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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. Just now, Teutonic said:

    If they are too high, it is a super easy fix, if we need exponential cost tgen it is also an easy fix.

    But ports do need upkeeps or else you get our current problems of nations being able to control vast amount of territory without any downsides. 

    Totally agree. I don't know how the expression "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" would translate into Russian but too often it seems development has been an all or nothing approach. Fine tune is the advice here.

    • Like 1
  2. So, the recipe for the Gunnery Encyclopedia is below:

    Gunnery Encyclopedia
    Found as recipe. Needs:
    1x Means of Directing the Fire
    1x L'Horizon Balistique
    1x Sur le Canonnage a Bord
    1x Table of Parts of Ships of War

    If I find individual book components such as Means of Directing Fire, do I need to keep them "unlearned" in order to put together the Gunnery Encyclopedia or can I learn them and once all are learned, I get the Gunnery Encyclopedia?

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    No you get those two regions.  The capital region and Curacoa region south of it and I believe all the ports in those two regions.  It might be three regions I can't remember as that wasn't an area I was to worried about on test bed when I took the screen.

    I hope you're right and Dutch get the entire capitol region. Curaçao is the island on which Willemstad sits. WS is the only port there. If Dutch get their entire capitol region, it would be a total of 4 ports located on 4 islands. We can live with that... one port only, probably not.

    Like you said, definitive responses from admins would be very helpful as we all scramble this weekend.

  4. 16 hours ago, Bearwall said:

    This is simply not true. Right after the wipe there were about 500 players online regularly on global. This was imo a huge testament to the interest the game can generate. EU servers were around 1500 in peak hours. The depopulation has nothing to do with "minimum" numbers and a server-merge will only serve to kill of the one functioning server. Does the game mechanics require some tweaks?


    To summarise: There's plenty of issues that caused/causes the depopulaton. A server merge would solve neither and only compound to an already unhealthy situation.

    You seem to have misunderstood my point since your summary is basically the same thing I was saying. There is no reason to merge because both servers are dying. As you show with your numbers, both servers are at about 20% the population of their post-wipe highs. All I was saying is that there is some number (whether it is 100 players prime time or 200 or 300) when the population falls exponentially. Global has reached that number. Euro will. Combining the servers will only slow Euros fall for a week or two.

  5. Global is not failing because of nightflips or other PB scheduling issues. It's failing because it was closer post wipe to that minimum number (whatever that is) when players just give up because there's not enough activity to be fun than the Euro Server. Euro is on a downward spiral too. If they combine them, it would just delay the inevitable. If they don't combine, then Euro is going to eventually be in the same situation.

    I don't know if enough players will stick it out until the next "fix". Or enough will return. I hope so. 

    • Like 2
  6. 18 hours ago, Rebrall said:

    In fairness you are correct but now the playerbase has dwindled too much we have to work in with our frenemies so we all have a bit of fun it is a sandbox game after all 

    Swedes prefer not to be contested. Anyone who wants to kill some --- they really are repulsive -- around Pampatar at 7:31 Eastern tomorrow can join the few AUSEZ Dutch.

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  7. 19 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    It was at the same time as our port battle.  I didn't even know they had one until it popped up on screen and than later on said they won about 20-30 mins later.  Think the Dutch kinda have become like the new Spain.  Than again y'all are way over there in the corner so it's not like folks see ya'll much.

    Yes, we are now unicorns in wooden shoes.

    The raising of hostility, PB schedule, and actual PB happened so unnoticed that I wondered whether the 30 min PB timer from the test bed had been implemented on our server.

  8. Whether the game is easy or hardcore, PVP or PVE focused, it has to have a critical mass of players (I don't know this number) in order to sustain existing population number or grow. We were on a downward spiral long before the wipe.The loss was accelerated when all economic activity became more difficult. Rather than trying a few things to curb inflation, Devs implemented all possible solutions at once. Too much medicine won't cure a sick person.

    But that being said, I think we would hear far fewer complaints and lose less people if the NON gameplay functions or methods were easier. Things like:

    1. Having to sail or TP to places just to see what you have in your own warehouse

    2. Having no reliable (or even rumor) way to finds goods for sale

    3. Having to search third party tools just to figure out what materials you need to collect to build a ship and then not knowing of those 3rd party sources were accurate until the crafter attempts to build.

    4. Needing to distract your captain by going to a port to accomplish what in real life would be done by a letter or instructions to an employee.

    5. The constant shuffling of individual materials rather than being able to group and easily trade them to crafters.

    6. No organization tools in warehouse.

    7. The mystery and search of what books or mods do and then not knowing if you have the official, correct information.

    This is just a few. I really believe it's the clunky processes, not the actual gameplay,  that make this such an unbearable grind. 

  9. They were capturable about 6 hours ago.

    Choices are either a bug, operator error, or more likley the "prize" was so badly damaged it sunk before you were able to escape. Or another possible scenario: are you sure there were no live enemy AI or enemy players in the battle when you escaped? If there was, and you escaped before your prize, you'd lose it. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Repairs on the 6th and 7th rates are already cheap.   A Lynx requires 2 hull repairs per repair action, and 3 sail per rigging repair.   The Snow takes 4 Hull and 3 Sail.   The Brig is 4 and 3.     Privateer is 3 and 3.   

    They dont get much cheaper than that.  


    OK. Although there is no way for any new player to know that. Even a player who has played 9 months didn't know that. It's almost as if you are a specialist with small ships so you know exactly how to play them. Right? ;)

    So don't make them cheaper, but make them at least available. Seed the capitol town with AI produced repair kits. If you don't want experienced players to use them, then make them 6-7th rate specific repairs.

  11. I'm going to move this here because I believe @admin wants to make the experience better for new players with this patch. (And I originally posted in the wrong thread.)

    I took the opportunity of this low population period to play a new character for several different nations on the Euro PVP server. Pop was usually over 300 during these sessions. I've been playing this game for about 9 months. I don't have a lot of PVP experience but I do know how to craft, make money, and kill AI: a benefit brand new players don't have. Here's my experience...

    1. I tried Spain, GB, France, Dutch, and Pirates. Only with Pirates and French was a brand new player acknowledged sailing in and out of their capitol. French were friendly and worked to recruit me. One Pirate gave me a ship. Other nations acted like I wasn't there. Experienced players have got to reach out to new players. Some noobs may ask for help but others may be reticent to type "I need help" or "Sail with me and teach me" in Nation chat.

    2. I knew that I needed to start with midshipman mission in the Basic Cutter. I already knew that I could get unlimited repairs and how to time and use them. I knew the double charge perk would be a good first choice to give the 4lb-ers a boost. I knew how to loot a ship. Since I knew all that, I quickly advanced a rank and could afford or capture 6lb and some repairs although rather frustratingly I got far more sail repairs than hull which would be preferred for doing missions. Anyway, the lowest mission was easy for me, the next level missions for 7th rates were harder but since I knew repairs and was in a free ship, they usually worked out. I could have relatively quickly afforded a store 7th rate but chose to skip them because I knew I'd be vulnerable to having spent my meager pile of gold and get sunk back to nothing.

    3. I knew that at any time I could instead have chosen the Fleet Perk (or by this time had unlocked another perk) and then capped a trader brig and start grinding trade goods. BUT I knew this boring option exists. A new player would not.

    4. You see the recurring theme: I knew how to be a new player since I've played the game for 9 months. A noob would just keep sinking in his basic cutter and give up or lose his little savings the first time he sinks in a bought ship.

    5. There was a couple of times I joined an existing battle and tried to help others. I died once doing this and a nice pirate I helped replaced my ship. But during none of these battles was I able to do enough damage to get an Assist or Kill = No Battle Reward.

    6. Eventually I bought a Snow and tried to do some 6th rate missions. Lower 6th were doable but in higher 6th rate missions I was facing 3 rookie Snows. Now since I had repairs and knew how to use them I was able to survive but rarely complete them because I just couldn't get enough repairs without going backwards and grinding more unfortunate robot Lynx and Pickles.

    7. Idea: what about repair kits for 6-7 rates that could be less expensive and produced by AI. Low level missions pay very poorly.

    8. I suspect I was just lucky, but I was never ganked or attacked by another player. The only enemy players I saw were either sailing such power that I ran in OW or one time I chased but was not able to catch a trader lynx. Devs seem to be creating safer zones for noobs in the upcoming patch.

    I didn't have as much problem being safe as I had problems being productive and having fun.

    So the lesson: starting from zero and with no prior knowledge is so frustrating now that I totally understand why noobs don't stay. It takes FAR longer to advance than the fun lasts. If this game is to succeed, each level needs to be enjoyable. I'm not even sure how much it needs to be made easier for a new player but I do know it needs to be explained and taught to a new player.

  12. 16 hours ago, Prince of Whales said:

    If I had characters on both PVP and PVE servers prior to the wipe and I use some of the redeemables on the PVE server, will they still be available on the PVP server if I later start playing on that server again?

    Yes. Redeemables are on the specific server until you use them on that server. You could even go to that PVP server, delete the old character, create a new character in new nation, and the new character will have the unredeemed redeemables. 

  13. The upcoming patch with tax system might be a good time to make the smuggler tag mean more. Nations should be able to police their waters.

    1. Port owning clans should be able to attack smugglers of even their own nation if they are in the owned port's waters.

    2. Smugglers don't pay taxes or at least try to avoid them.

    What would be really cool if a port owner could stop a smuggler and demand payment of taxes and a fine. If paid, the smuggler flag is removed and the former smuggler can then not be attacked by his countrymen. Or reverse the order of 1 and 2. Clan owners first must offer the chance to pay tax and fine, or forfeiture of goods, or the smuggler is sunk.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Hodo said:


    I think everyone of note has moved on to other game.  

    Not true. My mother says I'm important and I still sail the empty seas of all the servers. Hell, I even started to play the testbed today but wasn't sure if the population of one included me or not. No one answered my "aaaaloooooo" on Global Chat.

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