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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. I agree, a port reset should happen on a time schedule almost like a sports season. If the Devs implement an admiralty points system, all admiralty points earned by a nation during a "season" could then be totaled to determine the season's "winner". Everything a player does that is productive should earn at least some of those points. That way traders, crafters, port battlers, PVE-ers, and PVP-ers will all have some role to play in a nation's victory or defeat. Individual prizes could be awarded to stand out players. Infractions and national players who are convicted in tribunal could result in a loss of some admiralty points as well.

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  2. On 1/23/2017 at 4:23 AM, JollyRoger1516 said:

    Every nation is fine. And I would surely support more ships especially considering we could get the fancy rare ones or historically important ones going then. However I would only be for this under 3 conditions.

    1. Fixing ship models is NOT tied to additional funding - that is like paying twice for the same ship... (i.e. I would pay for a US ship pack but not if a Connie fix only happens with that pack)
    2. All ships are craftable and the blueprint is learned via normal measures and not tied to events or giveaways!
    3. All ships are accessible by all players whether they paid for it or not. (This is voluntary funding and although that would allow people to profit from others money it will prevent ending up in a pay to win scenario!)

    About #1:

    Although I would consider paying (a smaller amount) to fix the Connie, I don't want the kickstarter campaigns to be about fixing things. The Devs should get things right based on our initial game purchase.

    Totally agree with #2.

    About #3:

    I have the opposite opinion. The result of the kickstarter should initially be the benefit of the funders. The new content would then slowly(?) spread through the game after ship builds, captures, and sales.

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  3. 48 minutes ago, Axel said:

    I know pretty much all of the Dutch players wont agree with me because the US have at least been decent allies to them so im not going to even comment on what regions the french could have back. I however do think that Dutch-French-Swede and Dane-French-Swede or some combination of that would probably be the best way to give the Antilles some sort of pause on this constant warfare. At the same time though that does mean having to sail a fair distance to PvP with some of the other nations and some people may not wish to do that when they could just stay at home and PvP

    However PVP doesn't have to generate enough hostility for a port battle but it seems that every time hostility creeps above 10% or so, we all assume someone is making a play for our port and respond in kind. The nations you mentioned could remain nonaligned or at war, still PVP, but not necessarily go after each other's ports 2 or 3 times a week.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Axel said:

    Unless I am mistaken the French aren't really getting involved at all. I think mainly theyre just getting help from both of the sides. I could be mistaken however.

    That was my impression as well although I didn't know others besides the Dutch were helping them. I know that I have been personally avoiding raising any hostility in French waters.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Axel said:

    Unless I am mistaken the French aren't really getting involved at all. I think mainly theyre just getting help from both of the sides. I could be mistaken however.

    That was my impression as well although I didn't know others besides the Dutch were helping them. I know that I have been personally avoiding raising any hostility in French waters.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Axel said:

    If someone can bring the Swedes to the table to make an actual agreement without having Benny back out immediately please do. On that day there can be peace between the Antilles nations until then there cant really be any sort of working together. I personally would like to not be allied to the largest nations in the server but if we need to defend ports from numbers larger than ours and screeners we should be able to have one as an ally. Or are the Dutch not allowed an alliance except to Spain? I am all for an alliance between Sweden, France, the Dutch and maybe even the Danes but thats not possible from the players in the nations (not just Sweden) currently as I see it.

    Ditto from another Dutch player.

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks. I guess I'm better with binoculars than my mouse. Just scanning 90 degrees is a pain with my set up -- sometimes I feel like the spyglass starts off 180 degrees from where I want to look. I did suspect that it had something to do with my mouse sensitivity than it did the game because I had not read other complaints.

  8. Surely I just don't know a certain keyboard command...

    In open world, is there a way to click somewhere on the screen and then hit "shift" and your spyglass is aimed at that spot? At least with my mouse/computer combo, scrolling around the view in spyglass mode is a real pain.

    I think in combat screen, the default aims the spyglass where your cannons are aimed but I'm not even sure about that.

  9. Someday there might be a manual for this game. In the meantime, I've learned what I have in my few short weeks from countless YouTube videos, published guides, and helpful answers on chat. THANK YOU to everyone who responds to questions and those who have spent the time making the guides and videos.

    Now, for this evenings question:

    I know port battles are limited to 25 ships. In a line ship battle, does that mean all 25 have to be 1st rates? A 4th rate battle means all 25 have to be 4th rate. Shallow water can be any ship that has shallow draft?

    • Like 1
  10. 52 minutes ago, koltes said:

    They should kill PVP event and make us to create those events ourselves by starting hostility missions. Each mission that is just being done and raised hostility creates blurred orange zone on the map. This tells defenders where to come looking for targets. Give people same rewards as for pvp events when they sink someone in those missions or in those areas (from both sides). 

    More on that here:


    Obviously I can't read the Devs' minds but I always figured PVP events were probably a temporary testing mechanism. They have to get enough player ships out there fighting in a controlled/observable environment to test combat mechanics. I could be wrong, but having PVP events (at least at such frequency) in a release version seems counter to where the game design concept was headed.

  11. Thanks for the answers. At my level, I can only crew a small AI. I'm usually looking for the AI to either slow down the opponent so I can catch him or so that I can get away. I'd hope they would do this by chaining sails. I don't want to sacrifice my little AI buddy if I don't have to. Those AI are brave tho. They'll go in and slug it out with anyone.

  12. I just started on PVP2 a week or so ago. I chose Dutch because of the cooperative reputation they seemed to show on this forum and I liked the idea of being part of a "small" nation. Then I get on the server and see the Dutch locked up in alliances with the US and GB and all other nations basically struggling for survival. Of course, this makes for a nice, safe environment for building wealth and ships but takes away opportunities for fun with OW PVP, especially since more and more players are leaving the server due to a lack of excitement. What to do?

    I like the idea of alliances. It's historically accurate that nations maintain alliances for security and prosperity and (during the era of this game) global domination. However, alliances cost something in real life. They should cost in the game.

    Here are some ideas that perhaps the Devs could pick or modify:

    1. Better explanation and implementation of the voting system.
    2. Define an active player such as having played 1 hour as a character during past 2 weeks. In order for an alliance to happen, it must be voted for by over half of the active players from both nations. Not enough voting participation or yes votes, not alliance.
    3. "Tax" alliances. If your nation is in an alliance, it costs you 5% of your money the day that alliance starts or rerolls.
    4. 5 of the 25 port battle slots are reserved for one ally. If more than one ally exists, the designated ally is determined as the ally who's nations capitol is closest to the contested port. If that ally doesn't show up, those slots remain unfilled. f your ally won't create a military coalition with you, the alliance is weak.
    5. The ability to sabotage or spread discontent in an alliance or nation making it more difficult for a nation to accomplish its politcal and diplomatic goals. I'm not sure how this would happen or what it would look like. Maybe with some sort of expensive, craftable "spy" network?

    Perhaps these suggestions would be difficult or impossible to implement but something has to be done.

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