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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. 5 minutes ago, ciccseven said:

    I ask you: Why was the Trader lynx able to carry all those logs and now when I wanted to carry them back, there was an Overloaded Hold???? (I had nothing else in the hold except what was on the Trader)

    The poor deceased captain of that Trader Lynx had the hold optimization perk turned on so that he could carry more stuff than you can. At least that's the explanation I have seen before. I think it's a "bug".

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Salty Dog PVP1 said:

    What "aiming bar"?  that little red line that shows gun elevation?  Every shot you need to factor in "kentucky Trajectory" ("windage" is aiming left or right to factor in cross wind or target movement).  Slower shots, and non long guns just have much lower speeds and drop more as range increases.  

    Thanks. Yes, I was talking about the little red line and I know you do have factor in those things on every shot. We're not using scopes and firing lasers. LOL

    So your answer is that the aiming bar does not change its position in relation to the target when double charge is used so you have to make a different calculation than you would if aiming with single charge loaded?

  3. Forgive me if I'm stepping on internal clan politics but it appears that you are talking about the Dutch in general, not just of your clan...

    I'm not a member of your clan but agree in principal that the Dutch need some sort of elected leader who at least serves as a point of contact for information. I'd urge that discussion and election process take place not just on Team Speak, or if it does, there is more than one session so we can get maximum participation and input from our playerbase. One of the biggest challenges I've faced since I joined PVP and the Dutch is there is rarely a consistent flow of information so it is difficult to determine what, if any, strategy we're pursuing. The Dutch Steam website is little used when it could be a great resource for notifying members on Port Battles, PB Results, Combat feedback, Strategy, etc.

    Do we have any clue the size of the Dutch population currently on PVP1? Is that population mostly European based or might we expect to grow in numbers after the merge? For that matter, how many of us will continue to be Dutch after the merge?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    They said the patch won't be before two weeks from notice but within the next 30 days.  Well uh it's been almost a week all ready so we should get test server soon...hopefully?

    As far as I saw, the Devs only gave this timeframe on the ship wipe. I didn't see a schedule for server merge and PVE zone. Did they indicate that the changes would be concurrent?

  5. This idea sounds so bad.

    The direction we're headed is it won't just be the noobs who have no hello kittying idea what is going on.


    Perhaps the upcoming 3rd Announcement may save the day a bit and give it all a chance??? Maybe it ties it all together??? I have no clue what it will be but let's say that our shipyards and crafting have to now all take place in the capital regions where there will be no port battles. The "buildings" that are located in those conquerable ports are only producing raw materials. Look ma, we have trade. We have open water transport of raw materials to the capital region. No magic delivery between freeports allowed.

  6. 1 hour ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    @admin it does look like there is a very strong consensus of the population here that is suggesting for a wipe of everything excluding players xp/crafting xp as well when doing a ship wipe. It should be something you place under strong consideration with your team.

    Reading through, I don't see the same strong consensus you do.

    Let's get something working (i.e. this change) before we take the next step. This will be a big change in our paradigm of what to craft, how, and why. We're going to need the mats with which to learn. 

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  7. On 3/13/2017 at 8:19 AM, JobaSet said:

    So in Other words your nation gets a beat down and US absorbs you, your nation lost that war, but not necessarily the world war, It would put Fighting(PVP), Tatics(PVE combined with PVP) and resources(PVE) to the for front and make for a Perfect Game. I bet you would see hundreds if not thousands of players come back. Why because someone can Win and Someone will lose.  Just look at our (BLACK)operations we have crystal clear goals for each one and Crystal clear goals for when things go bad, so we can get the hell out of dodge. Now think of that on a Grand Scale.

    I'm not sure what the details and how we get there should be but most anything is worth a try to get an "End Game". Why do I want an End Game so much? Because I believe each nation and/or alliance heads in that direction anyway. There is no way for one side to "rescue" another from extinction (or at least insurmountable domination) without resorting to artificial means: forcing alliances to break up, using ALTS to supplement weaker nations, giving materials to weaker nations, etc. This is a game of war and conquest. Doing anything else is counter to design and counter to wise strategy/tactics in war. It's sort of like fake BR restrictions. Why would any attacker hesitate just because he outnumbers the enemy? He wouldn't. In fact, he would seek such a situation.

  8. 19 hours ago, JobaSet said:

    Yea That would have been Bad. But I now have it on my stream, best thing I have ever read on the forms hands Down.  Bigmo and Anierin if you get called out for being a ALT of mine.  I am Sorry.... Sort of But tell Farago I was in a inger please


    Oh, @JobaSet it appears from what you said here and on your twitch feed that you misunderstood my post. I never implied Bigmo and Anierin were your ALTS. I said that the Danish Clan "SORT" who had 6 members in the St Johns battle appear to be Danish ALTS that belong to Pirates. See my screenshot in that post.

  9. 3 hours ago, JobaSet said:

    You need to Edit this mate, I was in Ingermanland with a low lvl Char in Cerberus /w cerbs as his fleet against 2 1st rates AND THEY RAN #"Jobaset" who is one of if not the most dangerous PVPers active right now.   Dude this made me cry I was lol so hard

    By the way, don't get too big of a head... I don't know that many people. :P

  10. On 3/11/2017 at 8:46 PM, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Are you can figure out it's freaking Saturday morning for them when that port battle was going on.  That is the only reason they show up in force on US prime time port battles that are set on there weekends.  I bet you there was a bunch more. I know one of our pirates in a Cerberus had a bunch of them tied up at the free port and they wouldn't come out.  Over a freaking low level guy in a Cerberus lol

    Was that the "low level guy" at Hat Island in the Cerberus who had at least one, perhaps more, AI fleet Cerberus who was fighting partnered with "Wish List" who was in a -Buc- Ingermanland, who is actually "Jobaset" who is one of if not the most dangerous PVPers active right now? You know, when the two of them staked out Hat Island to get the first rates coming out? I would think perhaps it would have been British desire to not get involved in a deadly screening battle as they tried to head to the Saint John's port battle rather than fear.

    21 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    You need to look again.   Though I can see the  confusion, remember who ever the side your fighting for in a battle is the side you will have the flag of.  So all Dane/Swede/French/Spain in that Swede battle will have a Swede flag.  Every US/Brit/Dutch would have the Brit flag since they are the attackers.

    I stand corrected. Pirates were not using Swedish Alts. It appears they were using Danish alts. In fact, it appears to me that at least 6 of the "Danes" in the St John's port battle were actually Pirates from BLACK. Compare the list of "Danish" participants above with the list below. (Perhaps it is common knowledge that the clan SORT is actually BLACK in Dane uniforms???) But then, you knew that. I think I heard that you're "Erik Ethelwulf", right? It does become clear why you and other Pirates have voiced eternal loyalty to the Danes. LOL

    Too bad. If you removed the 6 Pirates from SORT from this Saint John's battle, then the remaining Danes would have only outnumbered the Brits by a couple. I guess you didn't think of that because I know you are so proud of your prowess fighting short-handed and you only use these ALTS to even the playing field for smaller nations. It was perhaps, an oversight that in this instance you used these ALTS to overwhelmingly outnumber your opponents.



    Think of it this way.  Why should 50 players beat 25 guys playing 2 chars each.  It's still 50 on both sides, but shouldn't the guys that don't have to run two chars and be distracted by both do better than the one guy trying to run two chars at the same time?  I would say the 50 guys playing the one char should do more than the 25 running two.

    Your point only makes sense when it comes to a specific battle instance. Obviously 2 people can be more effective than 1 person trying to juggle two boats but in all other ways the advantage goes to the player with twice the resources, twice the production buildings, more opportunities for port battles, port ownership, etc.

    • Like 3
  11. 6 hours ago, koltes said:

    Well in short it was like this.

    Here filled you in under 5 mins :)

    @koltes thank you for taking the time to clearly explain your side and interpretation of events. Undoubtedly I would get a different interpretation from players from other nations... probably as many different stories as those who bother to tell it. What I would encourage EVERYONE to do is move on. Both sides distrust the other and both sides feel like they have been wronged. (I know from reading some of your previous posts that you also tend to post with a clear head, reasonable opinions, and advocate moving forward beyond past grievances -- thank you.)

    At this point, I'm not sure what the Pirates want from the Dutch. I don't think you Pirates are as unified in strategy and long-term goals as you are when you are in combat. Some of you claim to just want PVP. Well, there's probably less than 10 of us Dutch in all time zones and of all ranks active right now so you're not going to get much as we run out of ships and officer lives. Being so small, there is really only a couple of ways we can initiate PVP: we can all agree to stage it and meet up in OW or we start grinding in an area you care about hoping you come out. However, many of our most experienced players believe your real goal is to wipe us off the map. They believe you're basically a bunch of bullies. That opinion seems to be confirmed if we happen to oppose you in what you deem as your sacred territories such as Castries. When our couple of biggest smack talkers start up in the forums, it seems to also piss off a faction of Pirates enough that they go for the jugular. So, perhaps you can understand the mixed message we're getting. If we come and fight you or other nations that are in our strategic area, we get rolled back to the state of being a noncombat effective nation. If we don't come and fight you, we're called carebears and you attack and take all our ports hoping that it will spur us to fight (and die).

    Let me sum this up from MY perspective playing Dutch for a couple of months... we have some skill and resources and players enough to wage low intensity conflict in our area. We do not have enough of any of those things to wage all out war. With anyone.

    I can hear the response to the above: "Your alliance sucks if it doesn't give you enough strength." Yep, perhaps it does. But if you want to encourage PVP and help server health, destroying a nation will not get them out of an alliance. It just makes them cuddle up to it even more because there is nowhere else to go.

    In fact, I don't think any nation or alliance on PVP2 currently has the manpower to wage all out war for very long. So, history on the servers will just continue to repeat itself. One side will start rolling because they have the manpower and organization. They will be successful for a time until there are no more lands to conquer -- Alexander wept -- and then the conquerers get bored and the conquered claw their way back perhaps eventually reversing course and the roles switch (if the game survives).

    So here is the dilemma WE ALL FACE in this game as it is now structured. It is a game of conquest and war. We know from real life history that war is not very effective if it is fought just to hold the 38th parallel, pacify a population, establish a new government, etc. War is total, or it isn't very effective. Militaries are made to be used. If you build them, they tend to get used. And all we have to do in this game is war and build militaries. In many games, ultimate victory is defined. There is an objective. In Game Labs own Ultimate General Civil War, it is clear that you either play as the Union or CSA and your goal is to win the war by destroying the enemy army and its ability to fight. Afterwards, if you win or lose, you can reset your variables and do it again trying different tactics. In Naval Action, there is no end game so we are destined to continue the same pattern. One side dominates until they get bored, other side crawls back, dominates, then they get bored. But we have the added challenge that players who get bored or frustrated can fairly easily switch to the other side or just give up the game. I don't have a solution to this problem. Game Labs, give us an End Game!


    Dutch declared the war on Pirates. Your choice Dutch, not ours. We are at war because you declared it on us!

    I cringed when I read that declaration of war (was it OneEyed?) because I knew he was writing a check that we did not have the bodies to cash.


    So the question remains the same... who is the leader? :D 
    Don't you think that you have way too many generals?

    Who is the leader? I don't know. I can tell you who is the most vocal but then probably so can you. LOL

    I haven't played enough with the alliance partners to know if they have too many generals, but my observation of the Dutch is we don't have ENOUGH generals. We do have a lot of clans considering our small player base, but clans for us really are just logistic entities providing more storage for goods. I honestly don't know who is in what clan and rarely notice that we have different clan tags. Is this organization a mistake on our part? Perhaps. I can see the advantage in communication if we were all in the same clan.

    • Like 4
  12. 2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I only know one pirate that has a swede alt,

    Hmm... well, I guess there seems to be some things you don't know. I believe there were several in this evening's PB. I am out of the country but was watching it via Jobaset's stream as he used his alt. He had trouble remembering the names of all the other pirates' alts.


    I mean I think the only thing that would make some of you happy if we just left you to your little PvE server....I mean PvP server.

    Hey, if one wants to use alts to game the economy, crafting, political, and combat systems of Naval Action, there's nothing I can do about it. It's not against the rules. I just don't understand the motivation. I guess I would rather be a winner or a loser than manipulate things so that I can just call myself a winner. I knew some were doing it -- from all nations -- but am only now beginning to realize how widespread it is. Like I said, I was naive. I'm reminded of when my son was little playing his gameboy and he asked for help getting "cheats" so he could have unlimited lives, unlimited ammo, etc. What's the point? It ceases to be a game or competition and becomes a repetitive exercise. Not fun. I guess I will have to decide whether to quit, join in, or just accept that there won't be an even playing field. Too often PVP is not "Player vs Player". It is "Player vs Player-and-his-gold-mods-(hopefully-not-duped)-on-a-gold-ship-captured-or-awarded-or-built-using-alts-circumventing-the-system".

    You want me to come out and PVP with you. It may happen but the challenge for some of us is we're not using work-arounds to obtain wealth or ships or skills faster than the game actually allows one player from one nation to do it. I don't have an alt bringing me resources from ports that don't belong to my nation (or to my allies). I don't use alts to attack a single nation in port battles several times in one day thereby increasing the combat power arrayed against a nation more than player numbers really would. In my opinion, multiple personality disorder shouldn't be a what we used to call, a force multiplier. Oh well. Facing 25 enemies, or 20, or 15, or 10 when you are just a few is a lot bigger deal when you only have 2 or 3 gold ships, only one of which is bigger than a 4th rate, you've been through 15 or so officer lives, etc. I'm not looking for sympathy but just hope the more reasonable among you will realize that some folks are trying to play this game as designed, not just as you can get away with. That means our lives and our ships are less expendable. My five production buildings, and the five that belong to each of my clan mates are not quite up to the task of replacing ships lost with a few daily sinkings at the hands of you as a Pirate, you as an Alt, and a few other times at the hands of enemy nations as well. You scoff when badly out-numbered Dutch escape rather than dying in place. Perhaps for some of us, dying in place has far more severe ramifications than it does to you.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, koltes said:

    We all have alts which we use to craft. We only went those nations recently to fight along side them. They are our allies and pirates cant have allies in current politic system. Cant enter PB if two other nations fighting.
    So by doing that we a). Support our allies and b). because we want PVP having nation alts is giving us just that.
    We had about 3-4 alts in different nations. I hope they dont feel like they been overrun lol.

    I understand. You Pirates want to have alliances like a nation and still be Pirates and this is the only way to do it.

    I guess it would not have been such a dominating tactic for you if either the US/GB/Dutch players did the same thing or if our actual alliance had been more effective. If our alliance had been smart, we would have used superior numbers -- if we ever actually had superior numbers IN PVP PLAYERS -- to force you to be everywhere at once so that your alts couldn't benefit you as much. Each country in the triple alliance should have had 2 PB attacks set or at least active aggressive PVP fleets at all times. Make you choose whether you would fight as a Pirate in your own PB, screen for others, or use an alt as a Dane, a Swede, etc. Aw, forget that, I'm thinking as if this were an actual war and there was an end game, a victory to be had. Supposedly none of us want to one port any nation.

    Regarding the triple alliance: if it ever was a big benefit for the Dutch, it was before my time. I understood being allied (or neutral) with GB -- we shared a border -- but an alliance with the US never seemed to make sense for the Americans or the Dutch. They were way up north; we were down south. They could not consistently get numbers down south to help us, we couldn't get numbers up there. And the British, who were closer, appeared less than the US in our port battles and operations. The only mutual interest was to keep pressure on mutual enemies. There was just too little coordination. There were also too few numbers of actual PVP players willing to fight an aggressive enemy.



    You need 4 things to make this work for you:
    1. Strong leader who can actually sail and fight and call battles. Who can organise his clan, filter carebears away and keep people who eager to fight. Who has enough common sense to act decently and not hold grudges, but do best for his nation, clan and the server. Leader who will not jump into politics, but quietly grow and train his clan. It will become a force in no time;
    2. He needs people in nation that would recognise that he can lead and actually support him. So far everybody have a fkn OPINION and knows better. And Dutch are the worse man, no offence. Yo dont have proper clans. Everyone is a fking "leader". They all need to accept the authority of one leader if they are in one clan or support the clan which has the most power;
    3. You need to start practising to stay in battle until you lose a ship with an aim to sink as many. Only this will help you to become a better captain. Then you all need to start working in teams and practice it;
    4. Finally you need to start practising an organisation and support for your allies. Show up to all battles. If you cant fill in both PBs make decision which is more important to fight and which one to abandon (you can always flip it later). When we make such choice our primary decision is based where we are more likely to have more enemies and thats where we generally go, unless the actual Region is more important to keep/take, than fighting.

    I think this is very good advice.

    • Like 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    the US are british puppets

    the Brits are tyrannical fools

    the Pirates are bullies

    the Dutch are crybabies

    the Danes are cheating

    the Swedes are racist pigs

    the Spanish are Unicorn/Pirate alts

    the French are beggers


    Did I get just about everyone?



    Careful, with opinions like these, you'll get elected to office.


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  15. Damn, I just realized how naive I've been. A bunch of pirates have alts in Sweden and are fighting in their PB too. No matter which nation appears to be the aggressor, it's actually the Pirates. [face palm!]

    Okay, please Pirates, give it to me straight... is that the reason you only want to fight US, Britain and the Dutch. You prefer your Swedish (or Danish, or French, or Spanish) alts over your US, Brit, and Dutch alts?

    Another question... is there anyone honorable who plays for just one team? I'd like to ally with them?

    Edited to clarify, I don't think having alts is dishonorable. I don't currently do it, but can imagine that one might be needed at some point. What I question is playing multiple characters in more than one nation and using them to push a specific unified strategy when the nations (or Pirates) are not allied. For example, one player attacking a nation as a Swede, as a Pirate, and as who knows what other country. While it seems to be allowed in game mechanics, I don't like goofy manipulations of a game just so you can "win".

  16. Quite honestly I don't think it matters as long as the economy is broken. If I were king of the world, or at least head of Game Labs, here's what I would do:

    1. Reduce developer time dedicated to combat and sailing mechanics. They are good and usable right now.

    2. Make a statement that the solution to politics and nightflipping and who is on what server is increased population. By building a better game, the pop will come. Tell those so bothered by nightflips, work flips, and alliances that they may need to take a break until they see the release

    3. Dedicate most resources to fixing and developing the economy. Crafting would evolve with the economy. Part of the economy question is number of duras. It could probably be made to work either way but it would be "different". Devs have already said that mods will be built into ships and perks built in to captains. Okay, lets start.

    4. Bring some sort of raid mechanic to the main servers and continue to tune. Get something going for pirates along with it.

    5. Once a few things in economy and crafting are working, do a wipe and see if it still works.

    4. If it does, wipe again and release!

    5. Don't let the people who happen to be most vocal on a forum choose the direction. Devs had a vision. Perhaps that has changed but perhaps not. Devs should be playing the game for all nations, all levels, and all servers. That takes a lot of time. Instead choose some trusted players to do this for you. They should be incognito and their feedback to you should be private.

    Of course, I'm not in charge so I'll go back to my Surprise nestled in a Freeport until I return from vacation. 

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