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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. Bump because I think this site could be more useful than ever...

    I made a bulletin board where Captains can share information, list items for sale or trade, tips, and rumors. Please check it out and participate. If there's interest, I can set up private nation or clan sections as well. I'd also appreciate feedback if you think such a site is useless because if it is ultimately deemed unnecessary, I won't bother with it. 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, admin said:

    it was not removed. if it does not work its a bug

    Thanks, I was unable to switch to my fleet ship twice yesterday. I think I F11 but will make sure to do it today if it still doesn't work.

  3. Has the ability to switch command over to your fleet ship during combat been removed? I've tried it twice now: Order fleet ship to stop. Sail over to it and stop. Get the X but it only allows me to inspect the hold and transfer cargo, not switch ships.

  4. I don't remember reading that thiese things were leaving the game:

    1. Friendly forts/towers no longer fire on enemy?

    2. Friendly fleets no longer drawn in if they are in the circles?

    Neither seems to be happening.

  5. So crafting all long cannons still requires coal as does cannonades 32lb and larger plus the mortars. Iron ingots use charcoal while the precious metal coins require coal.

    Confusing and unnecessarily complicated. My feedback is choose one way of making the fire.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jarlath Morrow said:

    Nice spotting, that is a very significant change.

    I wonder if one of the things being tested was how many people would be like me and build a few coal mines before reading about it here.

    • Like 2
  7. 27 minutes ago, balticsailor said:

    So we got wiped again on the testbed and got no redeemables this time. Do we get at least some patch notes and a hint what we should test now (if anything atm)?

    One of us should F11. I got the redeemables. Same redeemables as last wipe: XP, 1,000,000 and same ships. Clan warehouse intact.


  8. I'm not sure the original poster has played on testbed where you'll get a better picture of how the economy "functions". In the future.

    If it is ultimately too easy, I'd rather restrictions on buildings come because of gameplay such as the results of war or successful raids rather than just arbitrary nerfs from Devs.

  9. We may very well end up with variety no matter what "rules" are put in place.

    1. Lineships will be expensive to make.

    2. They'll require a high level ship yard. Probably most crafters will put these yards near capital waters although perhaps we'll eventually have the population and wealth to build remote shipyards as the lines of conquest advance.

    3, When a port battle is triggered, how many of those ports do you think will already have 25 first rates in it? No more towing to specific ports. Defenders are usually going to have to sail them in. Smart attacker will watch for this reinforcement in the day(s)/hours prior to PB and try to take some of them out. Defenders will need to guard these reinforcing slow fleets. OW PVP anyone?

    Anyway I think it will be a long time before we see 25 L'Ocean v 25 L'Ocean or even 25 first rates v 25 first rates and even then it will be a much more rare happening.

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  10. Having coordinates in game doesnt bother me and would prefer they stay but I could learn to live with any other solution that didn't require using an external web site to keep track of where you are and to plot course.

    If you're going to remove the "gps" coordinates, here's what you would need to ease the pain:

    1) Compass with a little more detail

    2) At least the tools to plot location during that period. I don't know the details, but let's say you have accuracy at only certain times of day. Bad weather and night affects accuracy. Clicking on the map would give you a list of plots over the last day.

    3) BETTER CHARTS. Sailors at the time didn't have maps made by satellite but they did have more detail, smaller scale, with named points/landmarks on which to take a bearing. In fact give me a map that doesn't have big letters written over the coastline I need to see. If we're going to simulate navigation, we would need in game tools to replacate what was available at the time. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Ireson said:

    Well, you would have a 4th rate to fight the PB but you would be forced to have a 5th in case of a raid when you also need a 6th if there is a shallow. Just too much ;-)

    No, you personally wouldn't have to have all of those ships, but your nation might need that variety in its navy. Hopefully we can build the population and with the Devs create the content so that there is a role in game for everyone.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Anolytic said:

    It's not a bad idea, but I don't think it fits with player-driven-only economy. Which is what we are supposed to get after the wipe. When most goods are not sold or purchased by NPC, then players determine the prices, and they cannot be engineered to increase by 25% like you suggest. 

    But if production costs go up either because of less LH available or production facility output falls, then players would probably want to raise prices.

    Now whether any would take the time to figure it out is a different story but I bet crafters/traders would.

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  13. PB prizes and Conquest Marks should be shared equally by the winning side. Individual XP/Gold given based on damage dished out.


    There are so many reasons folks post on why the game will not work or will die. IMO, no rewards of any type for the loser in any sort of battle (PB or OW) is the biggest threat to this game's health. Not only will newbies be eternally screwed, I've given a lot of thought to how experienced players or clans can possibly make it work under these conditions. Just about every idea I've come up with just slows the decline but doesn't stop it for small and remote nations.

    The one thing I've thought of is still exploitable by ALTS: no storage of Marks in Clan Warehouse and there is a limit to the numbers of these Marks a character can hold. This MIGHT force a market for Marks rather than players hoarding them. 

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  14. Here are some tips that most of you probably know but I'll say it anyway because there could be a few helped...

    On the iPhone's world clock you can save UTC time zone. Probably other smart phones offer this as well.

    On the NA map, server time is displayed in upper left corner.

    In Microsoft Outlook and probably other calendar software, you can make an appointment for any time zone. Enter port battles in UTC and it will display for your local time... makes it easy to remember to show up for PB on time.

    • Like 1
  15. 16 hours ago, Duncan McFail said:

    or the guys that can get jumped by six ships and still manage to kill 2 before going down

    Which brings up a very important point...

    Until the Devs change their mind, if you lose a battle (sink before the last enemy sinks or have to retreat) no matter how impressive you were sinking 6 ships while in your basic cutter before the 7th gets you, you get NOTHING.

    I used the word "until" because I think this policy will have to change or newbies will abandon the game like crazy as they realize they have so little chance of ever advancing without so many hours of achieving nothing.

    Think of all the times you've fought hard but ultimately had to retreat..,

  16. We seriously need raids. Pirates seriously need some love. Port Battle may need to changed.

    BUT I can't get over the thought that all of these good (and bad) suggestions and ideas about these things are gonna get lost in these threads or prove distracting to the Devs. They need to be 100% focused on what needs to be done to roll out the tested changes to a wiped 3 servers (Global, Euro, and PVE) asap and let's get some players playing. THEN they should start threads dealing with each issue and discussing the priority of each. 

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  17. I wanted to test the Forged Papers but I wasn't ready to get rid of the production buildings and move a huge amount of mats around since 1) it would be a lot of work and 2) this is where I play and I don't have 100% confidence we're getting this wipe this week.

    I took this as a reason to create an ALT account (gasp!) and create an ALT character on the TestBed. A new character on the Test Bed did not have the Forged Papers redeemable. I thought I might need to earn some XP, did that. Still no Redeemable. I tried logging off, logging off Steam, rebooting, etc. Still no Forged Papers redeemable for a character created after this was implemented. Perhaps this is how it is supposed to work @adminbut I won't be able to test.

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  18. I would suggest that missing deadlines is an expected part of the process. That's okay. However while you're managing your time you must also manage expectations.

    Our Devs are brilliant when it comes to programming... communication not so much. I love this game and I sincerely hope that one of their first hires after release (or before) is a community manager. I believe this function in a game like this is at least as important as smart code.

    It seems unlikely that the Devs did not know until the morning of Monday the 15th that they were going to miss that date for the wipe. @admin you have a lot of folks here who want your project to succeed. Level with them. Reserving in advance the option to delay is not the same as 3 or 4 days ago saying "nation change is not going to be ready. It needs at least another week. Continue to test crafting on testbed and have fun with all your stock of live server ships". 

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