ships, mods, and rank. You're still not going to be much of a challenge if you took that short cut. It's sort of the same way I view if we were allowed to bring rank across from the PVE server. Who cares? In the past there has been too much worry and restrictions placed because of what a few idiots are doing to the detriment of the rest of the population that just wants to play the game.

    @admin Please reconsider:


    We tried to give this the chance once again but it seems that unique steam ID tracking in missions is the best way to close al potential loopholes. 
    It is better to do it before release so we never have to come back to these issues ever again. Even one person farming can ruin the impression on the overall system, thus such loopholes must be closed. 

    As a result

    Combat medals will no longer be provided for OW kills. They will only be granted for missions/orders and patrols completion. As missions require to sink unique captains (and track steam ID) it is impossible or very very hard to farm combat medals on alts

    Rewards for missions will be increased accordingly. 


  4. 1 hour ago, --Privateer-- said:

    Well, I guess that marks the end of the good jokes. 

    Since we no longer have to stay on topic, I'd like to encourage everyone to go to this post and give their opinion on the current rare wood situation, especially if you want it changed.



    I'll go to the thread. The rare wood problem is a big dill.


    • Like 1
  5. On 3/4/2019 at 4:51 AM, Thonys said:

    hi captains  

    when changing nation s it should  also cost 30.000 doubloons 

    just to prevent the nation to be plundered by opportunists 



    Huh?!? DLC costs real money. Just moving all your stuff to free ports is a pain worth avoiding at almost all costs.

    Why make it even harder?

  6. I just don't see this happening.

    Many PVE players are where they are because they want no involvement with the War server. They want to trade, craft, and cooperatively kill AI.

    The hope is we don't always have an empty map. Making the map smaller will not be good with 1500 players online. (One can always dream.)

    The only way I see it working is if a new region such as the Pacific was opened and the Panama Canal was built really early. The only way between the two areas was in an empty basic cutter.

    BUT I am totally in favor of rank and crafting XP tied to Steam so that players can go back and forth between servers.


  7. Perhaps there are some database restrictions but...

    I'd propose you get 8 as it is now in your nation's ports.

    For a daily fee to each you get free ports.

    For daily rent paid to owning clan or to AI you get 2 more.

    Seriously, with permits, tow limits, rare woods, time of travel, tp charges, not to mention low population, we really need to facilitate gameplay around the map in some way. Extra ports might do it.

    I could also see myself paying for a DLC that gave me 3 extra ports. 

    And while you're at it, let us close a port remotely from any port, even if that means we lose everything including ships in that port.

  8. On 3/14/2019 at 7:18 AM, Teutonic said:

    A simple suggestion, but probably not so simple to do.

    I think the ability for a clan to hoard the resources entirely, as much as it benefits my clan, is not the direction we should go, and it has been brought up multiple times that solo players, small clans, and clans that aren't "in the group" are shunned out of it.

    I suggest the clan delivery mission gets split up.

    What we have now for wood: 
    1 million logs - clan basically controls who gains access.

    What we should have:
    1 million logs
    X amount is owned by the controlling clan that owns the port and subsequently anyone in their friendly clan list.
    Y amount is publicly available for the Nation as a whole

    The clan that owns the port should have SOME control over how much is available. with the smallest Public amount being 200k, and largest public amount being 800k. Clan should be able to manage it in the clan window of port management.

    Once the clan has decided on the split, it cannot be changed.

    This 100% insures that a clan controlling a port will ALWAYS have a secured resource supply of wood, but is also insures that a Nation will always have the ability to also gain in the spoils. If the clan wants to keep the majority for themselves, they are able to. Alts be damned, I don't care. I think this is the best solution for the arguments on both sides.

    So 2 missions would be in the ports.

    a Public mission and a Clan mission.


    Same can be done for rare resources like copper ingots, and cartaghena tar.

    Or the clan could sell some.

    But I do get your point. I think the new clan mechanics are going to put more and more pressure for clan warfare. Or clan cooperation. Both should be possible. Your clan should be able to pay mine to screen in exchange for X amount of white oak and teak. But if your clan is to piggy and acts like it doesn't need the nation, it won't get help.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Barbancourt said:

    Nobody wants to spend their precious time following other players around instead of playing their own game, and the whole "coast guard" wild goose chase routine is usually a huge waste of time for everyone involved anyway.  Seals will generally stay seals.  Most players have achieved their ceiling a few hours into their first brig or frigate.  The only way to become a shark is to join the sharks in a very time intensive way. 

    I understand that all of our time is valuable. But I would propose that helping promising/enthusiastic new players ultimately gives me better gameplay. Becoming a shark by joining the sharks is an excellent example of how we can train new players.

  10. Some surefire ways to reduce seal clubbing:

    Experienced Captains protect their shores and their seals. Make it too expensive to mess with you. 

    Experienced Captains and Clans train up, equip, and assist seals. Make them sharks instead of seals.

    Advise them about server population areas, peak danger times, and areas to avoid. Teach them how repairs work, purpose oriented builds and mods, strengths and weaknesses of certain ships. Show them the external Naval Actuon map and all that can be done with it. Advise them what perks to choose for what purpose.

    Advise those that need to rank up and want to do it by killing AI that their best base would be one away from the capitol. If the nation does not have a suitable distant port, go take one.

    Deny the clubbers targets. If your shores are being raided, go somewhere else. The bad guys will get bored.

    Make sure your seals understand how ROE works. 

    I know mqny players, nations, and some clans have in the past and continue to do some of these things but ultimately it is our job to make our nation's desirable, not the Dev's. 

    • Like 2
  11. On 4/11/2019 at 4:17 AM, Henry Durnin said:

    My suggestion deals with the biggest concern of many people about DLC ships giving a too big advantage (rare woods/redeemable) of those who doesn't own a DLC.

    So everyone who owns a DLC can redeem his ship every 24 hrs and that is something less likely to be changed as it has been sold/advertised that way from the start.

    A way to close the gap between those owning a dlc and those who don't will be done by the new port update giving access to easy replaceable boats to clans owning a port, wich is good in my opinion, but not enough.

    An additional way, without changing the dlc in a negative way for those already owning one, could be to make dlc ships capturable. This way everyone could optain these ships by boarding them, no negative impact on the person owning the dlc as he lost it anyways (before would habe been sunk) and he can redeem it again after 24hrs.

    Still keeps the boat rare to those not owning the dlc but gives access to them to everyone. Exploit could be easily limited through the boat being still not tradeable. E.g. only the person which captured it can keep it.

    Maybe introduce even rare notes of them boats (single digit chance) to chests etc.

    This would still leave the major advantage (redeem/24hrs) for those owning the dlc but would give the others the opportunity to "farm" those boats.

    Maybe you have a better suggestions how to improve the impact of redeemable dlc ships without changing them?




    Make the DLC ship transferrable/capturable/sellable BUT once ownership transfers to anyone it, along with any mods attached, disappears after maintenance.

  12. On 4/12/2019 at 1:37 AM, Norfolk nChance said:

    I’m sad, but more surprised the idea wasn’t liked by either Tester or Developer alike. General and current game play thoughts direct from the horse’s mouth would give much more clarity in mind than just single line Patch note entries. From someone willing to listen and another willing to be heard, this was in my humble opinion a nice bridge.

    Oh well, back to the old drawing board so to speak...


    Norfolk on the Sofa


    It's a good idea but producing videos may require time and a skill set the current team doesn't have. (Maybe they do.)

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Lancelot Teggin said:

    Faster OW Speed i dont want to take hours for travel and more dlc ships maybe a special 2nd or 1st rate would be nice

    A DLC for faster OW speed would just make it OP for those who have it vs those who don't. I could get behind an expensive extra 2 ports DLC.

    I expect you'll get your wish for a DLC 1st or 2nd. It seems to be the way they are headed: the ability to play the game completely using only DLC ships or the ability to play with only crafted captured ships. Player choice. Except right now it is unbalanced and the crafting option is not really there for most.

    It's going to be tough to balance. Make it too easy to craft and DLCs won't sell as well and further development may suffer because of finances. Make it too hard to craft, and you lose permanently portion of player base that either can not or will not pay for the DLCs. I find that I fall more in the later camp. Although I can afford DLCs, just magically getting ships as needed removes parts of the game that I could enjoy. 

    • Like 1
  14. I've always been a fan of sort of a Yelp like rating of Captains. Yes, it's open to abuse but overall, after enough reviews, some info can be gleaned. It would help develop reputations. Sometimes reputations are well deserved and sometimes they are false hearsay.

    "Honorable Captain"

    "Kept his word on a trade deal"

    "Sore loser"

    "Obnoxious winner"

    "Dangerous demaster"

    "Likes to board"

    "Carried insufficient repairs"

    "Partnered with a LRQ"

    "Trades in mahogany"


    • Like 2
  15. On 4/12/2019 at 10:29 PM, Ligatorswe said:

    "because I have no doubt that more than few players are smart enough"...

    I would have answered your post if you had written it in a more polite way.

    Have a nice day Sir!

    Umm. That’s not impolite. Just the opposite: he’s saying there are smart players that can help flesh out his idea.

    @Bull Hull I really wish we had a system similar to what you describe but at this stage, that’s an entirely new game mechanic that I doubt will get any development time for Naval Action 1.0. 

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