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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 3 hours ago, Liquicity said:

    You can still loot a ship after it's sunk, for a minute or two.
    Need to be very careful when next to an AI ship; If they have more crew than you, they will always try to board, if the speed allows it.

    Although I think if the opponent is "sunk" it can no longer initiate a boarding. You do still have just a minute or two if it sinks slowly and you're close enough to get the "X" and transfer cargo. 

  2. Basically the upcoming wipe and bringing some version of the economy, crafting, and game mechanics currently being tested in the TB to the live server will make or break this game (at least for a long time). If the economy and other things work, the number of servers won't matter. If playable AND FUN, all servers will grow. If not, it won't matter that we're split up.


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  3. 6 hours ago, admin said:
    • Ship blueprints updated and now require provisions. Ships in general became more expensive to make (especially higher level vessels)

    I guess I missed the feedback where players on test bed thought ships were too cheap and easy to make.

    @admin are some players on the testbed making too much money and building too many ships? It seems like every change implemented makes it more and more difficult to effectively PVP as bankruptcy is just around the corner unless you totally dedicate your playtime to doing trade runs away from populated areas. Maybe it's just me???

    • Like 5
  4. 7 hours ago, Duncan McFail said:

    Why is the pirate frigate's speed nerfed down from 12+ to 10.82 base?


    Hmm. Now I see every ship has it's speed taken down.


    Ok. And now all ships reverted back to original base speeds. Pfrig back to 12.31. Nothing to see here:rolleyes:

    You might be running in to a bug discovered a few days ago. (Reported but I don't know if fixed.)

    If you are in a ship that has items in hold and cannons and you mouse over potential ships to buy in port, the displayed max speed of those ships reflected having the cannons and hold items in the ship I was in. Emptying the hold of that ship or moving to an empty ship caused the pop up to reflect the accurate max empty speed.

  5. I would prefer something like a "No Attack (and can't be attacked)" for 130 sec: 10 sec to look around and make your decision about staying in the game 120 sec for the logout timer.

    You should also be able to sit in battle instance for some minutes because we all have real life physical needs.

    Alternatively, the donut shaped spawn area sounds a little complicated for programming. How about just a random, not on land spot within the grid square?

  6. 4 hours ago, Capt Roberts said:

    Do you really expect players to return with this much wait time? To many changes, to long of a wait & a complete wipe I don`t expect this game will last much longer. 

    True, maybe some of you who have given so much time to the game have (or will) quit. You've put up with a lot.

    Not all of my 1100 hours have been rip roaring fun but I figure that if I were to quit tomorrow (I'm not) I still got more than $40 of enjoyment out of it. 

    Hopefully the end result will attract enough new and returning players.

  7. If the Devs get the economy right, teleporting and other mechanics that some folks consider "care bear" or easy mode will not be needed. They are bandaids over a broken system that becomes more broken the smaller the population shrinks. We know from real life experience manipulating an economy can be a very complicated thing. However, a total free market won't work in the game any better than it does in real life.

    Bill Clinton was elected President of the US with the catchphrase "It's the economy,stupid." I wonder if game developers should lure a few economics PhDs away from academia.

  8. The grind to unlock slots in the ship you want to sail makes sense for new players but is tedious at best, torture at worst for those who have already put the time in the game.

    How about this proposal:

    On release, existing players are given one fully unlocked ship commensurate to their rank but only up to 3rd rates. Ideally they could choose one but my guess is this would be a tremendous amount of manual work for Devs. Instead, randomize it. Players can trade or sell this note to other players. Any other ships players wish to unlock will need to be done via whatever in-game mechanism makes release.

    We, as players, can hopefully organize small ship battles/tournaments to use our little ships and gain the needed experience.

  9. 4 hours ago, admin said:


    • Crew is now free in ports. You will have to use rum at sea. 1 rum recovers 10 crew. 
      • Free crew per rank removed
      • [snip]
        • PVP Server: On PVP server you will only be able to capture ships from players. Fleet ships are NPC ships
      • [snip]

    Excellent progress with most -- if not all --these hot fix changes. I like the free crew in port thing as there are now plenty of money sinks in game (on the testbed) and it will help get folks back on the water from port but lack of post battle TP will keep them on the water and force us to plan our supply of rum.

    I don't understand how the above works with your statement that free crew per rank is removed. Does that mean if I am a rear admiral and in port I can freely get 1100 crew?

    Regarding no more capture of NPC, please see below...

    3 hours ago, admin said:

    I leveled 3 characters over last week to 3rd rank. All on testbed. 1 pirate, 1 dutch, 1 spanish. On the last spanish char after two evenings i could sail a snow (sold at port at 30,000) or privateer (sold at port at 28,000) with full crew and had 100k savings. No trader hunting. Had 1 pvp fight near havana. 
    snow is viable in low level fights/ganks. Privateer is viable against all light traders. 

    The times when you can sail the heavy frigate the second day are gone .. gone gone gone with the wind. PvP server is a hardcore server and there will be no more easy listening content on it. PvE server will be a relaxed environment. 


    Yes, but we can assume that you have more combat skills than a game newbie plus you understand (better than any of us) how the game is designed. Did you capture and use or sell any NPC ships in those climbs to 3rd rank? Did you craft ships? Did you have any clan support?

    Players with experience will be able to cope with not capturing NPC ships but I seriously think it's a mistake for new players to have to join a clan just to survive (and thrive) the first 8 hours in game.

    Someone else suggested to just sink bigger ships for more gold and XP quickly. While some experienced players can take down an AI frigate in a cutter, newbies probably can not.

    My suggestion:

    Make Fleet Level 1 automatic upon reaching 2nd Rank and Make 6th rate and below capturable.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Daguse said:

    Ohh I agree you should get XP for it, especially with players. Just don't think that should be able to use capping AI ships as your main source of income. 

    Hmm... I don't think capturing ships -- especially AI -- has ever been a good source of income. At least not a way to get rich. I'm not a great combat captain but it seems to me that on the live servers for the last few months capturing AI and selling their cargo was a time consuming way to create a bit of a financial cushion making crew and repair costs for riskier endeavors easier to bear but it would hardly make you rich.

    i believe Devs have pointed out that money and resources can always be made to flow more freely but it's difficult to syphon off once there. They're playing it safe. I just hope they ultimately realize that the test bed economic trickle is not enough and that the most inflationary act that I've ever seen was the premium buy back of fine woods.

    Single dura, asset wipes, and no fine wood lottery will all probably be enough to squash inflation for the foreseeable future. Draconian economic policy isn't necessary, especially with just a few hundreds playing the game.

    • Like 1
  11. Just started on the test bed server. Trying to play as a newbie and delay redeeming. Sure is lonely being poor down in Willemsberg.

    I spent like what seemed like forever trying to get a trader snow low enough to board with my basic cutter. Successfully boarded and won but never got the X for crew transfer and the ship wasn't in my captured list post battle. I'm pretty sure the trader wasn't damaged enough to sink.

    Do you have to have fleet peek to even capture a ship?


  12. 20 minutes ago, Crowley said:

    There is no way to enforce balancing. Other than literally force-moving players from the largest faction to underpopulated ones by dev-control. And that isn't going to earn them any favours, as likely than not people won't want to leave the factions which have the best chance at winning.

    Devs can't -- or at least shouldn't -- force players to move.

    However, Devs can...

    ...make it easy/easier to switch nations for at least a period of time post-wipe so that players might be more willing to test out small nation membership.

    ...provide a tangible incentive to pick a small nation.

    ...rewrite nation descriptions with an eye towards marketing smaller nations.

    ...eventually get alliances right.

    ...redistribute resources giving something beneficial to a small nations home region.

    ...move the capitols.

    ...have a plan for an end game. That is, what will happen when a nation is driven from the Carribean.

    • Like 2
  13. On 4/19/2017 at 7:11 AM, Duncan McFail said:

    I see a ton of negative views towards the game lately. In the forums, on global chat, and especially in the steam reviews. I see the lowest server populations ever. I see devs wanting to revert back to......

    I hate seeing you in game because it usually means some of my side is about to die but this whole thing was an excellent post. You really captured the good, bad, and ugly about this game's progress. Thanks. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Willis PVP2 said:

    Basically what I'm trying to say here is that your character's rank is a reflection of your ability to grasp the basics of sailing and fighting the ships in the game. The ships you want to specialize in should require specific knowledge for that class of ships, not a class of ships below it (you should already have that knowledge because you are a higher-ranking captain who has already paid his dues in the little ships).

    Oh, I totally agree. My post was just some offer of compromise because this seems like one of those topics that the Devs have made up their minds to "test". I fear it will just be one more roadblock in the wide acceptance and growth of the game. 

  15. The ability to arrange shipments on AI traders would require a lot of extra coding (I think) but it should be relatively easy for them to allow harvesting, buying, selling, and crafting in national ports where the player has an outpost without the player actually having to sail or teleport there. Then remove all teleports. Player has to go there to move goods or ships in or out of port but otherwise, his agent can handle things.

    Devs, this idea makes sense. Please.

  16. I think it should not be necessary for a captain to be in port for his business operations to continue...

    I leave Dutch waters in my combat ship for an extended patrol around Cuba. I may spend a week of real life play days there replenishing in free ports as needed. This is where my Captain is located.

    However, my agents continue to work for me. I can issue instructions for resource harvesting to continue back in my national outposts. I can even buy, sell, and craft in national ports where I have outposts.

    Do this, and you can remove all teleports. There are very few ship captains who did their own cooperage or coin casting.


  17. I get what the Devs are doing: the game is being designed for the many new players who will be joining the game rather than for all the Rear Admirals who have been here who want to get back in their tweaked out frigates and line ships. The system is being designed to simulate paying your dues in lower ships before being given command of the Enterprise.

    It's a system that will be sort of fair for newbies but grossly unfair for those who have been around. Perhaps at wipe they could grant a one time for redeemable to unlock one ship to 5 slots commensurate to player rank at the time of wipe.

    I also agree with some previous suggestions that it would make more sense that you have to qualify -- for lack of a better word -- on one ship from the lower classes rather than specific ships.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Lord Reginald said:

    I post this question for a final time. 

    1. I have no character and haven't played on the PVPEuro server to date.

    2. Do I still have time to create a character and fight one battle on that site?

    3. Will I be penalized per the warning regarding losing labor hours in the other 2 sites, if I do create the character on PVPEuro? I AM concerned with what appears to be the STEAM warning that this would happen.

    I apparently haven't asked the previous questions clearly. Just wanted to know if I can safely open PVPEuro to make that available for the future.  Thanks ahead of time

    (Not a Dev, but I'm pretty sure about this info.)

    Yes, you have time. The server wipe has not happened yet. You probably have at least a week but why wait?

    When you switch play between servers, it resets your accumulated labor hours to zero so it makes sense -- if you're crafting -- to use those hours before logging on to a different server. For example, if you have 900 labor hours accumulated on your main server, use them on your main server for whatever it is you do, then log off, create the new character on PVPEuro. That new character is going to have zero labor hours but will start accumulating them. Do your battle. If you don't want to do anything else on PVPEuro, log off and then log back on to your main server. Your labor hours will again be zero but will start accumulating again as normal.

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  19. Please keep global chat. While I don't use it for socializing, it does currently provide the best way to contact other nations regarding diplomacy, commerce, cooperation, etc. The game changes that have been announced bringing us in to OW and removing "comfort" features will require more communication, not less.

    @admin you have hundreds of players -- if not thousands -- who are very passionate about your game and sincerely want to see it succeed. Might I suggest that instead of us always posting OUR pain points, you tell us YOURS. Your community might have some good compromises or solutions for you.

    If we know the problems, our suggestions can be more focused.

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