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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. Frigate, Small Ship, Master etc are gone (at least right now on test server). Doctor, Surgeon, Press Gang gone too. I don't recall anything new or with a different value.

    But like Texas said, drop by the Testbed and see how we tough guys LOL live. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Duncan McFail said:

    Need moar feedback+please tell me if sheets link is working. Thanks.

    Thanks for the hard work you've put in to this. The link works but one can not plug in test numbers without sending you an edit request or simply making a copy. I made a copy and tried some numbers. I do like the way XP/Reputation is being calculated and rises and falls. It may piss a lot of folks off to see their XP go down however but your calculations seem fair. Still, what would those numbers mean beyond a different way to calculate rank/XP/fame? If I see a RA with a fame of 183,600 what does that tell me. Is he a crappy Read Admiral about to drop lower or is he a new Rear Admiral who has risen in fame faster than any in the history of the navy?

    I've thought we needed a reputation system for a long time in game but more of one where you can tell if a player has been trustworthy, valuable in a fight, dangerous, etc. Yelp reviews of Captains. LOL Yes, there would be misinformation, griefing, jerk statements, rumors, etc but that would have been real life.

    "I've sailed with Black Beard for years and he's actually a real teddy bear."

    "Don't turn your back on him!"

    "He's vulnerable to demasting."

    "If he is in a Surprise, RUN!"

    I think the game seriously needs a rumor mill / wanted posters / tavern gossip. I would like it in game but in the meantime, I just built a bulletin board to serve that purpose. Hopefully after the wipe folks will use it. "Scuttlebutt from the Harbor Master" http://scuttlebutt.world


  3. 11 minutes ago, Alado said:

    A question, in the future we will suffer more wipes? The question is whether it is worth wasting time playing again or waiting for the definitive launch of the game.

    The Devs have always said that release would be accompanied by a wipe. And I'm sure they'll reserve the right to wipe even more times before then if necessary.

    We do deserve an updated timeline or at least information on what, assuming these massive changes work out with a some necessary tweaking, still needs to get done before they feel it's ready to release


  4. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I got 4 of them, but I was just out gun and running out of reparis and got cocky on the 5th one that was sinking when I took on water and went under

    Seems like that's what happens to me when an AI gets me. That last little cocky thought and wrong decision to turn back and finish him off.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jarlath Morrow said:

    If it really turns out to be a problem, the devs seem to have a good fix available by just tweaking the rewards formula.

    Im hoping this statement stays true on a lot of aspects. They (the Devs) seem to have gone to the extreme to slow everything. If it proves unfun, hopefully they will listen and loosen the grip a bit. 

  6. 39 minutes ago, Willis PVP2 said:

    Ah, but thats the thing, I think devs are wanting to promote players getting skilled in one ship before they move up to another ship. Rank XP system attempts to do this, but it can fail if players are all about grinding it as fast as they can get through; the dumb ship-knowledge tree will be a very much failed attempt at this [but that is a rant for another thread]. This new method they are implementing will work well, I think.

    Lets think about it:

    If you get a brand spanking new Bellona and go back to doing the same missions you were grinding when you were sailing a Belle Poule...what skill in the game are you learning? To get the basics of a new ship, go find some small AI sailing in OW and get a feel for handling it, after that, what is the point in fighting against those smaller ships? The reason you got a bigger ship is because you were deemed worthy of the rank to command her, now its time for you to prove that you can sail her competently. Remember, my suggested tweak to the Dev's idea was to allow you to take the mission right beneath your rank instead of just the one at your rank and the ones above, so that would let you do a Connie level mission with your Bellona, and that should be no trouble.

    As you focus more on honing your skills, and less on your rank xp, you'll begin to get better at the game, and the rank will come at the rate you deserve it to, not at the rate you can easy-grind it to (by using big ships to "seal-club" the smaller AI in missions). As an example from a player's perspective now, looking back to when I started the game: I can now take a fleet mission 1 rank, often 2, higher than me in just about any ship I choose and I'll do fine in it. No player support, only the provided AI. Granted, some fights are not easy...a solo Bellona and a few AI in some of those Rear Admiral missions can be a bit challenging, depending on the AI's mood ;). I remember, back when I was leveling up, that I wouldn't dream of such stuff, but I could still handle a mission that was my own rank (usually), and especially a rank below me.

    And honestly, yes, I do think its a problem when Rear Admirals are not capable of fighting the ships their rank says they deserve to sail. If you can't handle a first rate in combat, then you shouldn't own a first rate...thats just my opinion of the matter. 

    Yeah it takes forever to raise hostility with those little missions, but honestly, why would you want to do a small mission in a big ship? The only thing I can think of is maybe farming the PvE marks on the testbed server...that could be a problem.

    Umm. We're actually in total agreement. One level lower is fine. I just don't think we need to worry about some player spending 2-3 hours fighting below their weight class. Their "gain" doesn't hurt the game. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Willis PVP2 said:

    Yup, which is why you should allow them to take a mission one size smaller than their ship. This *should* let them do midshipman missions in a brig...shouldn't be too hard for a new player to do. 

    I have over 1000 hours in game but if I'm in a fleet mission at my rank level with only AI support, I tend to die.

    On the other hand, if I'm with clan mates in a higher level fleet mission, I tend to live, still score assist XP tho usually not the kills, and learn things.

    Seriously, is it a big problem in Naval Action that Rear Admirals are taking low level fleet missions and sail in a 1st - 3rd rate to do them to farm PVE? I doubt it. That would be very time consuming and not that productive. Heck, if such a player wants to invest HOURS raising hostility by just a little by overweighting missions or blowing away Pickles with his Bellona, what should we care!?!

    • Like 6
  8. 43 minutes ago, AxIslander said:

    i have a problem when i try to buy certain stuff from the shop. The slider only lets me get one item at the time.


    Same here. It is happening on Test Bed now for some items both Buy and Sell.

    Commerce grinds to a screeching halt! I wonder what's going on the Live Servers today...

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    So you are saying nations will get one ported because they can deny conquest marks this way?

    I think what many are pointing out is the game will not give anything to the loser of a battle (Port Battle or OW). No gold, no XP, no loot, no rewards. But every battle costs both winners and losers in repairs, crew, and time. In my opinion, this has far more serious repercussions to the new players trying to learn the game and rank up than it does on how it affects our port battles, but it will still affect port battles and the decision on whether to attempt to mount a defense.

    Many times we know in advance how much of a chance our nation will have to win (or even being competitive) in an upcoming port battle. It isn't simply a question of bravery or skill. TP and port usage is very different on the test bed. Often you just can't get to where you want to defend or attack with a proper ship/cannons/repairs in time. Yes, some may be motivated to stay out of a fight to deny the conquest marks but it will be more common that players stay out because the loss is pretty much assured and the only thing to be gained by being there are swimming lessons.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    Ok, attacked and defeated a Spanish LGV, then surrendered...ended up at La Desirade, and...no option to return to Charleston.  That was "fun".  I see how at least some of the mechanics will work, but, test server is just way too full of bugs.  Even that battle, the reporter was on for some reason.  I'll go back to waiting for the wipe, if it ever comes.

    Best of luck to everyone else.


    On the bright side La Desirade is beautiful in the Spring. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Liquicity said:

    The one time I've used tp to nearest port on the testbed I got teleported to outside the port, the dock.

    And when being sunk, I think you'll get teleported into the nearest friendly (deepwater?) port

    Thanks! Good to know. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Liquicity said:

    Well somehow you must have entered that port in the first place.
    If you entered it in a trader, I dont think you are able to sell that trader, as you would need to 'leave' the ship to do so, which is impossible.
    If the port gets captured over night by an enemy nation, I think you are still able to leave the port in any ship. At least it used to be like that a few months ago. Not sure if it still works.

    It hasn't happened to me yet but I believe on the testbed if you hit teleport to nearest deep water port, that could land you in an enemy port. Same if you get sunk. 

  13. 29 minutes ago, victor said:

    Next try enter the enemy port with a trader and then put the warship in your fleet (if you have the perk). It used to work in the good old days. 

    But how do you get out to go get a trade ship if you can't teleport out.

    1.You can't teleport except between your national ports.

    2. You can't add a fleet ship if you don't have an outpost there which of course you can't build in an enemy port.

    3. There may not be a trader ship for sale in the port you're stuck in but even if there is, I don't think you can sail without the smuggler flag which can't be set except in your nation's or Freeport.

    What am I missing? How does one get out?


    • Like 1
  14. Have a seat.

    Get yourself drink of water from the scuttled butt. Here... add a bit of something stronger from this bottle. You only got a few minutes break so I'll be quick.

    I am your Harbor Master.

    I keep my eyes and ears open for scuttlebutt from the ports in these waters. I used to have agents everywhere and we'd share what we learned. Yep, back then... the right sources and the right customers... those odd bits of news used to earn us quite a tidy sum on the side.

    But alas, your ole Harbor Master ain't as young as he used to be and many of my agents are sailing different waters. The Admiralty is controlling information these days. Them in Europe want to keep us down... keep all the profits for themselves and their ilk. I need some new agents.

    So, lad, keep a weather eye not just to the clouds, but watch the ports and markets. Let your ole Harbor Master here know what you see and you may just find yourself drawing more than your Captain's pay and the miserly "rewards" that the King deems fit to give you.

    But one quick warning... You know how gossip is. Information grows old like those fish in your hold or maybe the agent who is sharing it has less than honorable intentions. So don't blame your friend the Harbor Master if it doesn't pan out or you get burned. I don't know if I can trust every one of my new agents. Har! I don't even know if I can trust YOU!



    scuttlebutt: noun rumor; gossip
    English origin from the scuttled water butt (barrel) providing drinking water on the deck of a ship; Sailors would traditionally exchange gossip when they gathered at the scuttlebutt for a drink of water.

    I have created an online bulletin board called Scuttlebutt from the Harbor Master to make up for what I feel is currently a shortcoming in the tools at our disposal within the game. The developers just rescinded their decision to stop global chat. [Thank you, @admin] However, other than real-time chat we do not have any other in-game or centralized mechanism to share information or conduct global trade. The game's trading tool, updated just once a day at maintenance, is inadequate. The Game Labs forum or Steam forum could be set up to facilitate this, but they are currently not organized for that task and are preoccupied with discussions of development issues. Chat helps but it's not "sticky" and is often quite cluttered. I would love it if this new site becomes superfluous because of in-game tools but in the meantime, here you go. I hope we all find the scuttlebutt useful providing opportunities for roleplay. Basically, I envision this site to at least temporarily take the place of what one might see, hear, and read on the docks and in the taverns of our fictional Naval Action world.

    I am using the free bulletin board host ProBoards but have paid so none of us have to look at ads. Right now, you do not have to register to read or post but I highly suspect I will need to require registration in the future to add just a bit of accountability. I do encourage you to register anyway so that readers have a way to respond privately via PM to your posts. If you're making a commerce offer, you may also gain more trust being registered. I would encourage folks to use their primary in-game Captain's name and enter their game server and country in their member profile too. I can neither vouch for, nor would I if I could, the validity of other members posts. This will be a place for role-play. I can say that the Harbor Master character will never deliberately mislead you. I can't make the same promise for my in-game Captain Farrago. Please post feedback on the success or failures of deals or information. Without an in-game reputation system for players, your posted feedback will help others weigh the value of the scuttlebutt.

    Please be aware that by participating on this board you are agreeing to the Terms of Service of the site host ProBoards. I, as currently the sole moderator of the Scuttlebutt bulletin board, will be the judge of whether your participation violates these ToS. Otherwise, I'm no prude and don't want to play arbiter of good taste. Role-play is fine. If the player character is a scalawag, it's okay to say so. However, personal attacks on the real life person will be shut down.

    Any questions, problems, or suggestions... contact the Harbor Master on Scuttlebutt from the Harbor Master or me, Farrago, right here.

    If you find it useful, please share this site with other players of Naval Action.

    • Like 8
  15. 5 hours ago, seanjo said:

    I did it!...I demasted a ship...very satisfying. Twas in my Surprise with a heavy rattlesnake as fleet ship, took on a mission, ordered my rattlesnake to destroy, so the enemy ship would take damage and I concentrated on demasting shots and it worked....woooooo hoooooo!

    That's a good idea: taking some heat off using your AI while you practice. Thanks!

    • Like 1
  16. It wasn't clear if you've already made a character or not. If I were you, I would join now, create a character on all 3 Live Servers and start playing on the Live Server that is most appropriate for your Time Zone.

    Although the Testbed presumably best reflects the game mechanics post wipe, any XP you gain there will not carry over. XP you gain on the Live Servers will. Grind through a few lower ranks in small ships. Ask for help in Nation or Global chat. I'm sure you'll find plenty of folk will to give you gold and ships -- we all know we're about to lose them anyway. Therefore, you probably won't need to worry about making enough gold and ships to support yourself. But practice it a bit so that you are familiar with the concepts. Same with crafting. Try to learn to assemble a few small ships but again, I wouldn't worry too much that you'll need to make what you sail right now. At any rank, you'll probably be able to find someone that will give you one.

    Try to rank up enough so that you can crew at least a Cerberus if not a Surprise. The best way to do this is see if some Clan members or others in your nation will do some low level fleet missions. These with give you more XP and you'll learn more than just sailing alone.

    Fair sails. 

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