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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. I thought you did not get capture points for the actual capture of a neutral port but they are counted for your weekly total... That's how it should be.

    Otherwise, I could capture the neutral port on Monday +2. Let it go neutral. Recapture on Wednesday +2. Let it go neutral. Recapture on Saturday +2. Hold through Sunday +1-3.

    But admitedly, playing Dutch, port capture/ownership math is not a subject I need to study. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Revenant said:

    The 14 patch experimental additions enhance the sailing qualities a lot.  I like them, a wonderful progress.

    What I miss most at this moment is a stepless, infinitely variable setting for the sails. Or mabe the ability to set each sail individually.

    Would that be possible, and desirable here? Thanks for the work!


    I think we're at about the right level of manual sailing options based on the limited amount of detailed feedback we can get from our sailing choices. There's a finite amount of "feel" we can get from how the ship is sailing. 

  3. @admin

    Let’s assume it’s not a hack and not accuse anyone at this time. However, since it happened to several experienced captains in the same nation over the last few days, how can we best help you to track down this possible bug or otherwise provide proof for your explanation that it is player error?

    F11 immediately when it happens. This is tough because you’re typing an F11 report instead of trying to survive in a panic situation but we’ll do our best.

    Record and Upload video and audio asap.

    Provide follow up written explanation.

    Are there any local log files you need from us?

  4. Trick question in the poll. I believe 1st rates should be rare but believe the new mechanic is the wrong way to go about it.

    Rare yes. But rare because they are expensive to obtain and maintain, not because they are exclusive to being on (or willing to change to) the “winning” team. They should also be rare because they have a highly specialized, single purpose: heavy fleet line ship port battles. When such ships are impenetrable by ships below their class or can be made fast enough and maneuverable enough that they are first choice in every situation, then that makes it out of balance.

    Having exclusive capability to own op ships may be a nation’s goal in real a world, but it does not make a good game.

    I’m fine with having map victors get special awards for their efforts but they should be getting “awards” anyway: easier access to trade and materials, freedom of movement, safety for newer players, etc. In a game there needs to be a path — even a more difficult one — for weaker nations to gain strength.

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  5. Uggghhh! This sounds like such a bad idea.

    Capturing (or defending) a port that you only need to raise a score so you can get a Victory Mark so you can get a good ship so that you can capture (or defend) another port so that you can get a Victory Mark so that you can capture (or defend) another port so that... you get the idea = GRIND

    Capturing (or defending) ports that your nation needs because they add value to your gameplay = GAME

    But alas... I’ll keep trying to find something to do in game for a while longer. But we’ve always said “don’t sail watch you can not afford to lose”. Now very few of us can afford to sail a first rate and can never hope to do so.

    Swedes (and perhaps the Brits and Russians), please keep the rest of us updated on any changes in 1st Rate sailing characteristics. We’ll live vicariously through you!

  6. I would urge players from all time zones to not rush to judgement on the merge. I understand that having ports change hands in your off time can be frutrating but consider a change in thinking: there will be ports that are economically or strategically worth paying protection and there will be some that are not.

    The most successful nation will not necessarily be the one with the highest population but the one that can cooperate with members and allies across time zones. Pretending that there is no game except during your little 4 hour window will ultimately kill your nation and the game.

    @admin please make it so hostility can be gained outside the windows. That would encourage multiple time zone play and allow port battles to happen near the start of the windows too. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Vizzini said:

    to be fair, most people seem to only be missing a couple or so forged papers and a couple of redeemable aggies, everything else of mine ( clan bank ... everything...) is all there

    True. And it’s not really a big deal for me but one of my alts has been bitching to me all day because he hoped to one day use the forged papers to defect away from me. (He says I snore.)

    But seriously, good job Devs. By the lack of complaints I’m assuming most people got their good stuff. 

    • Like 2
  8. Perhaps I misunderstand how it will work...

    1. You can not take hostility mission except during the window.

    2. You can only take a mission if in your own port.

    3. PB happens 24 hours after hostility reaches 100%.

    4. I assume hostility will reset to 0 at server maintenance as it has previously


    There will (almost) never be a port battle in the early part of the window.

    Let’s say my clan wants to attack a port early in the window on Wednesday. I need to take the missions on Monday and then my fleet needs to sail over to the mission location in advance of Tuesday’s window. We’ll need some good strong fleets conducting simultaneous missions to grind the hostility really quick once the window opens but realistically, rarely will anyone be able to have a port battle except in shallow water within the first almost hour of the window.

    I’m not sure this is all a bad thing because it does encourage advance planning but shouldn’t there be a way that pbs are scheduled throughout the entire window.

  9. 1 hour ago, BPHick said:

    @admin, the speed penalty for structure damage needs to be less dramatic. Right now, it's like no penalty until 70%, and then someone puts on an emergency brake. Maybe start it at a lower percentage of damage (like 30% or 40%) and have is scale 10% speed reduction per 6 or 7% of damage.

    Yes. The loss in speed needs to gradual. Otherwise, a ship is more or less doomed before it can repair or disengage.

    • Like 1
  10. Getting the mats and either crafting ships or having one crafted is not the problem. That is part of the game. It’s the actual process of organizing the materials that is unnecessarily tedious with so many clicks and switching screens. I really hope the new UI addresses this!

  11. 1 hour ago, Quineloe said:

    It was not hinted, it was clearly stated you get a gold refund. And yeah I'd strongly suggest you use this weekend to just create the resources. It's not that expensive.

    Okay. I did not see when the definitive answer was given. Thanks.

    Does anyone recall the “recipes” (ie the quantity of mats) that one needs for a workshop and a level 1, 2, and 3 shipyard? It’s been a long time.

  12. 4 hours ago, admin said:

    Due to the fact that all your assets from global will be transferred to redeemables on the Caribbean,

    @admin or @Ink

    Any word on building transfer, specifically shipyards and workshops? They took a tremendous amount of materials to build.

    Will we just receive gold compensation as has been previously hinted, a redeemable for actual building, or the necessary resources to build them? Otherwise we must start crafting ingots, stone, etc because we’ll have to build them all over again.

  13. The key to this game reaching its potential lies in the reason why in real life these nations were in this region in the first place: expansion and the access to the riches of the new world.

    Crafting and trading are not developed very well. And while they are currently “PVE”, they shouldn’t be. Building a ship needs to mean something to your nation. The successful harvest and movement of materials and goods needs to mean something.  Prices need to be somewhat based on demand. Availability needs to be finite. Crafting and Trading should be complicated and challenging rather than simply tedious.

    If this type of “PVE” was developed better, the two flavors of PVP will increase in frequency and importance.

    1. The channels around Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Haiti wouldn’t be simple declared PVP zones, they would be target rich environments as necessary goods have to move north and south. Those goods either need protecting or attacking to deny them from your enemy.

    2. Capturing and defending ports. Trade hubs and production centers are necesary as they provide our nation (the players) with what they need.

    Safezones with almost all necessary resources stifle the necessary development of a richer economy BUT there needs to be some protection so that new players can get going and those with only a small amount of time have something to do. The answer probably is small safe zones with resource availability somewhere between the impossible economy of patch 10 where some nations could not access even coal and the free money of today.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Ink said:

    All assets will be transferred to the merged server. You do not need to delete the current character on PVP EU - you will be able to use stuff from Global PVP on your current character (including experience). If you do not have a character on PVP EU, after the merge just create a character and all stuff will be in your redeemables. If you wish to change the name, you can delete your PVP EU character, redeemables are safe until used.

    Clarification regarding books:

    If you learnt Book A and you also have another copy of Book A in your warehouse on PVP Global, you will receive 2x Book A in redeemables.

    Clarification regarding Ship slots:

    All learned slots from all ships will be transferred as a new type one experience redeemable including all ships (separate from general battle and craft experiences). E.g. If you have 1 open slot on Ship A on PVP EU and had 3 open slots on Ship A on PVP Global, experience from these 3 slots will be added to the current 1 open slot.



    And a permanent upgrade installed on a ship on global will be a redeemable on Caribbean?

    What about cannons already on ships?

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  15. This is such a great idea although it should be a feature of the game rather than depending on a 3rd party. (We have a bunch of old farts on Dutch Global and trying to explain twitter to them might make their heads explode.)

    Anyway, I look forward to using this feed after the merge. Thanks.

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