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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 5 minutes ago, BoomBox said:

    Although i agree but the Captiva has a point. It's realistic that you varying mod qualities but  Every player i know, uses gold player made mods. I am not talking bout marines, powder monkeys etc.

    Hmm. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. I haven't found that infinite source of gold mods so that I can equip each and every ship for each and every task with them. I'll keep looking. Lol

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Farrago said:

    In your sentence, it would stay in the nominative case  

    Нам нужно меритократия

    Actually, I believe I was wrong: it would be нужна since the adverb(?) would have to agree with the subject. My Russian grammar is a little rusty but we must communicate effectively with our Devs when making suggestions.

    There, I brought it back on topic. 

    • Like 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, elite92 said:

    we need meritocracy - нам нужно меритократию

    im trying some unusual words in russian language, is it correct?

    Generally they would adopt word ending like "meritocracy" as a feminine noun so it would be "меритократия". In your sentence, it would stay in the nominative case  

    Нам нужно меритократия

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/9/2017 at 2:15 AM, Ink said:

    On average 40 captains join the game EVERY DAY for the last 1-2 months without any marketing. That is 1200 players per month. That’s enough to fill both PVP servers in 2 months. What did you personally do to make them feel at home, happy and willing to stay and fight alongside you? Remember that your negativity spreads and stops them from playing

    While I did not like all the answers at least was some info on priorities and what you plan to address short term and what you do not.

    You, the Devs, obviously see the problem that most new people don't keep playing the game long enough or productively enough to advance. However, you seem to think that is primarily because of some sort of hostile reception newbies get. It's not. Some jerks do exist and they prey on newbies but my experience on PVE and PVP2 servers is there is usually welcomes, advice, and material support available in nation, global, and help chats. The atmosphere is generally not "let's screw with the newbies".

    The blame lies at your feet, Devs. You're taking someone's 40 bucks and then just presenting them with a port screen with NO explanation what they can then do. A new player has to either ask questions one at a time in chat or research through these forums and player published guides and videos. You ask what we players have done for new players... They have produced the documentation for your game!

    At the minimum, and I mean priority one, if you truely want to convert a higher percentage of that daily 40 newbies into NA enthusiasts there should be a FAQ/Help/Tutoral that explains that there is a combat and OW mode, keyboard commands for each, what each tab does in port and each map tab means. The rookie zone should be explained to encourage players to get some experience and gold there before heading into more dangerous waters.

    You don't have to teach them strategy, advanced tactics and sailing etc but you need the bare minimum to answer the new players question "Um, what do I do now?"

    You get them at least understanding the interface and what missions, tournaments, events, etc are and we'll welcome them and help them use those tools to get better.

    • Like 3
  5. This would be a blog format:

    Guest captains write articles or make videos on certain topics of interest. For example...

    How to defeat a more powerful enemy in 1v1.

    How to get an opponent off your tail.

    Best tactics in X situation

    Organizing fleets and tactics for the attack.

    Trade missions.

    Crafting tips.

    Optimal cannon loadout for X

    You get the idea. Generally "experts" like to teach. In the blog format, you can easily organize your material using tags and categories. Readers can "like", share, and comment. 

  6. Restrictions, splitting servers, combining servers, player choice, Dev choice: all of these "solutions" will make it fair for someone at the expense of someone else. My idea to have it be a randomly generated time 36-48 hours after generation seems to get no love. If it was random, sometimes the time would work for both sides and sometimes would be better for one side or the other. However it would become less and less an issue as the server (hopefully) increases population. 

  7. OW sailing can be a drudgery. Often while away from port, our goals or missions change and we wish we were in one of our fleet ships and yet no outpost in sight. One can switch command to a fleet ship in combat, but not in OW.

    It seems that since in real life, sending the captain over in a dinghy would be more easily accomplished when NOT in combat, why not add this ability to the game? I can think of only positives for all aspects of the game.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, ElricTheTwo said:


    please make it a gold one next time....  I hate capping nasty green ships.  :D  You should have mentioned it, I would have turned around in disgust.

    Ah, but I didn't want you to get back to screening the PB more quickly and causing more trouble. (Although in all honesty, I didn't think to tell you it was green to have you back off.) I was trying to get over to my fleet ship -- a Niagra as I recall -- so that I could at least have some fun before sinking or surrendering. Unfortunately I'm not a good enough sailor yet to get that done in a hurry.

    Fair winds.

  9. 50 minutes ago, ElricTheTwo said:

    More players are surfacing for France - some new, some old faces.  Linguine Mike and Train54 were both playing earlier today.  More new players just joined the SINK clan - 14 of us now.  Who wants to make the move to France on PvP2 and help balance the nations?

    Good news for the game! Even tho that means I'll probably lose another mortar brig to you. Cheers. 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    Appreciate the info on delivery missions.  I've considered them immersive and had a interest in doing one someday.  But I was told that using deliveries between free towns can be lucrative.  Don't quite get how the mechanics of deliveries can be so helpful.


    Well, deliveries between free towns can be a helpful tool, but I don't know how they would be hugely lucrative as an overall strategy. One might be able to arrange in chat to provide that delivery service occasionally for other players but most players who need this have enough freeports and enough money to take care of it themselves. However, you might find that it can be a useful tool if you are spread out over the map. Let's say you have an outpost at freeports Cayo Biscayno and La Orchila. You find you can pick up some trade good in the rookie zone or even live oak on the continental US for X price. Looking at the trader tool, you see that you can sell that item for 3 times what you paid down in Willemsted. You can move the item to Cayo Biscayno, send it delivery down to La Orchila and then use a trader ship to move it over to Willemstad to sell. That's a significant amount of work for 3X profit when you could probably sell that item (trade good) in Charleston or another near port for a profit as well. It's especially limiting because its delivery is limited to 4 slots and 1000 lbs so you may have to send multiple deliveries.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Serk said:
    • No idea how hard it is to implement, coding wise, but i'd really like to keep my own national flag when helping my allies in battle, instead of using theirs. It would give a better feeling of representing your naiton ''abroad'', but also be a solid proof that a nation is a helpfull ally :)
    • Also, being able to place sell-buy orders for ship paints would be great.


    I get what you're saying and the sentiment behind flying your own flag in PB but you may end up the victim of more friendly fire.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Prater said:

    You haven't addressed people losing outposts, resources, and ships.

    In my post I did. It would be a pain in the ass moving outposts and regions BUT imagine the PVP opportunities if all players needed to move their stuff around during a one to two week period: vast escorted player fleets on the water and your raiders trying to take them. I don't know if it would be good or not but something has to be done to break the constant impasse and dwindling player base.

    Perhaps the Devs just need to improve marketing and reduce the price temporarily but my suspicion -- since they have not already done so -- is they are facing some big challenge right now and don't want a huge influx of new, potentially unhappy testers. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Macjimm said:

    Thanks for the advice.

    Any more specifics on:

    • Delivery orders between free towns.

    Deliveries between free towns are not part of orders. Basically you're hiring a shipping company to move stuff from one freeport where you have an outpost to another one of your freeport outposts. Each delivery is up to 4 hold slots and a max of 1000 lbs. This is all accessed from the equipment screen.

    Or do you mean delivery missions?

    It seems like most of them are deliveries to a nation's port but you can get the missions while in your own or a free port.

    If you're on PVE server, it doesn't matter but if you're on a PVP server you'll want to sail with a fleet combat ship: the best one you can crew.

    Enable your smuggler flag.

    Youll be in your trader ship unless attacked. If you are attacked and you don't have the wind to run away, order your fleet ship to stop, sail up to it and hit "x" to transfer over to command it in combat or you can just run in your trader while your AI fleet ship engages the attacker. Hit the "m" key while in combat to give commands to your AI fleet.

    Pick a delivery mission that you're able to fill for an acceptable profit. If it's a heavy load, you may have to make several trips between the supply location or locations and the destination. This is especially important if you only have a small trader or the destination is a shallow port. Also make sure you have the money to buy the goods somewhere. You won't get paid for the delivery until all goods are delivered so that's something to consider.

    Use the trader tool to find the closest or cheapest supply. You may find you want to sail farther for a better price. Go there, buy the goods and sail them to the destination. When you get to the destination port DON'T SELL THE GOODS, go to the delivery missions tab, click on deliver goods and deliver all or part. Repeat as necessary.

    I don't believe delivery missions currently expire so you can work on several at once. You my sometimes ultimtely decide to cancel the mission because you find a better one or it ends up being too much trouble.

    I find it helpful to write down my delivery mission details so I know at a glance how much I paid for goods, how much the mission will pay per unit, and if I spot a price that's almost as good and I can just cancel the mission and sell off stock I've accumulated. However, once you've delivered part of the order, you can't get those goods back.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    The Desc on the perk says when you are out number.  I think it's not exactly BR based.  I think it's up to close numbers as I remember the devs saying it's not exact it's up to or close.  So when it went from 4 vs 1 to 4 vs 34 that kinda even it out compared to what was it at first.   I was actually expecting at least one more Dutch to have gotten into that.  Though it would of been something smaller than a first rate as that would put the BR over the attackers.  As stated before it's up to or close.   

    As for being out number. I can show you tons of screens where Pirates are out number and out BR and still won with little to no lost.  

    I almost got in there with my frigate but the battle closed before I could fight my way upwind into the circles.

    Hope you guys had fun tonight. Nurtle got me in a well planned ambush.

    • Like 1
  15. That's a good income generating trade run Tortuga Bob mentions. You'll find others. If you haven't yet, capture (or buy) a Traders Brig. It has the largest hold for a shallow draft which you need for the shallow rookie zone.

    You'd have to use the traders tool (in maps) to determine if you can make a profit on ingots but $ profit is only part of the equation. You'll want to increase your crafting level and you can only do that by making things. I made the mistake of ignoring crafting when I first started and I literally wasted days and days when I could have been using up crafting hours and leveling up because your "wallet" will only store so many hours. Iron ingots are always needed as are gun carriages of all sizes. You can usually easily sell those as well as help out your clan if you're a member of one.

    You won't make as big a profit as with trade goods, but making and selling crafted goods will move you up in craft levels.

    Eventually you'll find an LGV for sale. Buy it. If you are on the PVE server, you can sail it short crewed without fear of attack.

    Fair winds!

  16. While I would prefer never to have a port reset necesary, unless we have highly populated, distributed-across-all-time-zones, player population with a well function player driven economy with ROE, RVR, PVP, crafting, etc humming along like a well oiled machine... it may be necessary. In fact, one could argue that if everything was perfectly natural and balanced at the start, you will still head in the direction of global domination (or stagnation) by a nation or alliance(s) which would hardly be fun for players. So, manipulation is necessary.

    Please note that I do realize it would be a pain if all those buildings, outposts, and storage inventory we're working on would have to move but imagine the PVP opportunities as we all have to start moving all our shit around.

    If a port reset were to happen:

    I agree, it should be on a schedule, not because someone is dominating. Make the Dev promised admiralty points be a running total where nations "win" a port season. Make those points something everyone earns or loses by PVP and PVE.

    i like the idea that after a reset, nations only start with their home region. My opinion is it would be fun if those home regions were randomized but I'm sure that would be unpopular with our history buffs. Make the regional bonus random.

    All other ports are out there for claiming but a nation needs to work for them by investing time and money. I don't envision these unassigned pots would just be a matter of showing up. They would be hubs for PVP, trade, resource development... conflict 

  17. 36 minutes ago, PolishMartyr said:

    I like this concept and would like to see it flushed out a bit more. My concern is static alliances each season. There needs to be an incentive to occasionally break alliances otherwise the season winners would more than likely be repetitive.

    I've posted my suggestion now in the suggestions section. Please continue to discuss there. (Maybe the Devs actually look at that section.)

  18. I suggested this in a different thread and section and it was recommended by some that I bring it here:
    A port reset should happen on a time schedule almost like a sports season. If the Devs implement an admiralty points system, all admiralty points earned by a nation during a "season" could then be totaled to determine the season's "winner". Everything a player does that is productive should earn at least some of those points. That way traders, crafters, port battlers, PVE-ers, and PVP-ers will all have some role to play in a nation's victory or defeat. Individual prizes could be awarded to stand out players. Infractions and national players who are convicted in tribunal could result in a loss of some admiralty points as well.
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