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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 12 hours ago, admin said:


    • IMPORTANT CHANGE: Victory conditions/points for captured zones

      • Every port battle has 3 zones (objectives) that accumulate points if captured (as before)
      • Zones are still captured by the side that has more ships in the zone (as before)
      • But the captured zone points don't accumulate if even a single ENEMY ship is present in the objective (NEW FEATURE)

    Perhaps I am missing some nuance but basically #2 doesn’t matter because of #3.

    It would be more accurate to say:

    “Your nation can only accumulate capture points from a circle if you are the only nation with a ship (or ships) in a circle.”

  2. 6 hours ago, admin said:

    Outlaw battles is/was a great feature, but its flaws could not be fixed. Tutorial will have a massive impact on retention of new players and we are focused on the tutorial now instead of trying to figure out how to fix outlaw battles.

    Thanks. And I think many of us agree that a tutorial should be #1 priority. Good luck.

  3. THIS would be a totally different way at looking at repairs but I know that many have advocated for more flexible or dynamic ways to assign crew than just On and Off.

    What if there was an additional crew assignment “Repairs” or it could just be a function or replace the Survival button. We’d have to experiment with percentages and the speed each crew does but wouldn’t it be cool if you could devote more and more men to Damage Control but it would be at the expense of everything else?

  4. 3 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    Can someone explain how the reinforcement zones work?  Where are they located?  When were they added to the game?  Perhaps a link to the post when they were last added.

    Not a very in-depth explanation (in the taxation section) but they came with Patch 11.0


    Subsequent patches made the zones smaller and provided a visual indicator when you were in a reinforcement zone.

    I’ve never had to call on reinforcements or had them called against me but my understanding is if you are tagged in to battle within your nations zone, there is a button on your screen to call for reinforcements. They come in the form of an overwhelming number of friendly super powered 1st rates that will make it difficult to impossible for your foe to escape. 

  5. 5 hours ago, George Washington said:

    Easy to use BR calculator to set up your ideal PB combination.


    Thanks for getting this done so quickly, George.

    I have added a few functions, created some explanations, and changed the formatting some. I tried to set it up like a planner for pb participation.

    Note to all... this spreadsheet is not editable. You need to make a copy on your google drive or download a copy.

    Port Battle BR Calculator v1.2

    • Like 1
  6. I don't go out looking for PVP very often but I know that when I'm out of the safe zone, I am fair game for any foe. And if I'm in a warship, I'm looking for targets.

    I never have understood why some players consider those that sink them as evil. It's the goal of the game in the PVP servers. A batter in the World Series is not evil just because he wants to score even though that comes at the expense of the other team.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Peter Goldman said:


    I am outside reinforcement zone. My target is outside the zone. I get close to him and start tagging. He runs towards port. 1-2 seconds before tagging ends, target enters reinforcement zone and I get chased for 20 minutes in battle by 2 Santis and player... This is a huge issue. I don't see the reinforcement borders, nor on map or OW so I have no hello kittying clue if I can't tag someone or not. 

    I was in endymion, player was in wasa. Would be a nice 1v1, is that a gank protection or PvP protection?

    It would be extremely helpful if we could see the borders of the safe zones in OW but that sound very resource intensive.

    What about a message "Target in Reinforcement Zone" along with a "Cancel Attack" button? I've often wanted such a button when I realized the tag was bad, I've decided not to engage, or I realize I'm about to pull in a 1500 BR AI fleet.

  8. There is a lot of toxicity in the forum and ingame. That's a shame, but every online community has had to face that since -- at least in my experience -- we were dialing in to Compuserve at 14.4kbs.

    However, underneath A LOT of the posts here, even the ones that are negative, is players showing a real passion for the game. With a few exceptions we all want the game to get better and to succeed. We don't always agree what steps are needed.

    It would be helpful if we all took a step back from some threads and realized the person on the other end of the conversation probably just wants a better game like you do.

    • Like 4
  9. 8 hours ago, IndianaGeoff said:

    There are millions and millions of people playing games.  Only 200 on Naval action.  If you got 0.1% of a 10,000,000 person market, that is 10,000 players.  We have 150 most nights.

    Imagine we had 10,000 world wide.  That would be 3 servers in 3 time zones with 3,000 prime time players.  500 players in 5 nations with another 100 for 5 more.  Imagine that.

    Or maybe a map that covers the entire globe, all the oceans and islands with RvR zoned to the prime time in each area.  Europe fights in the Med during it's prime time, the Caribbean for US prime time and the Pacific/Indian ocean it's prime time.

    But this does not happen until this game gets it right and they market it.

    Yes! This game can get there. @rediii pretty much sums up what needs to happen. I really hope the current Devs can get this done. They have done a remarkable job creating the graphics and combat system. Where the game falls short is the elements that will make it a game that folks will play consistently and long-term -- a game that will attract more than period enthusiasts dropping in to check it out. It don't know if they have the exact team in place to get this done. I really hope so. They have my best wishes.  

    7 hours ago, rediii said:



    Content in form of new mechanics. 

    a better working eco where people buy and sell stuff, not like now where you cant do stuff with money

    Simple things like buycontracts for ships, seeing contracts in other ports

    mechanics that promote rvr instead of punish it

    mechanics that promote to spread the playerbase all over the map and not just let them stay inside safezones


  10. Wasn't sure if the "limit amount of speed mods available" option would cover this...

    1. Remove speed cap completely.

    2. Speed (or even all) mods give diminishing returns (i.e. Strongest mod gives full percentage increase, 2nd mod gives half the bonus, 3rd gives 25% of the bonus etc)

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, IndianaGeoff said:

    I gave out two ships last night to a newbie without forcing him to be a shipping whore.  He will be fighting in them tonight, having fun, not being lost an hour away from anything.

    Hmm.  Shipping whore? Kind of harsh. Oh well. We give out fre ships to our new players too; I was basically addressing players who think getting repairs to their battle is too much work.

    Fair sails. 

  12. 42 minutes ago, IndianaGeoff said:

    You can suggest it.  But getting it to happen... Not gonna happen.  That newb wants to blow stuff up instead of spending 2 hours sailing stuff for others.

    All 3 of them.

    Well, it could give noobs a chance to get involved, a chance to work with your clan, and perhaps they would do it for a decent build small ship that they can use. Most clans can pop out a decent Snow, Cerb, or even Surprise without blinking an eye.

    Look for ways to bring players into your team.

  13. 34 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    The new thing is to go into these missions with a mortar brig and one AI ship.  You go up wind from them while they sink your AI ship (some cheap store bought ship).  They all are stuck in the wind trying to get to you as you kill them with a Mortar Brig. I have no clue what they make, but with the BR diffrence I'm going to bet it's a killing compare to doing them with like ships such as a 1st rate or two.

    Hadn't heard that one. How boring that must be.

    'Course then they just end up as rich, high ranking mortar marksmen.

    • Like 1
  14. The only permanent solution to this and almost all other problems with this game is bigger population and that's only going to come with more content.

    Some have argued that the battle IS the content. Well, tic-tac-toe has battle content to line up 3 x's or o's. But this has limited appeal. The richer the content, the more people want to be involved.

    Ports have to have needs -- Needs that can be satisfied only by other ports that players must either conquer or trade with. Sure our capitols will buy violins, ivory, and historical artifacts but that only gives a gold profit. Who cares. But if the citizens of our capitols required luxury goods to be happy and stay productive, we would be forced to meet their needs. Another example: ports that produce food supplies. Does anyone actually farm them? But if famine conditions hit another port or we needed extra food for a military campaign these ports would become important.

    I know some of you do not want to ever have to trade but unless the economy and trade becomes important, none of us are going to have any lasting role in this Naval Action.

    • Like 1
  15. I'd really like to see how it goes with the proposed BR limit mechanic first before we try anything like this.

    I understand showing up to an empty port battle sucks. But think the mechanism you suggest would perhaps be a little rough on smaller nations. It's not always wise to just sacrifice 5 ships when you can only get that many in the port battle on time and the enemy shows up with 20+.

    What about a compromise? Make the deposit nonrefundable but more affordable. Also, make the deposit the final step for PB schedule, not the first. First aggro gets raised to 100% but to put the PB on the calendar, the attacker has to pay the deposit.

    AND most important, hostility missions need to be near the port in question and the defending nation needs to be informed of the missions taking place.


  16. 8 hours ago, Landsman said:

    Don't bother with them mate, they're just a bunch of losers that enjoy spamming Wasa in PvE. It is amusing tho, how the people that are against the Wasa nerf, are not even denying it is OP ( probably because they know they would look even more stupid doing so ) but are instead just telling people to deal with it... 

    Yes, thanks. I'm not sure why I got involved. I am usually better at ignoring the trolls without actually using the ignore button. There are 3 or so whom it's time tho.

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