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Posts posted by Farrago

  1. I get the point that giving PVP Marks for killing a "Recently Killed" is exploitable. That's unfortunate. But make it so a Recently Killed can not attack.

    The OP was referring to a situation we had yesterday. I killed a trader in my Traders Brig. He popped in to La Mona and got in a Cerb and was waiting for me when I left the battle. Being low on repairs and obviously outgunned, I ran. He chased me almost all the way to Aves before he caught me. A countryman was able to join the fight, save me, and sink the stubborn Cerb. But my countryman got no reward because the Cerb captain was recently killed.

    And for the captain who said "who cares about PVP Marks?"... Some of us need them. They are our only chance to ever see a Victory Mark.

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/12/2018 at 2:25 AM, admin said:

    i missed not in post

    we thought that not leaving friends and comrades is taught by men and fathers and schools and movies. 

    Sure. I think we all understand your justification on why the fleet is lost.

    But if a player has not ever done it nor been told about it, he probably thinks hitting "escape" will escape his whole fleet. Remember, you currently have no instructions in game. Please make sure you address fleet operations in the upcoming tutorials. You don't even need a tutorial but simple instructions explaining commands to fleet are needed. 

  3. To complete 7th rate mission in basic cutter:

    1. I choose double charge as my first perk, others may choose differently.

    2. Start sailing towards enemy at full sail. Load regular ball on left side, double charge on right.

    3. As you near enemy, slow to battle sails, prepare to pass him on the his downwind side.

    4. As you are about to pass, if your heel is too great to aim at his side, manually turn your sails to the left, reducing heel.

    5. Give him the left broadside, increase sails to full, turn on autosail.

    6. Turn right (downwind) the enemy will turn left downwind.

    7. Line up to give him the right broadside. He will be reloading. Slow down if necessary to aim well. Fire right broadside.

    8. Turn in to him and close distance. Your left side will be almost reloaded. When it is, turn slightly upwind and fire that side.

    9. The biggest mistake I see folks making is going too fast in the basic cutter. Use battle sails to turn more tightly and aim more accurately. Continue to close distance to repeat giving him both broadsides.


  4. 2 hours ago, z4ys said:

    And again how do you know it's an alt. When I learned something in NA then it is that people are really fast when it comes to accusations. It's although a nice feature for large clans to grief smaller ones. I really don't see any benefits of fighting your own nation only exploits.

    I usually don't know it's an alt and a nation that indescriminitely kills it's "young" or unknown players deserves to not thrive. But SOMETIMES you do know. And a large clan that griefs smaller clans also deserves to have their nation get that reputation as well.

  5. The problem in ship crafting is not the time and effort it takes to gather the materials. That's trade and econ and even tho this part of the game is woefully undeveloped, going backwards in game complexity is not the key to success.

    The problem: It's the multiclick, multidrag shuffles between screens, warehouses, and storage locations. The UI is awful for the crafter and traders purposes. Hopefully the new UI will fix this.

  6. 2 hours ago, seanjo said:

    Sharks with frikkin laser beams on their heads...

    Oh great... [sigh] Probably only available for Victory Marks. Small nations will continue to decline of we can't get sharks with laser beams.

    Perhaps an RNG drop. #makefishinggreatagain

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  7. Something has to be done about the Wasa. Yes, one-on-one skilled players in the right build 3rd or 2nd rate can beat it. There are even a few who can probably beat it one-on-one in a 4th rate. BUT... It is an incredible force multiplier on fleet engagements for those who can get it. And more and more they are going to be in the hands of those who don't need a force multiplier. They're already the most powerful nations.

    Nerf it or bump its BR and then allow everyone to build it.

    Or the other idea is we all just instasurrender to Wasas and save some time.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, AeRoTR said:

    Variable wind speed makes me so exicited. Imagine in OW you see light, medium, strong wind just near your compass next to your wind arrow, or change arrow colour. You are a speed moded pirate, sailed all the to KPR to gank some noobs, suddenly wind turns into light breeze, opps everything changed now !!! Or you are in battle and wind changes in your favour. 


    Changing  (rotating)winds in battle instance is a good addition, even though it rotates at a very high rate, which I think is overdone. Adding some wind strength change which is not overdone again can be a great diversity to the game. It can help to reduce the speed meta.

    The trouble with variable winds is it would be very difficult to get it so that it feels "right". Even tho the game has time compression, players don't think "Ive just spent 3 days sailing from one place to another" or "this battle has lasted a day and a half". The game clock and game sun maybe moving fast but we operate in real time.

    So, while obviously freakish weather does happen in the real world, most days you will have hours and hours of consistent winds (or no winds). Big changes in weather tend to happen slowly in real life compared to gameplay most of the time. Trying to implement in game will tend to destroy gameplay unless done extremely catefully. For example: right now in the SF Bay area it is raining lightly with very light onshore breezes. It will probably do this for two days. No one would be able to sail anywhere. 

  9. Since so much of this game is dependent on building competitive nations, I'd like it to be difficult to switch to a more powerful nation.

    1 set of Forged Papers should be given to each new player, usable up to a certain rank or it disappears. That gives a newbie a chance to get a feel for nations and the game.

    Otherwise a move to a weaker nation is paid in gold, progressively less expensive as you go down the power ladder. A move to a stronger nation costs Victory Marks, progressively more expensive as you go up the nation power ladder.

  10. I'm wondering if wind change in battle instances can be made more gradual (and more realistic) in battle instances. Also more random but still within realistic sort of parameters.

    Obviously these numbers are just examples. Something like every 3 minutes there is a 50% chance of change in wind direction. If yes, then 50% chance clockwise, 50% counterclockwise. If yes, there is a 85% chance the change will be 3 degrees, 10% chance it will be 5 degrees, and 5% chance it will be 10 degree change.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

    It might be that it is too easy to level up.  We know thee are a ton of max-rank players who never did anything but farm missions, build an uber ship, and think they are unstoppable.  When they are disabused of that notion, they have to decide if they overestimated their own abilities, or if the game is broken.

    Usually, they favor the latter.

    This is true. I got almost to Admiral before having to face the fact that I really didn't know how to fight another player effectively. Hell, even tho now I can sort of hold my own once in the PVP battle, I still don't think I grasp the concept of getting the initial tag right.

    As with almost every "problem" folks point out in game, the solution is more population -- more Captains of all ranks and skills -- so that the new player wanting (or being forced) to PVP has some chances of meeting similarly experienced peers as well as meeting the PVP gods.

  12. 2 minutes ago, OneEyedSnake said:

         With the introduction of heeling to such an extent I believe it to be time that we have realistic listing models. Most ships in this game should list when taking on more water on one side than the other due to their compartments, rooms, etc. Certainly some ships wouldn't list because their hulls didnt have such compartmentalization on purpose or not. 

        Listing would add a new dynamic to the game in the way that leaks become critical should they be ignored. As the ship lists new leaks would occur as old holes in the ships submerge, escalating the situation further. As the ships list further cannons would be disabled as they go under water, or are elevated too much to be of any use to the battle. 

        Further graphic development is also a plus, as sinking ships currently just look stupid as they sink flat. A listing ship would truly be a more REALISTIC, and graphically pleasing element to the game.

    FINALLY someone actually gets this game and understands what is needed more than anything else! OneEye, you will save us. You ARE our hero.


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  13. 39 minutes ago, Captain Comery said:

    Ok maybe my post was too harsh. I’ve figured out that I was only looking at the negatives of the game and basing my views on features I don’t use or understand a lot. The game is very complex yes but I guess it’s emmersive and the lack of ships is no doubt temporary.

    fought a trader snow today and didn’t realise they changed it so traders had full cannons now, boy did I get a shock but it was kinda fun. Guess all I needed to do was get back into the game.

    honestly sometimes I forget it’s still alpha.

    Thanks for backing off. We, who still play, are justifiably sensitive to someone who just trashes without some constructive comment.

    However, your original post does indicate a big problem: so much of this game is hidden and not explained and I don't mean "hidden" as in a cool, opportunity to explore sort of way. It's hidden as in new or returning players get so little guidance. Hopefully the new UI and tutorials that the Devs are working on will remedy this.

    Keep sailing. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I think abandon ports should cost you the same as loosing it to any other nation.  That way you will be sure to watch after clans that are getting low on funds or about to jump ship.  Than again I also think that you should be able to give ports to other clans in your own nations.  Say my clan can't support a port, but your can and we are both in the same nation. I can gift the port to your clan and let you take it over.  Though that can also open up a lot more abuse of ports too by certain larger clans/nations.

    I'd say gifting the ports would be okay but perhaps some sort of hefty payment should be required to the admiralty. 

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