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Felix Victor

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Everything posted by Felix Victor

  1. v9.0.5 2019-12-25 25 December patch; ship speed buffs Cerberus 13.92 -> 14.42 Leopard 12.82 -> 13.17 Pandora 14.05 -> 14.28 La Renommée 13.87 -> 14.33 Surprise 13.75 -> 14.04
  2. v9 2019-12-08 (celebrating the third year of the map) improved colour scheme compare ships: ship and wind directions can be set to read and compare the (theoretical) speeds list ship blueprints: costs for extracting materials and crafting seasoned woods added lot of minor changes and updates Expect some bugs here and there. Make journey does atm not take wood changes into account.
  3. You have used my map to prepare for the battle. I like this 😀 Can I point out that you have used the port battle zones whereas you should have used the raid zones (settings | zones | all raid). The join circle is wider and AI starts at two of the four spawn points further out.
  4. After the next upgrade, the map considers the following caps: Armor thickness 40% Armour hit points 40% Mast thickness 30% Mast hit points 30% Turn rate 25% Max speed 16 knots I am not sure whether or not the mast caps should also be 40%?
  5. Thanks for the report. speed: map speed values are always estimates, cannot change it turn rate: new data, will be deployed with the next upgrade (coming soon) hit points: calculation corrected, will be deployed with the next upgrade (coming soon) Rounding differences will continue to happen.
  6. Thanks, I have noticed it myself. A big update is coming soon including a fix for this.
  7. No, not yet. Only cap I know is 16 knots for top speed, do you happen do know the others for hit points and thickness?
  8. Not available in api data. Only prices of contracted goods.
  9. I did because of lazy loading. Fixed prefix and a hash.
  10. @admin Could you use the NotUsed flag? Then you can control what is shown in the map.
  11. I apologise if i have offended your sense of celebrity, it is purely ignorance on my part. Sorry, did not want to be condescending.
  12. What are the caps now, like to change my map tool accordingly?
  13. v8.14.9 2019-11-29 29 November patch new (s = seasoned) woods new seasoning shed changes to damage parameters (EXPLOSION_DAMAGE_ABSORB_MULTIPLIER, no impact on the map) for some ships maybe more, no patch note yet
  14. @qw569 I cannot explain the difference between the tweets from the regular url and the results from the query (result for Arenas is missing from the latter, this query is used by my map) 1. Result from twitter.com/zz569k
  15. API data does not contain the port bonuses nor nation related information. Check for posts from @qw569
  16. It is the speed without woods, so more a theoretical value.
  17. Sample bash script to download all current API data and convert them to valid json files #!/usr/bin/env bash server_base_name="cleanopenworldprod" source_base_url="http://storage.googleapis.com/nacleanopenworldprodshards/" server_names=(eu1 eu2) api_vars=(ItemTemplates Nations Ports Shops) server_maintenance_hour=10 if [ "$(date -u '+%H')" -lt "${server_maintenance_hour}" ]; then server_date=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d' --date "- 1 day") else server_date=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d') fi for server_name in "${server_names[@]}"; do for api_var in "${api_vars[@]}"; do url="${source_base_url}${api_var}_${server_base_name}${server_name}.json" out_file="${server_name}-${api_var}-${server_date}.json" curl --output "${out_file}" "${url}" sed -i -e "s/^var $api_var = //; s/\\;$//" "${out_file}" done done
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