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Posts posted by Farrago


    3 minutes ago, Rickard said:

    well, limiting ship classes is more logical and easier than limiting BR.

    but If I understand correctly then the Devs would like to create a system similar to World of Tanks clan battle, is that correct?


    Except just limiting ship class will tend to revert to everyone using the same ships. Limiting by BR allows teams to be creative and play to their strengths or the enemy's weakness. Yes, it's more complicated but provides for so much more creativity.

    • Like 6
  2. 1 hour ago, Eyesore said:

    Tow to port added - players will be able to transport one ship per day instantly.

    I think the move should be at maintenance (the way it is proposed now, you'll just see people teleporting their ships to PB's ... )

    While I tend to agree and would prefer the tow after maintenance, I'm willing to wait and see whether this (instantaneous tow) causes more problems than it fixes. I would assume its goal is to put more "action" into Naval Action. That would be a good thing.

  3. 20 hours ago, Viper2 said:

      3.   The lowest level PVE combat mission enemy ship SHOULD NOT have 40 % more armor and 20% more guns the new people. There is no training or tutorial to

    help new people get started, so the first combat missions should be alittle more fair. i.e. same armor and weapon values.

        4. I do not think the first PVE combat mission enemy ship should set me on fire EVERY 3 MATCH. I haven't started a fire on them YET!!!!!!!!!!!

    YOU ARE RIGHT. The lowest level missions are too difficult for a brand new player. They probably would not be if there were tutorials but alas...

    Their difficulty is probably about right for someone who knows the game already but is sailing the smaller ship. For example, while I'm certainly not top tier in combat ability, a midshipman level mission against the rookie brig is fairly easy for me in the basic cutter. The next level against the rookie snow, while staying in a basic cutter offers more challenges and if I screw up it can be touch and go but I can usually win because I know how repairs work and the cutter has an unlimited supply. I also know when to run. The next level even harder but with A LOT of patience being willing to sail off and repair, go back and do damage and keep repeating they are doable in the basic cutter.

    But none of us want to stay in the basic cutter so we get into a pickle or brig as soon as we can. The new player probably doesn't have a good supply of repairs yet. A new player doesn't realize he probably doesn't need very many rig repairs in missions or how many repairs of any type he needs to carry. 5th and 6th rate missions can be really tough if you don't have a tanky ship.

    My best advice for brand new players: before you sail anywhere get an explanation of repairs and looting. If the Basic Cutter which is available in your port is speed (fir, cedar, mahogany) take it and sail to another friendly port and look for a heavier wood such as oak, live oak, etc. Sell the "fast" cutter and buy the heavy one. You won't need the speed in those low missions.

    Good luck!

  4. 18 minutes ago, Comeonche said:

    For me choose a nation to play must be a hard and difficult choice, it's not like choose his shirt in the morning.

    Congratulations on being a loyal captain of your nation. I'm in the same boat: I have a lot of forged papers.

    Perhaps one day they will be tradeable and you can sell them to other players. But it's not particularly painfree to change nations if you've been actively playing with stored materials, buildings, stuff in a clan warehouse, and ships in many ports.

    • Like 1
  5. I never played POTBS so I don't know how much physics of the ships were programmed. In NA cargo weight puts a big hit on speed. Weight and ship size also affects acceleration. Different points of sail matter.

    Ship list in Naval Action

    This list is for basic unmodified characteristics with no cargo. One could definitely build a trader that could escape just about any one ship it meets. One could also build a hunter that could catch just about any trader it chased. But will these two perfectly designed for the task ships ever meet each other and will they be captained by equally skilled captains. Rarely. So, you win some, you lose some.

    Most traders that get caught are sailing AFK, overloaded, or victim of a wolf pack where you get pinned by more than one hunter.

    I hope you give the game a try.

    • Like 5
  6. 46 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    For me its not black or white.

    I like that ships sink faster and broadsides feel more powerful.


    I dislike multi repairs and I especially dislike rum, changing raking from being OP to almost making it useless. Using rum and restoring 100s of crew during boading sucks.

    Also Cartahena Refit feels straight up unfair. In 1st rate battles most of your shots bounce even close range and with a good angle which is just BS imo.


    36 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    that is not really the point of the topic. I want to get a serious discussion started about alot of flaws with ship balance and combat. There are things I like in 10.0 too but there are more cons than pros. You gave me 1 pro and 3 cons. That doesnt seem black or white.

    Can't answer the poll because the questions are not equal. One has to choose that pre10 was better in most ways or post10 is worse in every way.

    @Jon Snow lets go has pointed out some of the problems with post 10 but to say that it is worse in every way would be inaccurate in my opinion. It's better for ship customization for example.

    The problem post 10 or post 11 patch is the Devs never seem to tweak game elements nor do they just add/remove one thing. They make massive, sweeping changes in mechanics all at once which make it extremely difficult to evaluate what is going right and what is going wrong.

    • Like 4
  7. Alts can be a pain in the ass either as spies or competing for resources in your nation's waters but they have the right to exist. Not only did the player pay his money, flying a false flag did happen. However, there should be a mechanism where nations can police their waters. Give everyone green on green ability OUTSIDE the safe zones. That will still protect newbies and mission runners. If it causes a civil war so be it. Nations should have to work that out as well.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Peter Goldman said:

    What players should be able to know before choosing nation:

    1. How does the nation look on the map. How many ports it has and would be great if player could choose national port or maybe even free port in which he wants to start.

    2. Details about the nation. Description in form of EASY/MEDIUM/HARD level is totally useless or only addition to the serious description explaining mechanics of the nation:


    Spain/GB/France/US - Big reinforcements zones with 2 permanent regions - good nations for the new players.

    Sweden/Denmark/Dutch - Small/Medium size reinforcements zones, only one permanent region, good for more experienced players as well as for beginners looking for challenge.

    Pirates - Hardcore nation with one small permanent region. Pirates can attack each other, thus making it a more difficult gameplay for experienced players mostly.

    Prussia/Russia/Commonwealth - Difficult nations to begin, without any permanent ports or reinforcement areas. Captains choosing these nations begin in free ports or ports already conquered by these nations.


    3. Players should be able to have a look on the map, see the permanent ports and size of reinforcement area, be able to choose a port on the map where they wanna start. Maybe there should be also an indicator about nations' size (how many players play certain nation weekly).



    @admin something like this should go on the character selection screen right away. Please. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Sunleader said:

    Yes and No.

    You See in the Past the PvP Server had Safezones on every National Port.

    So PvP happened on Port Battles, Open Sea away from the Coast and Free Towns. While the Nation Ports were mostly Safe  

    I've seen you post this several times. When was this?

    At least since last December but prior to Patch 11, there was a SMALL green zone around the capitol city. Battles made within that zone stayed open to the owner for defender reinforcements to enter but there were no AI super killers to push a button and summon. PVP Battles (and yes, ambushes of newbies and traders) happened often around national ports. Attackers ran the risk of facing revenge fleets on battle exit as well but to say nation ports were safe would be incorrect.

    Regardless, we have nice big safe zones now.

  10. Geeze, at this point neither a merge nor keeping 3 servers will "save the game". Only continuing and refining improvements will. For now, keep the current server setup and let the future decide.

    Looking in to my (optimistic) crystal ball:

    1) Devs finally hit a home run and game becomes popular.

    2) Population is so great that not only do we not need PB windows, we need to expand the map so that there is more space to play.

    THIS would be the ultimate definition of game success: I choose to sail in the Dutch East Indies fleet right now. In a few months my ships may participate in our attempt to conquer the Greek isles.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Teutonic said:

    After discussions with others

    I would highly suggest that towing ships costs Combat marks, not money

    Example bring that moving a 5th rate could be 25combat marks, whereas moving a 1st rate costs 100-150 combat marks.

    Agree somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000%.

    We need -- and I think we'll get the best population growth -- if the game is playable and fun, still with effort required to succeed, but still playable. We don't need it to be easy. It's a search for balance I know. 3 tows per day is A LOT. And 100k is too easy. Make it for combat marks and cost based on ship size.

    On second thought, if you made the price in combat marks and based on ship size, 3 tows per day is fine. If a clan or player wanted to spend 300 cm to move 3 first rates that seems right. 

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    So let me get this straight...

    3 new empty dead nations are being added, to spread an already thin, laughably thin population even thinner.... this is to increase activity how?  


    Maybe I am missing something.

    While I think clan vs clan and allowing a clan to restrict port access to only its clan (and friends) would have been a better way to go, the new nations will give more options than our current setup.

    Players or clans with a grudge (or just different goals) will have an option besides joining a former enemy.

    A Prussian ship is still a target for hunters, even more so as they won't have protected waters.

    We're already heading (at least on global) to a situation where port battles aren't necessarily 25 v 25 affairs.

    I don't know if this new thing will be a positive for server population growth but see no reason why it would reduce server pop. Your enemies may just be flying different flags.

  13. Please no. There are very few freeports left anyway. Don't remove TP to them. I understand that having a freeport near where you sail regularly can increase your chances of being attacked. The Devs understand this too. That's one reason Denmark (in this particular case) is classified as having a higher level of difficulty. It is not designed to be as easy as GB, US, or Spain.

    • Like 2
  14. 6 hours ago, George Washington said:

    Your idea is good, but we need small population 'insurance' mechanics. My idea was to make ALL port battles 10 vs 10 once the port is flipped. Then add 'bonus' as Port Battle size expansion based on extra work invested. 

    ex. (Attacker) Nation Flipped port and now Port Battle is scheduled with 10 vs 10 (X BR) Default preset. Port Battle size Expansion is listed:

    - 50% more contention points will unlock 15 vs 15 (X BR) Port Battle.

    -100% more contention points will unlock 25 vs 25 (X BR) Port Battle.

    I understand what you're trying to do but this could have the unintended effect of hurting a small nation defender: Big clan or nation raises hostility. BR limit helps small nation defend EXCEPT big nation can continue grinding allowing more and more ships to attack in the PB and overwhelming by sheer numbers the small nation.

  15. 1 hour ago, Sunleader said:

    No Offense. But if as an PvPer you Fail to take down a Trade Ship once you tagged him on OW then your doing something terrible Wrong.

    Trade Ships now are Pretty well Armed. (Back then they had no Guns lol) but its still not like they can Outrun or Outgun an Frigate.

    Even less when they are Loaded.


    So there wont be any actual PvP Fights from this.

    Fights will mostly be about an Smuggler avoiding Attacks as much as Possible by going long Routes.


    Now as I said dont get this Wrong. I think this is a Great thing. Most of all because I am a Smuggler lol

    But its not really a good way to Promote PvP.


    No offense taken. You are undoubtedly correct. Many victories are dependent on someone not doing something right. That's sort of the essence of the game -- or any competition -- right?

    However, there are some absolutely diabolically skilled solo hunters in this game. I am NOT one of them. But we all tend to post on this forum assuming everyone has the exact same history in game as we do.

    Here's my experience: I don't know the exact count, but I've had some traders sail by me with impunity. They are in 3 ship Indiamen fleets. I made the mistake of one time tagging such a fleet and barely escaped with my ship. Many other times the trader was able to avoid the tag. The 2 (TWO!) times I have successfully hit traders, I was in a Snow equipped more for grinding than hunting. Once the trader brig was overloaded with no guns. It was more a matter of when I took him than if. The other was a trader that had not equipped stern chasers. If he had stern chasers it's possible I still might have been successful but it would have been more in doubt. If I had been in a heavier ship, he would have probably gotten away. Point is, don't assume everyone you see in OW is an expert. Most of us are not.

  16. Can at least some of us admit that we need a balance of play styles to make a successful game? There just isn't enough of either exclusive PVPers or PVEers to put the Dev's kids through college. At least not yet. We need each other.

    PVE focused (but on the PVP server) need safety to kill their AI, conduct trade missions, and craft. New players and casual players need space too. That's why we have reinforcement zones.

    However, the AI economy in this game is not developed. All of you traders, crafters, and casuals need consumers. You need a big player base that needs things that only you can provide. The most reliable consumers are those losing ships and goods out in the OW or in RVR.

    A OW game that caters exclusively to PVP will fail. A PVP server that offers a PVE only mode -- that is there are no significant advantages to leaving the reinforcement zones -- will fail as well. (For reference see the PVE server.)

    I feel like the Devs are on the right track.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Sunleader said:

    I saw the Prices Today.

    From what I can tell its an Distance and Nation related thing.

    So the Biggest Profits are gained by Trading Goods from or into Enemy Ports.

    I have yet to see Good Offers from Free/Neutral Ports.


    Trading inside the safezone does not seem useful from what I saw so far. As the Safezone Ports only Buy stuff exclusively produced in other Nations.


    Bigger Problem might be that the best Trades need a Trader Ship and a Smuggler Flag to Dock on Enemy Ports.


    This makes it high risk and high reward action. But not an PvP opportunity unless your a Ganker who likes blowing up Ships that cant Fight back.



    Would have bern better if they had made the Big Profits available by Trading with Free Ports.

    So you can use a Warship for it.


    Small example.

    San Augustin (US Port where I am) Offers Stuff for 1200~ Gold

    Highest Price is offered by La Habana (Spain) with 200k Gold. So easily 1-2 Million Profit with a Tradeship

    Other US Ports only offer 2-6k Gold not really worth it cuz Shop only has like 20 pieces


    Sounds like it's how it should be: biggest profits available for biggest risks. I'm not really sure why you think a trader in OW is helpless. Players have been successfully doing this since the beginning of the game. Should you decide to give it a try, I recommend using ships designed for the purpose, don't overload them, use beneficial perks, plan your route carefully, and keep alert. Your chances will be even better if you sail with a friend. 

    • Like 1
  18. What would be the goal of this mechanic?

    It might help smaller nations but at the expense of creating a big mess. Instead I'd rather see pure clan wars which will put internal pressure on largest nations and make it harder to maintain their power.

    1. Clan vs Clan okay.

    2. Protected home waters for entire nation. Green on green attacks within those waters can call AI reinforcements for defenders.

    3. Port ownership status of Open to Nation, Open to Clan and Friendly, or Open to All.

    If the 3 conditions above were implemented THEN the proposal in the survey would work better.

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