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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. I know downtime sucks when it happens when you want to play but I'm not sure any move would be better. If if moves "left" 3 hours that will put it at 11pm on the North American West Coast. "Doable" I guess but probably not desirable for long term game development. Moving it "right" enough to help you will reduce European early prime time and  North American East Coast daytime play. Basicallly no perfect solution. Sorry. 

  2. Stop your mortar brig perpendicular to your target. As you were told, the mortar defaults pointed starboard. It can be turned around but takes a long time. Press the K key. The will being up an aiming spot that you want to try and lay over your target. Once aimed in this way. Left mouse click fires both mortars, space bar fires one at a time. Keep watching the target area. The ball is in the air a long time. 


  3. I must admit that this is "sad news" because I (at least) can't see how this is going to help the game as it more fractures the population. It seems like sort of a luke warm answer to the clan vs clan requests.

    What I would like to see:

    1. Green on green possible. IE Clan Wars  One clan can take a port from another clan in the same nation

    2. Reinforcement zones stay. Any green on green attack within that nation's zone is treated as an enemy nation attack and the defender can call in AI reinforcements. This will protect new/clanless/casual players and prevent rogue/alt clans from making a mess of things in protected waters.

    3. Either immediately implement some of the great pirate mechanics that have been suggested in the forums or admit they are a nation like any other and for now give them the exact same mechanics as other nations.

    3. Captured ports can have three designations: Open to All, Open to Nation, or Open to Capturer and Friendly Clans.

    4. Missions 4th rate and bigger move to outside the safe zone. Make it possible to sail any mission in any ship. That way, if you want to brush up your skills in your l'Ocean in the safe zone, you can but you'll only gain the rewards for 5th and easier missions or for AI fleets you find and kill within the zone. If you want great rewards, you'll have to either leave the safe zone or play the PVE Server.

    5. Next step, Pirate, Raid, and Blockade mechanics if not already implemented.

    6. Followed by a port having "needs" that just gold won't solve. Provisions, gunpowder, muskets, building materials, furniture, farm tools, population growth (in the form of labor contracts or minimum number of outposts)

    I know some of these ideas are not historical but we left that idea behind long ago. I believe at least some of these steps will keep and develop a player base and provide for long term growth far more than UI and localization -- obviously necessary steps as well. But merely more nations is not going to do it.

    • Like 3
  4. While I share your frustration at not having space to put all the ships I'd like to sail, that limitation --- along with limits on number of ports we can own -- gets us out in the open water. Otherwise with our TP capability we could all just keep a full variety of ships in ports all over the map and never enter the open water. 

  5. Now wouldn't it be interesting if gold and combat marks had to be stored in our country's home port? You could still buy things at overseas ports -- letters of credit did exist back then -- but your main "bank" account balance would only be in your nation's capitol. Same with combat marks. You gotta get them home. Same with upgrades. All of this could be stored in a remote port warehouse but only the balance in your home port would be for credit beyond what you have right in that port.

  6. 9 hours ago, Sunleader said:

    If you Really think someone who just got his First 4th Rate would even stand so much as a chance against an Veteran PvPer then Sorry but either you suck or your lying because you want to force people into PvP so you get Victims.


    No offense.

    But someone can get a 1st Rate and still be Completely new at PvP.

    And if he cant use that 1st Rate without being Raped cause he cant use it inside the safe zones.

    He will never learn using it anywhere good enough to stand a Chance in PvP.

    Instead he will be Raped by the PvPers 1-3 times and will Ragequit with a Negative Revuew which in essence says *Screw you guys this Game Sux. I am out*


    Guys get this into your Head.

    You will NEVER get any Population to PvP with if you Force People into PvP.

    Because People who are Forced into PvP dont have Fun. Get Frustrated and Leave the Game entirely.

    Force People to PvP = only Hardcore PvPers play the Game at all.


    That so hard to understand????

    Why do you think that MMORPGs which restrict PvP to Battlezones have 1000-3000 Players Average Online while MMORPGs that allow PvP everywhere have 50-200 Players Average Online????



    If I do PvP Voluntarily and get Killed I say: well. Bad luck but hey I am learning.

    If I get Forced to PvP abd get Killed I ragequit and say: Beeeeep you beeep I am out.


    That such an difficult concept to understand ? :)

    I'm not in favor of forcing anyone to PVP. I think the PVE server is great and hope the developers keep it and even develop it further. It is specifically designed for how you seem to want to play.

    Although I've got several thousand hours on the PVP server, very few of those hours were PVP because I rarely go looking for it. I've got a fairly risk adverse personality. And due to low population, PVP has rarely found me.

    I'm also in favor of the safe zones around the home regions so that the new players whom we all worry about keeping are able to learn to sail and fight. The safe zones also allow any rank to kill an hour or two PVE in game casually. I said safety until 4th rate missions because this would allow time not just to develop individual skills, but to even more importantly, develop relationships and group tactics which are necessary on the open water and in sailing big ships. It also gives time to build a fleet and gold reserves so a loss will not be catastrophic to the player.

    What I don't want is you or I to be able to grind out 150,000 gold and 30-50 combat marks in one mission with no risk. That screws up the economy and server for everyone. However I never said that I thought you should not be able to take your 1st rate out and just hit AI in the safe zone. Have fun! I just want high level missions moved out.

    You seem to believe leaving the safe zone is signing your own death sentence. It's not. With current population you have a good chance of not seeing another player out there. You have even a better chance if you're selective about where you sail. Anytime you're about to enter combat, watch the horizon. Make note of the wind direction. Would enemy reinforcements have the wind to get there quickly? Your battle will close in 3 minutes so no one will be able to enter after that. Sail with others. Work on fleet tactics and ship composition so that you have the right tools for the job. Mixed fleets of heavy and fast are great. Be ready. When you exit your battle you will have invisibility and high speed making it relatively easy to get away should others be waiting outside. Being out by yourself in a slow ship is not a good idea no matter how much you can earn killing stuff in your 1st rate.

    One final thought:

    I do wish the Devs would return the ability to do any level mission in any ship so if one wants to take his first rate into a midshipman mission inside the safe zone, he can. The rewards would just be midshipman level.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Sunleader said:

    So all new players get raped by 2nd and 1st rates the moment they reach 4th rate ?

    Great Idea. But seeing that you dont want new Players in the Game how about we just disable the Purchase Button on Steam.

    Same effect but with far less bad reviews ;)

    If you were to look through a lot of my old posts, you'd see that I'm constantly advocating for ways to make the game better and more friendly to new players.

    If a player is high enough rank to crew a 4th rate and he is in a 4th rate, he is no longer new. I would certainly hope he would be able to deal with or escape 1st or 2nd rates. A speed 3rd? Perhaps more of a challenge. What I would like to see is some danger element of facing enemy players in order to earn the stupid amount of gold, XP, and marks that are earned in 4th and higher missions. I like the money, but for the big bucks we need to leave the safe zone. 

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, chailang said:

    I didn't understand what you were saying 

    I believe he's merely using an English language expression. To be "rudely introduced" in this context means surprised. This probably means that this was his first indication that you CCCP were a force to be reckoned with on the server.

    • Like 1
  9. Since we're all guessing, I'll take a shot...

    They (and many of us) would like to try Clan Wars but it would prove very troublesome to implement without killing new players and solo players. So, poof, we have more nations to choose from. Rivals within nations can split off without having to join a former enemy. It seems like this would be easier to code and test.

    Now whether this would be a good idea, I don't know. 25 on 25 Port Battles will certainly be more rare.

    Anyway, just a theory.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Honourable Bluetooth said:

    So I took 4 months off.

    Just jumped in a cutter and chased down a AI trader brig.

    Took it apart slowly, rear, sails, crew. Boarded it and took it. felt good to be back.

    Thought @I could maybe sit around the edges picking up traders etc and be a bit sneaky for a bit. then BAM!!!!

    NO EXP.....NO GOLD......NO progression at ALL!!!

    How the hell is this in any way good?

    Took the  wind out of my sails. Sad....I miss the days of old.


    Keep the one or two traders you need. Take the cargo and sink the rest. You'll get XP and gold if you sink the capped ship.

  11. On 9/13/2017 at 7:25 AM, Atomic Moose said:

    really no point in posting here again i see any game that crashing 10-15 times in less than an hr is unacceptable peroid 

    especialy with one loss  you lose everything on the ship stable servers are paramount to this game

    posted my concerns close this if you want and hope you get it fixed

    Despite your rant and combative nature, many of the bugs that were causing crashes have been fixed. Most of us are experiencing few, if any, crashes now. If you still are crashing, you may want to provide the Devs with information about your hardware and other crash information to help them solve your problem. Or you can just keep complaining.

  12. Dynamic clan tools and logs should be a high development priority ESPECIALLY since much of this game is now clan focused.

    But as it is now, officers in the clan could decide their leader is no longer active (or effective). One officer leaves said clan, creates a new one and the other officers remove the warehouse contents eventually transferring the stuff to the new clan. Owned ports would eventually revert to neutral and need to be recaptured. Clunky and potentially expensive but most divorces are.

    • Like 1
  13. Thank you, Devs. I believe this patch can be a step in the right direction to attracting a bigger player base -- a good thing for all play styles.

    First, new players can now have some breathing room to learn the game in protected home waters

    Secondly, Port ownership coupled with maintenance responsibility will be key in making a richer game. I envision -- and I hope you do too -- a time when there are more active things than pay taxes that clans need to do to own, maintain, and further develop their ports. This will attract traders, crafters, smugglers, and the warriors who feed off them.

    Good job.

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