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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. To use the forged papers, move everything you want to keep to freeport(s) in which you have outpost(s). Close all National Outposts. Redeem the Forged Papers. Then use the Forged Papers which will be in your warehouse. You'll then get a screen to choose your new Nation. After this, you will have all your XP, ships, gold, and goods that were stored in your Freeport Outposts. You'll still have outposts in those free ports as well as an outpost in your new nation's capital. If in the past you upgraded number of possible outposts or dock space size, that will carry over as well although this fact I've just been told, not tested.

    Good luck. May I suggest Dutch on PVP Global. ;)

  2. I was originally in favor of zero captured AI ships but have come to the conclusion that would only work if the economy and crafting worked. They don't. We don't have the necessary tools in game. I'm talking about things like production and contracts being dependent on the Captain's presence, a trade tool that's only updated once a day, too many clicks to accomplish tasks making things that should happen automatically too complicated, no supply/materials organization tools, no international or even national marketplace. These time wasters eat in to game time. You don't need to allow me to TP all over the map. Just allow me to accomplish the tasks one would normally do with a letter or lists of instructions to employees more easily.

    Is building light ships really that profitable? I doubt it. Because right now it's so expensive and time consuming to gather the mats and dedicate the labor I think it would be really difficult to get a decent return. A lot of players who need your crafted trader brig can't afford it.  Those who can afford it, probably don't need it because they're capturing player traders.

    So let's give this option a try. At least, speaking as a member of a smaller nation, it will allow me to get out in the water more moving goods or engaging you in PVP. Remember, while I'm trying to capture that AI Trader Brig so that I can move a load of white oak, both it and I are fair game for you to attack. You can't attack me if I'm sitting in port with no way to move my stuff.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

    That response makes little or no sense.

    I asked a direct question.  If you're going to circumvent the question don't bother to respond.  If you actually have an answer then I'm all ears, and then I will be able to actually hear what you should have said the first time in liue of a flippant response.

    Oh sorry, I thought that was more of a rhetorical question. I believe that was one (or two?) guys doing PVE for some hours. I honestly don't know which way the Dutch will try to dig out of our current mess.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Jean Ribault said:

    Am I hearing a bit of Dutch whining about French bullying, meanwhile two nights this week the hostility in Orinoco via Dutch has been over 35% + ?  Was this just for some CM's in a convenient location, a little bit of revenge for Willemsted, or a real flip attempt?

    I've found in my 52 years on this earth that most people hear what they want to hear.

  5. 2 hours ago, Vllad said:

    One thing that could solve this is the Dutch could join us in some foray's into Pirate and Brit locals just like Spain does. I am not saying we have any deals with the Spain but when we run across each other in enemy territory we wave and go about our merry way. We are all out there in common bond doing what must be done to the bigger nations. If the Dutch moved to a forward operating area the French become a lot more friendly to small nations when there are bigger targets available. We small nations have to stick together in zerg territory.

    Just a thought.

    That is an interesting thought or at least part of it. We'll discuss it in nation. Unfortunately right now I'm not sure we can spare any players to leave our home waters undefended.

  6. 2 hours ago, Arsilon said:

    Just some words of advice for you to take or ignore or do with however you please.

    The next time you see French hostility against British ports that happen to be nearby, you may want to keep Dutch boats out of the fray and interfering.  Perception of actions is a two-way street.  You see the French bullying you.  France sees the Dutch looking to interfere and therefore said interference needs to be removed lest it get in the way of primary objectives.


    Please clarify, you do or do not want some competitive play from us? We need to try to keep you out of Santa Marta for the same reason you want it: French being able to teleport almost to our front door. We have no confidence, nor do you I'd imagine, that every one of your raiders who set sail from a French held Santa Marta would turn left instead of right.


    I do want to clarify -- and I'm speaking in generalities and only for myself here -- that I don't view the French for the most part as bullies. You just pick your fights wisely and usually organize and time engagements to have the advantage. That's just smart and good gameplay. And while I'm not good at OW PVP yet, I'm no noob and my story about being in the Snow was not an example of an attempt at baby seal clubbing. (It WAS an example of having lost 4 ships to you in the previous 48 hours putting me in a store bought Snow. LOL) What I meant to convey is whether you (the French) want it or not we are getting to the point where we are unable to sail just between the ports of our home region. We didn't have the numbers in US prime time to respond to ~5 guys camping our capitol.

    I hope this doesn't sound like whining. (I'm afraid it does.) The few active Dutch players are usually up for a fight. We just have to figure out a way to survive as a nation long enough to actually give you one. That's our problem. This post and my previous one are just my attempts to convey that the current Dutch problem is close to becoming a health-of-the-server one as well.

    Fair sails and Fun Game to All!

  7. 7 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    Maybe the time has come for British Patrol Captains, being the subject of the thread, the Dutch and the French captains, that almost get in each other's way, to sit and define common objectives. 

    I like the Dutch.

    I dislike ALTs.

    Hey, we have something in common: I like the Dutch and dislike ALTS as well. Maybe there's hope for peace in our time.

  8. 12 hours ago, Slamz said:

    I guess my definitions have personally been more like this:

    War: we are trying to take each other's ports and crush each other like bugs, camping capitals, hunting for traders, one-porting, that sort of thing.


    I think you're seeing "hostile" as "cattle farm" but for us it's just how things should be. Dutch and French should kill each other, because that's what we came to a PvP server to experience. Peace is boring and should not be a natural long term state of any two nations without some very specific, limited duration reason.

    Although France has refrained from attacking our ports recently, the constant raiding of our trade ships and blockading our ports has reached a level that would fit your definition of war. Willemsted looks more like KPR now.

    The Dutch want to continue meeting you in the OW and doing our best to have fun with interesting and challenging PVP. However, we're bleeding active players as fast as we are bleeding ships to French raiders. I know the French aren't of one mindset on this but I'm warning you we will not be able to keep up the current pace.

    This evening I was sailing from Zoutman to WS in a Snow(!) only to be jumped at Willemsted by a French Aggie, Trinc, Endy, and several Surprises. I was only able to escape by getting into harbor under the WS forts. I get it. Your guys are bored. Unfortunately we only had 2 other national players online right then so we could not respond. And it was about 9 pm Eastern!

    Everyone has to play their game and I respect the French. Most of you that I have faced have been honorable but ruthless using tactics that emphasized your strengths and our weakness but I'm afraid we will soon see what happens when a stranglehold is put on a nation: not because it is French strategy, but because you have so many players out looking for PVP that you almost get in each other's way.

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  9. If I had a Combat Mark for every time I've read El Loco post that he was quitting, well, I could buy a Victory Mark.

    Seriously tho, there are so many unnecessary time sinks in game that aren't even related to actually playing. I really hope a new UI comes sooner rather than later. Not because I want it pretty. Think about when you want to craft a ship. How many clicks does it take just trying to figure out your mat supply? How complicated is it having to split stacks, shuffle storage space, organize the mats, etc. TP from port to port figuring where stuff is. Yes, you can do it outside the game with spreadsheets and 3rd party tools but it's ridiculous that one has to. Quite frankly, it makes the beautiful piece of programming seem rather amateurish and the time wasted doing things like this just accentuate the time we have to sail distances and grind.

  10. If the battle lasts for what seems like forever because of repairs, that would indicate -- I think -- a good matchup. Rarely have I seen a one sided battle where the weaker side just keeps repairing indefinitely without attempting escape. (The one exception being port battle screeners determined to delay until death.)

    Wouldnt we feel better about long battles which result in a draw if we went back to getting gold and XP from damage dealt, not just sinking your opponent. Nothing is as frustrating as fighting long and hard and getting the "No Rewards" message. Seriously who cares if a few players use all those hours to farm their alt?

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  11. If I'm not mistaken, repairs currently repair a fixed amount of HP/Armor with every use. Is this true?

    If so having them instead repair a percentage such as 50% of the damage would go a long way towards making them less ridiculous. (Or each subsequent repair would restore less tho this would be more complicated programming.) Either way, a ship's health would constantly be degraded no matter how many repairs they have.

  12. If the goal is variety in the ships we sail, we shouldn't have mods at all with the exception of wood build choices. However, I know players like mods. We like shiny stuff and want our ships to be "special". 

    There are too many mods now but it would cause such a ruckus removing any from game without a total wipe. So instead, for now, don't make them stackable. Also, require significant labor hours -- or even better a port cool down period -- to install refits, figureheads, or to "teach" our captains and crew that book. 

  13. 43 minutes ago, Macjimm said:

    I checked the patch notes and there is no mention of the 15 knot cap.  Can someone post a link for the Devs that explains this feature.

    I haven't been able to find where (or if) the Devs explained it, but basically it means that no matter what your build, mods, and knowlwdge of a ship, your top speed in battle will not be over 15 knots. However, by using speed modifiers you can get to that speed at more points of sail. In effect, it makes more and more ships into speed ships.

    @Koltes does a good job explaining it in this thread: 


  14. @Antonio

    Also be advised that you can only enter ports that belong to other nations in a trade ship with smuggler flag enabled.

    You can make partial deliveries as well. For example, let's say your mission is to deliver 600 oak logs to a port but you either only have currently 400 or only 400 will fit in your trade ship. You can deliver the 400 and then go get the other 200 but you will only get paid when the delivery is complete.

  15. 1 hour ago, Sparkydog said:

    Maybe instead of invisibility you just stay in instance for a proportionate time and exit to OW in corresponding location?


    I'd love that solution but apparently that is a big technical challenge to the devs. (The spawning in OW to your location in battle.)

  16. 2 hours ago, Sparkydog said:

    ok- just one more idea about revenge fleets and leaving battle instances--

    How about if the invisibility timer was tied to how long the battle had lasted?

    This might actually work as long as other ships were invisible to the invisible player. No sneaking up or regrouping while invisible. 

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