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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. I assumed this was coming at some point. And I don’t care if a port battle happens while I’m asleep. I like the game, but I like my life too. One is just pixels that are constantly changing. Who cares?

    Admin there will need to be a carefully constructed set of instructions on how we should deal with this. Please make note of the questions being raised in this thread and start an FAQ.

    I will miss our Aussie and Kiwi brothers. Please consider a US East Coast server location. They have the ping to play if it’s based there.

    I advocate a map wipe.

    • Like 3
  2. 37 minutes ago, Malachy said:

    No, there needs to be an option to test and train. Other than that, we won't have very many folks who are confident of fighting.

    Yes! Building confidence is key to getting players out on the waters.

    I’ve always suspected that duel rooms, tournaments, etc were removed from Naval Action for fear they would take away sales of Legends.

    My ideal would be the two functioned as a paid add on of the other and players could move back and forth between the two without having to switch games. I know from years building websites and retail/wholesale sales is you NEVER want your customer to leave your site or location. It’s that moment when the customer is most likely to slip away.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Timothy Bonaparte said:

    I tried asking and usually people seem to busy doing their own things. I don't blame them. Is it possible for 2 players to join a normal combat order or do you have to take a fleet combat order for coop? 

    2 or more can join a single combat order as long as they are in the correct rated ship (or smaller). We do this to help train our new players. If there are 3-4 players joining, then we do fleets.

  4. As some have said, deleting your character is the only way. You’ll lose all ships, gold, and XP.

    Without forged papers, there’s no cure for the XP loss BUT...

    What I am going to suggest is quite risky. Watch global chat and these forums for honorable players who play the nation you wish to play. Approach them to see if they would be willing to hold your gold, ships, and materials until you create your new character. Many nations/clans would love to gain an enthusiastic new member and some players would be willing to do this big favor. But be warned, if someone screws you and keeps your stuff, there would be no help from the Devs. But what have you got to lose?

    I play Dutch on Global Server.

  5. 2 hours ago, Capn Rocko said:

    The developers will make an in-game tutorial soon, but there are plenty of player-made tutorials that are likely better than anything that will implemented in-game (imo). Every time I help a new player, I make them watch several tutorial videos before I show them anything and they always thank me for it. 

    A bit off topic but would you mind making a post in the Guides section with a list of those recommended videos? I’d love to be able to point new players in that direction. Thanks. 

  6. I haven’t had a chance to test but things that make combat more active and skill based are great. We’ll always have a few ships that look best on paper but with these variations based on sails, we’ll start to see more and more experts who can make their ship of choice sing.

    I look forward to further refinements and applying the changes to 2 masters as well.

    BTW, @admin it’s great that you are able to build a game that preserves your vision. It is a beautiful game. But please remember a lot of the criticism on this forum, even when you disagree, springs from your player base’s desire for an even better game. Better game = more satisfied players = better reviews = more sales = more money to fund your vision. Regards.  

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, oldsailorpcwerth@live.com said:

    thanks all, so you mean that if I click USE on the skill book and all my ships that level perks during game will have the used kill book to choose from?


    That is usually true except in the case where the skill book is necessary to craft a permanent refit for a ship.


    In these cases, you need the all the necessary skill books in the recipe UNUSED in your warehouse plus the blueprint for the module to craft these more powerful modules. Crafting it builds one single use permanent module and consumes the books.

  8. On 11/29/2017 at 7:51 AM, Lannes said:

    I am playing as French. I have 4 redeemable forged papers. If I change nation and captain's name what do I Iose?

    Redeemable forged papers?




    If I put my ships in a free port, how do I recover them with a new name and nation?


    Totally unrelated to this thread but you asked:

    1. Move all your ships and stuff to a Freeports where you have an outpost. I’d recommend one closest to where you will call home in the new nation.

    2. You can close all your outposts in your present nation’s ports. You can keep those in Freeports.

    3. Go to one of your Freeports.

    4. Redeem a forged paper. It will now be in your warehouse. Right click on it to use it. Choose your new nation. You WILL NOT be able to change your character’s name. This can only be done by deleting your character and starting all over.

    5. I believe you’ll now be in your new country’s Capitol 

    If you do this you will retain everything except your buildings, workshops, and shipyards.


    • Like 1
  9. Ok. It looks like the voting is running roughly half and half of folks wanting the same and lower vs folks wanting longer or always open.

    I certainly understand the dislike for long timers and the ability to use chat and TS to call out for help from all corners of the globe. Honestly, with current populations, Im not sure that would bring in the waves of players one might think. I’m also not sure in the current doldrums getting big battles would be a bad thing.

    Im just looking for SOMETHING — a temporary solution that would be easy for the Devs to try while they are busy with their stated priorities — that could improve the current situation.

    My favorite long term solution is an expanding circle. After the battle starts, the join area becomes the area outside the circle. As time passes, the circle gets bigger and bigger until it reaches maximum view/render distance from the original swords, forcing players to join further and further away from the original combat. Occasionally reinforcements will make it in time to influence the original battle. Occasionally separate engagements within the battle will happen. Occasionally separate battle will happen as more PVP players enter the area and start their own battle. Please someone explain how this solution will hurt gameplay. I keep trying to shoot holes in my own idea but haven’t found anything major unless a captain — or captains — just want to ensure they can kill their outnumbered prey with less risk. 

  10. BTW, it might also be helpful if folks describe their play style or why you chose the way you did.

    For example, I tend to do all sorts of things in game: hunt alone, hunt in groups, trade runs, RVR, missions, or just moving my stuff around. I realize increased timers will sometimes help, sometimes hurt me, but feel more PVP involvement on the servers will ultimately be good for the game so I chose no timers. Someone who only hunts alone would not want increased timers.

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