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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. So I've had some time to ponder these changes. Here are my thoughts:

    Most changes can be interpreted as taking the game in the direction of a massively complex, player driven strategy game albeit one when combat occurs we get to move to the ship captain level in a detailed, interactive way. This move will ultimately require:

    1. This is not going to work if the economy and crafting isn't running like a well-oiled machine. Devs will need mechanism to step in and adjust the economy. And I don't mean disabling a feature or changing ship dura. I mean little things like adjusting the flow of scare resources, labor, rewards, etc.

    2.  Different players focus on different roles (i.e. Naval Captain, Crafter, Trader, Transporr, Pirate or Privateer). It will be extremely difficult to do more than one of these roles successfully by yourself.

    3. It is dependent on attracting far more players than are active -- and even a lot more than were active before the wipe announcement. I'm okay with there being two games. It will be two different customer bases: detailed, strategy oriented and "go kill something" combat oriented. Unfortinately while I am extremely interested in the strategic level game, I don't have confidence that there will ever be enough players to make it as player driven as we would hope.

    4. In order for content and economy (or anything) to be player driven, players will need the ability to communicate. Removing global chat is a terrible idea! Devs if you do that, you are going to have to implement SOMETHING to take its place in the sharing of information such as port news, a rumor mill, constantly updated trader tool, etc.

    5. I regularly used the delivery missions and towing. I think it's a mistake to remove them. Sure, make them less frequent, more costly, whatever but I think this little nod to game play needs over historical accuracy is needed. If a player provided option appears where some players are willing to ferry your goods or ships THEN remove the AI feature. The best option is deliveries and tows done by AI that are actually on the OW. I don't relish getting a message that the gold Connie I was having towed to La Navasse was captured but THAT would be good game play! In fact, tell me who captured it so I can go looking for him!

    6. I do see one (huge) advantage to the loss of tows and deliveries: it will become far more difficult to project power on the other side of the map which will make island hopping, regional border tensions, etc more of a thing and help small nations.

    6. Port Battles will become less important. Long range squadrons of frigates harassing traders and enemy coasts will be more the norm. That's cool with me.

    7. Devs, you are announcing too many changes at once and possibly implementing too many at once. I feel like we are about to get a new game and will be playing the Alpha version of an Alpha version.

    • Like 6
  2. 23 minutes ago, monk33y said:

    Could it not be possible to hinder larger nations in the cost of re crewing a ship?

    Yes, things like this. Demand for labor could exceed supply driving up "wages" which should not only increase crew cost, it could increase resource harvest cost. This would be especially true for a nation that expanded more than its player population justified.

    While it would be wonderful if we ended up with a fully player driven economy and balancing, Devs may need to step in sometimes.

    "Epidemic strikes Texas coast. Labor shortages result."

    "Governor orders 1 week quarantine of Kingston. Shortage of food supplies results. Food prices soar. Smugglers attempt to profit."

    "Boom in mining at xxxx results in increased demand for construction and food supplies."

    Some of these things sound fake but they're the type of scenarios that could get us out on OW. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Styrofoam Snark said:

    This was a good week for me. With the help of Sink or Swim, I leveled up to Chef d'Escadre and crafting level 50, and got a L'Ocean - all in the same week.

    If you're looking to join this active clan, ask for us in the nation chat.  We will be ready to help you after the migration to the global server.

    Happy sailing, and have fun out there.

    -Gilbert Lafayette

    Congratulations. You've got a good clan there. 

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, admin said:

    But what is the incentive to fight for live oak if everyone has access to it? 

    I understand what you are saying @admin but live oak builds dominate port battles. Additionally those LO ports either belong to the US or quickly will and the US will may have the highest pop on Global making it extremely difficult for another nation to conquer the live oak ports.

    Fine, keep resources rare but there is going to have to be mechanisms that enable strategies for smaller nations to pursue conquest by weakening a stronger nation: raids that weaken defenses or nation, economic competition, huge expense of live oak 1st rate, other resources that give significant but different advantage than live oak in PB, better alliance system, letters of marque, etc. 

  5. On 3/27/2017 at 5:52 AM, Kpt Lautenschlaeger said:

    Ahoy there,

    I am currently with one character on PVP EU, and will move that character to the EU server come the wipe.

    For various reasons I'd like to create a second character to play on the Global server also. How do I do that

    Unless you want to start from scratch on the Global server you should create a character now on the PVP2 server before the wipe (and on the PVE server as well in case you might want to someday give that a try). Your XP will synchronize now but not later.

  6. 1 hour ago, ScipioTortuga said:

    without alliances the Dutch nation will turn into a one county nation real quick

    We'll have to build our nation by getting a reputation for solid play and community. At least on PVP2, alliances have been a mixed blessing-- sometimes helped us gain (or hold) territory but often because of the inflexibility of the alliance system we've lost players who wanted to be more active.

    Even tho alliances will be turned off, we can still help and seek help in OW and as screeners through "handshake" treaties.

    Lets hope for the best. 

    • Like 2
  7. My current plan is to Dutch at least until I can correctly pronounce Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Provinciën so probably forever.

    and I remain completely "Farrago".

    and I guess I will be in DWIC tho I hope there is only one version of it.

    Currently willing to consider offers in the high six figures with signing and performance bonuses from other major market teams.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Liquicity said:

    Nice idea, just thinking for players with alts it won't be a challenge to obtain one of those letters of Marque

    That's why I said it may only work but if there was some sort of reputation system as well.

    I've tried to foresee how one might abuse a craftable letter of marque. Yes, a player could give it to their alt but I envision the letters being costly to craft. They'd really just be transferring $ or resources from one account to another which is already possible. If they tried to use both their alt and main character in combat, they'd either have to dual box or play one at a time but either way, they would be playing for the same side -- the grantor of the letter. And, if they tried to use the letter to sabotage the granting nation, it would be pretty obvious who which player actually granted the letter and brought the saboteur in.

  9. This might only work in conjunction with a reputation system, but what if players could craft and trade Letters of Marque. They would temporarily assign the creating nation's flag (with its restrictions on who is an enemy) to the player holding the letter. There are a few options how this might be interesting:

    1. Only Nats could make them and only Pirates could get them.

    2. Or since alliances are being "turned off" perhaps one Nation could give it to another Nation's player.

    They would not be free to make and presumably whoever accepts the letter will want some sort of payment as well.

    A player could only hold one letter at a time 

    I'm sure there are other ways this could play out but it seems like it would have positive impact for low pop nations while avoiding alliance entanglements and provide a mechanism for pirates to do some privateering.

    Please discuss.

    • Like 5
  10. 16 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Maybe cause we don't use our alts like that.  I have two Pirates and a Dane.  SO why would i be getting intel from other nations?   I swear ya'll think the negative of every thing.  Not to mention I have never hid who my alts are either.  So yah keep looking in the shadows and blaming every new players as an alt (not you but the folks that do that) cause they are the ones running players off and out of there nations. 

    Actually I don't consider getting intel or interpreting open source information on enemy intentions a negative thing. I spent a good part of my adult life doing just that. I wasn't specifically saying YOUR alts but assume there are alts from every nation in every nation so folks hear things even when they aren't specifically spying. Other things are easy to interpret like pirates announcement that Operation Lone Ranger would be commencing It wasn't a big stretch for us to know that probably would mean silver. Other players announce openly what they are doing and where they are doing it. You just have to pay attention. We just aren't always in the position to do anything about it.

    i agree with you tho that new players and players switching nations are too often treated with disrespect and distrust. And when that happens, the loss is ours.

    Fair winds to you and your brethren. Let's hope better days are ahead for all of us in this game. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    really didn't ya'l just take a french port today?   How about all the sewed ports taken last week when Danes weren't in a alliance with them?

    Yes numbers are down, but with that folks should be working on leveling folks and getting crafting up, but suddenly no one fights back and the US/GB get off there ass and start taking port back?  Funny how they weren't doing crap before the announcement.  No this is the same thing they did last time we had a big patch and folks stopped playing until the patch came out.  US/GB rolled all the nations down to one port before the patch came out, but you wouldn't know that cause aren't you a fairly new player?  History tends to repeat it self.  They only want to fight when no one is fighting them.   If they had so much energy they would of been fighting back when we where taking there ports and than flipping them back after cool down.   Sorry man you really don't have a clue about the politics and history of this server.   In fact do you even play any more?

    Yes, I am fairly new, so perhaps that's why I'm able to more objectively view the bs that gets spewed here from both sides. And thanks for noticing that I haven't been playing. I was out of the country for a month so unable to play but still able to read and post on the forums. It's great to be back. I got to be in my first two port battles where I actually made it in. Although I was late arriving at them, I went thinking perhaps I could fight screeners but ended up getting in -- in 5th rates. I didn't ever get to fire a shot tho.

    I'm not paranoid about your nor anyone's ALTS. I just know that you've admitted to having them. If these ALTS don't provide you with at least some intel about other nations' intentions, strengths, and weaknesses, you're doing it wrong, or at least you're missing out on value they could provide you beyond just having access to more labor hours. BTW, I think the way some folks have been treated as they were being accused of being spies is ridiculous and a big detriment to nation building. Anyway, both you and even some of our old-timers are so wrapped repeating accusations about what you think has happened in the past, that you all can no longer think objectively about the present and future. Oh well.

    I've said this before: This game is designed for conquest. Trade, Crafting, Economy, and low intensity conflict (OW PVP) are just not developed enough so the only thing that players have to do right now -- if they want to play -- is to attack. Attacking leads to hostility generation, which leads to port battles, which leads to conquest. If you have a nation or group of nations that experiences a period when they are either particularly good at it, or perhaps just has the numbers, or perhaps just has the motivation, they are going to roll until they are either stopped by other nations or more often, simply grow tired. It is difficult for any of us to muster that kind of group effort for long enough to do it on purpose. It just happens despite -- at least I believe -- the fact that almost all of us want this game to do well and we know that if we wipe out our enemies, it hurts the game.

    Kudos to you and your clan for using this time to help your newer players gain skills and level up in XP and crafting. That is what is happening with us as well although there are not that many of us still around. Still, several of our more experienced players have been helping me.


    And notice I'm not complaining about them setting port battles at 5pm when most folks aren't even home, my complaint is they know folks aren't playing so they are pushing to take all the ports.   That fine we will see them at the port battles.   We been sinking plenty of them on the OW while they are grinding.  It's just funny they suddenly get there act up when they know folks aren't being active in game and they are using there numbers to win (which they should of been doing weeks ago when there was folks of equal numbers to fight them).

    Yes, it sucks when two sides can't get the numbers and motivation to do it at the same time. There will be full port battles and there will be empty ones as long as we have the current mechanic for generating them, the current number are allowed per nation per day, and they can take place any time during a roughly 20 hour period 7 days a week. That is, unless we someday have an insane number of players in every nation. Then we'll be complaining that we can't get in the port battles. Wouldn't that be great... the map was so busy that the Devs have to figure out how to allow more conquest by expanding the map and opening more ports.

    5 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    PS the last few screen shots i seen had folks I haven't seen in a good while in the port battles.  So apparently your not short as many players as you think.  Folks are prob popping back in to get there stuff in order before the patch while the rest of us that have them in order is taking time off.  Like I said enjoy yall's roll and the little ports you will have as it will be a totally different ball game after the patch.

    Some hours a few folks are around, sometimes you can hear the crickets chirping in nation chat. I'm with you, let's hope it is a different ball game after the patch.

  12. You (and I think you'll know if I'm talking to you) have a very clear pattern of excuses: If we have low turnout at a port battle, we're carebears or are afraid to fight without far superior numbers. If you have a low turnout, it's because you're not interested or the time is inconvenient. I'm sure you and your clan(s) have enough ALTS in our TS and chat to know that there is no plan to roll small nations or only fight when we have overwhelming numbers.

    The truth here is neither side has the number of dedicated players currently interested to fill port battles every time, every day. When the few of you and the few of us are motivated at the same time, we'll have good battles. When you're motivated and we're not, our ports will fall. When we're motivated and you are not, you'll lose yours. I don't know how many active port battle players each nation will need to stop all one-sided battles but the number is in the hundreds per nation. Right now, it's too easy to cause a port battle compared to the difficulty of filling them up consistently.

  13. @admin

    The player base does not know how switching nations will be handled in the future but I'm assuming it may be similar to how it is now: you start with nothing but your XP.

    Many players want to try to balance things and/or play with friends after the wipe. Unfortunately, the situation on the servers with respect to player and resource distribution will not be clear until one creates his character and gets in the game. It's been said that we will receive a few ships (and hopefully a little gold) after the wipe to get things started. I foresee a situation where some players create their character thinking they know who they want to be only to find out they made the wrong choice. Others may hesitate creating a character until they are "sure" delaying population build.

    My Suggestion:

    Allow nation change with restoration of any of the post-wipe awarded money and redeemables for some period of time (a couple of weeks) after the wipe so that folks can move if needed in order to balance things out.


    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Remus said:

    But what do you mean about battle timers? The 90 minutes thing?? I'm in two minds about that; it's quite handy if I've something else I want to do irl. But the 2 minute exit timer I make full use of. Sure, I could live with it being removed but it could lead to some very long-drawn out chases indeed, and I'd be sorry to lose it.

    I wasn't clear. I was talking about the timer for how long OW battle instances stay open. It has been 2 minutes for a while. They are at least temporarily making it 5 which has some folks worried about the "logging in to gank" exploit.

    I agree with you on the timer to escape. It's necessary.

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