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Everything posted by Stepp636

  1. Why unite with other nations when only the winner gets marks?
  2. I see a difference in numbers after the merge Saturday night at KPR before the merge Wednesday night at KPR after the merge
  3. one more forged paper for everyone would be nice. at least for @Liq
  4. No need for extra Aggys. So many are still in redeemables so if you want one just ask in global and a nice guy might give you one for free.
  5. Nach etwa 30 hostility Missionen nur Mist. Bei ow Flotten findet man selten etwas brauchbares, da muss man schon die epic Events machen.
  6. Îf the Brits have such a small player base why do they have so many ports they can't defend? It's just natural that they loose ports. Maybe they should stop fighting on so many fronts? The Bahamas, for example, tie a lot of players in that region.
  7. Press CTRL to get the mouse cursor and on the left side you can click on reinforcements. With new UI it will be easier to call them.
  8. Looking forward to it but we don't need more books and upgrades.
  9. You'll get all your stuff from global as redeemable on your EU Account.
  10. Es gibt noch keine Angaben zum Release. Wird wohl auch erst gemacht wenn wir kurz davor stehen. XP und crafting XP sollen erhalten bleiben. Ob die vom ship knowledge auch bleiben, wurde nicht gesagt. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit meinte admin sogar, sie wissen nicht ob es zum Release überhaupt einen wipe gibt. Das kann ich mir aber nicht vorstellen bei der Inflation aktuell und wegen paints müssen die Schiffe eh zurückgesetzt werden.
  11. Ink posted that you will get the upgrades from the ships as extra redeemables.
  12. @Archaos Delete the char from EU and create a new one. You will get all your stuff from global as redeemable.
  13. 7up from VP had US based players that might helped the eastern alliance. That's what he's talking about.
  14. Join Russia. Check the map. We have some nice ports close to KPR and Belize to fight the brits who will probably have a good amount of players in your timezone.
  15. I don't like that a pb can be set immediately. Attackers can do 4 hostility missions without anyone noticing before it's too late. With the BR on ports the defenders need the right ships there and an outpost ofcourse.
  16. Would alliances help? I remember when 80+ captains tried to raise hostility on Swedish ports and failed.
  17. They also want alliances so other nations can fight them together. I don't really get your point. @rediii and @sveno suggested the things to make the game better and not their lives in NA.
  18. But as I've said this is not really the case anymore. You can get easily all basic crafting stuff and money etc.. ElricTheThree quit due to that hardcore setting and if enjoys the battles in NA he can come back and try the new sailing profiles of the ships.
  19. Hardcore mode from summer is gone. You can get all basic mats nearby.
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