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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 2 minutes ago, ElricTheTwo said:

    Flipper was fighting - as do I when I'm along fighting 15-20. 

    Understood. I guess I don't know what I'd do if I were in that situation. If I am one of the few, I would probably just occupy a circle and defend it as best I can if the attackers choose to go for that one as well. If I have the superior numbers, I'd just ensure the victory without attempting to kill the one or few who showed up.

    But I get it and am not judging: if he comes at you, all you can do is deal with him.

  2. 4 hours ago, ElricTheTwo said:



    And it is another one-sided PB - another sparse turnout from GB.  This one at Sant Lago this morning around 7:30am eastern time.  Flipper thanks for showing up.

    I know that situation sucks for the folks who showed up but I do find it interesting that your side felt the need to capture the one guy who showed up. You obviously could have taken the port without doing so. While I recognize your right to capture or destroy him, it seems unnecessary. Did he give you no choice?

  3. 9 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    I would:

    Decrease the number of AI warship fleets and increase at the same time the fleets of contraband and traders from all nations. That will help new players too as a source of income.

    Increase the things to do in the OW.

    Boring sailing as a mechanic.

    Change some forts and towers cause some ports have more defenses than a capital.


    Agree. And I would like it if the battles in which those AI traders were being attacked by a player stayed open so that a friendly player could enter and try to rescue the trader AI earning some sort of reward for helping them to escape.

    • Like 1
  4. I’m quite new and not yet skilled in PVP, but I’m enthusiastic. I almost wish I had never found these forums because the politics stuff is disgusting. It might be better to be just a citizen victim of these behind-the-scenes shenanigans. (I guess we do simulate real life.)

    Both sides have made accusations and claim unfairness and duplicity in the past. Get over it! (And I’m talking to my fellow Dutch as well.) All is fair in love and war. Rolling to one port is fair. Attacking someone while they are distracted elsewhere is fair. Attacking in the middle of the enemy’s night is fair. Being unwilling or unable to follow through on an agreement is fair. Giving conquered territories back to some enemies while not doing the same to others is fair. Outnumbering someone is fair. Being more skilled is fair. Having more or stronger allies is fair. Having your allies or countrymen help you tremendously or let you down is fair. Attacking weaker nations is fair. Not defending an asset or showing up with overwhelming force is fair. Destroying an enemy while they are weakened is fair.

    In fact, it would be “fair” for a nation or alliance to use every possible advantage to achieve the total destruction of the enemy. It is only the fact that there is no end-game -- no ultimate winner and loser – that keeps this from happening. We also all probably know that winning in that scenario would actually be losing because we would no longer have fun.

    Many of us question how these various actions affect other players or whether they are good for the game long-term. We seem unable to come to an agreement on who’s responsibility it is to do what to improve the game and “save the server.” My opinion is it is not the responsibility of any of us to save the server or rescue any nation. We all paid our money and should play the game in a way that is most enjoyable to us. Many of us seek like-minded individuals with which join in clans and nations to add to our enjoyment. When those clans or nations no longer represent shared ideals, we can make a change.

    Unfortunately I’m away from my gaming rig, and therefore away from the game for almost the next month. If when I return there are no Dutch ports to return to, I’ll deal with it by continuing to try to improve so that I can help my nation regain some glory.

    Fair winds and a fun game TO ALL.

    • Like 5
  5. 2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Why do you need to put them up for sale?  Just do like most of my clan does.  Donate them to new players or put them in our fleets until they loose the last dura or even just break them up.   I would prefer to just give them to a new player than try to re-sale a half used up ship.  While this is not a PvP2 problem I think one way to fix the guys that buy store made NPC ships and than jack them up in price and resale them, is to make them not able to be resold on the market.  Now the Pirate Frig was one ship a lot of Nats liked to buy off us pirates and we would do this, and resale them in free ports, but other ships we left alone.  Now that the P Frigate can be crafted by some there really is no need for this.  Even though I think this should be a Pirate only blue print.

    Certainly what you suggest is an option if you are the one with the extra ships but I'm looking to buy, not sell.

    What you old timers seem to forget is not everyone is a level 50 crafter, not everyone is a rear admiral, not everyone is stinking rich because they were around for fine woods, not every nation or clan has unlimited number of captured or crafted ships to give away, etc etc.

    Basically, unless newbies like myself can become competitive in our equipment, we're not going to be able to grow to be competitive in our combat skills.The reverse is also true.

    I haven't found a lot of demand to give away my 3 dura remaining gold 5-7 rates. When new players are trying to learn/level crafting, it sure would be nice to be able to recoup some of the cost making these ships that I spent 10% of my net worth on. It's great if you don't need the gold or if you can use them to help a new player but often that's not the scenario.

  6. 36 minutes ago, koltes said:

    No this means that to suvive voyage you have to load your ship for the long voyage with as much proviant as you can means less fighting loads like special ammo. Less repair kits (those spare planks took alot of space as well as spare sails). No problem for trader though.

    You cant just sail for months and get into 25vs25 fights. You need to prep your ship first

    Okay. If we start needing to provision ships with other consumables like ammo, I'm okay giving it a try. 

    • Like 3
  7. All the "they did this, they did that" were before my time so I don't have old grudges to carry around. I'm sorry that some nations were mean to you in the past. It must have been tough. I'm glad that you were able to overcome this trial by fire and were able to develop awesome combat capabilities.

    It would still be nice to have that list of authorized ports so I could at least plan accordingly.

    Message clear: you don't want to PVP unless you come to us. If we come to Castries or the Windwards, that would be grounds for an all out assault by you on our ports. Okay. I do recall that Castries attack by the Dutch. That's called "strategy". It was a legitimate way to take pressure off our allies when you were going full scale on them. We didn't expect to take them and certainly didn't think we could hold them. But I do apologize because it obviously upset you very much to have anyone attack you there. I get it. I have spots where I don't like to be touched too.

    I would like to remind everyone that hostility happens in a region when PVP or missions are successful. Not all (or even most) hostility is meant to cause a port battle. My opinion is the most fun PVP is not found in port battles and for small nations (which with current server populations WE ALL ARE) it is difficult to field a port battle even every couple of days. I don't think any of us want to "win" a PB because the other side doesn't show up. It sure is fun to have 6 v 6 or so engagements.

    • Like 3
  8. I initially said "Yes" let's give it a try. I thought it might get folks visiting more freeports to re-provision creating more PVP opportunities. However, with the (necessary) time compression in OW, you can sail across the map in just a few hours real time. I don't think anyone wants to add rest stops during an already tedious task. I mean, realistically, how many game days do you stay out before putting in to a port? Certainly not more than any of these vessels could sustain themselves.

    • Like 2
  9. 16 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    So unless Dutch act up we will no advance on the regions we have taken down south.  We will prob give those up to France if it looks like they can hold  them.   Specially if we get new source of Silver and can hold it without constant attacks.


    So, what you're saying is that despite Pirates' claims that they want to promote PVP, the only legitimate PVP is what they choose to initiate such as being cannon fodder for your self-promotional videos. So, no nation should dare to PVP or run missions in the areas of the French, Pirates, or... remind me... who else are we not allowed to be near? I assume Spanish or Swedes? You're heavily allied with the Danes so I assume those areas are off limits as well? So basically you plan to use your military might and prowess to exert your political will on the whole game.

    It might be helpful for us to plan longterm and place future outposts if you would list each region in game and specify who is allowed to have it.

    • Like 2
  10. I'm pretty sure that with all ship types, you can most quickly turn thru the wind using manual sails and going max speed. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) But not having experience with that many different ships with different sail configurations, I don't know what happens at low speeds.

    Using manual sails, is the quickest turn at slow speed still with full sails on all ships or are Battle, Half, etc more efficient with some ships?

    • Like 1
  11. Just off the top of my head this morning: What about a compromise between 1 sink you're done and you have basically 3 shiny new ships in every single first rate?

    Have multiple duras and a captured ship does not lose any dura BUT...

    If a ship is really badly damaged, it may never be possible to bring it back to full strength with repairs. Maybe it is now slower, has less hp, worse turning, rudder can only be 80%, has less mod slots because some were destroyed, you get the idea.

    Alternatively, a ship is so badly damaged it takes a week real time not sailing it to repair it fully.

    You could even combine these and make the ship handicapped until after 1 week and then it can be restored to full health.

    There could be a new craft able repair kit that takes many hours to make and many mats to restore a heavily damaged ship to 100%.

    There could be a special, rare BP that these major repairs could only be done by the master which would start another specialization dry dock trade for crafters. One would have to turn their ship over to this dry dock shop.

    Anything good here?

  12. While I agree 3 dura 1st rates seems bad now, if they get the economy and crafting straightened out and then wipe, we may feel differently. This is a game when almost everything seems broken in one way or another and for one element to get fixed, several others will have to be as well.

    • Like 1
  13. These ops are certainly making the opportunities for PVP more plentiful. I like them although they do scare me. LOL. They are a great way for inexperienced, newer players like myself to bloody our swords. (Do the Pirates have any of those?) Here's my experiences over the last couple of days:

    Encounter #1
    I was heading alone to a 154 fleet mission when I spotted the crossed swords. I thought it was my mission but when I arrived, it was a Pirate v Dutch battle. As my Dutchies were a few BR down, I joined. I didn't pay enough attention when I tabbed and thought it was an AI vs AI battle that a player had abandoned. Even tho I was outgunned in my Connie vs much bigger ships, I decided to give it a go. They swarmed me and before I knew it, my rudder was gone and my armor was badly damaged. I thought I could limp off a little bit to repair but they stayed on me. Soon I was taking on water and my one dura gold Connie that a Clan mate had given me -- he'd taken it from Sweedish Cheese -- was at the bottom. Shipless and far from home, I bought a green Connie and started racing west.  (See Encounter #2) The day after, I see my name on the pirates' kill list. I asked who got me as I thought I'd only been facing AI. Jobaset informed me that it was Hazynat0r and that there had been at least 5 real pirates in my battle! I learned some lessons that day. Look more carefully when you tab to see battle composition and don't go into the middle of a 1st-3rd rate swarm by yourself in a Connie.

    Encounter #2
    As I pushed the pedal to the metal in my green Connie, I was hailed by Willis in his brand new Pirate costume. He was way in the distance but gaining on me at an angle in his Surprise(?). He wanted PVP. I wanted my officer to only lose one life that day. I might have been able to make it to the coast where some friendly AI fleets might have saved me but hell, what's the point of this game if not to PVP? I turned and engaged. I managed to get a few damaging broadsides into his sails and armor but just could not keep him off my tail and protect my rudder. I decided to disengage and make a run for it. Although his sails were down below 75%, I knew he had not used his repair. I think he ultimately let me go (thank you) as I would imagine he could have repaired sails and kept at it until I had to fight. It may have helped when I told him in chat that he would only be capturing a green Connie.

    Encounter #3
    I tend to do a lot of missions by myself as my fellow Dutch are usually doing higher level missions (to efficiently raise or lower hostility) than I can crew. I was in one such mission when -- after learning my lesson during Encounter #1 -- I tabbed for battle composition and see that Tigger had joined the battle. Scanning around, I see that he is engaging an AI way in the distance. As I was heavily engaged with the AI fleet in the main battle area, I kept fighting figuring I would have to either escape because I'd taken so much damage from the AI or deal with Tigger once he approached the main kerfuffle. I kept an eye on him. After a while, I noticed that he had escaped the battle. I don't know whether he just didn't notice me, he grew bored, or had taken too much damage, but that was a PVP that ALMOST happened.

    Anyway, I hope both sides are enjoying these Operations and Counter-Operations as much as I am. I'm new so I don't know all the history and personalities, but I do hope that most of the smack talk is just that and you are having fun with this game and not getting angry. Hell, if we end up destroying all our pretty gold ships and lose all our officer lives, we can start throwing Naval Action stone blocks at each other. Yes, a breakup of the tri-alliance would offer more varied PVP options but I just don't see it happening. I've been told that the US would never stop their alliance with the British and it's doubtful enough Dutch would vote to switch over to a block alliance with all the other smaller nations. That would be especially difficult with the current voting mechanics.

    Fair winds to all.

    • Like 2
  14. 2 minutes ago, JobaSet said:

    think there were about 5 but Hazynat0r is the one that got kill on you http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/91599028246511987/4CBB79D965EBC52A0F7D5EA8B0DAF7B191387DF5/

    Lol. You guys must have thought you'd died and gone to heaven. One stupid Dutch player in a Connie stumbles in to your battle against an AI fleet. Not the way I wanted to start learning to PVP.

    See you out there soon when I get another ship!

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