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Felix Victor

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Everything posted by Felix Victor

  1. The max speed in the ship list is the speed without any woods. Better to use ship compare.
  2. buyPrice * 3 + (planarDistance * buyPrice * distanceFactor) / 6 / 100 planarDistance = nearest port that drops this item distanceFactor = API item data (PortPrices.RangePct)
  3. Changes to port bonuses: https://editor.mergely.com/n0x2pAeZ/ Map data updated accordingly:
  4. v10.11.7 2020-09-04 Port bonuses updated, https://editor.mergely.com/n0x2pAeZ/ ( @qw569😳's data from
  5. v10.11.6 2020-08-31 link to @Aquillas user guide added (finally)
  6. This module is listed in the 'ship knowledge – crew' category as defined by API data.
  7. v10.11.5 2020-08-31 ship bow/stern thickness patch 2020-08-31
  8. v10.11.4 2020-08-26 missing link patch 2020-08-26 (module and ship changes)
  9. v10.11.3 2020-08-25 list port bonus: port points and points invested added
  10. The estimated sell price for a consumed good is buyPrice * 3 + (planarDistance * buyPrice * distanceFactor) / 6 / 100 buyPrice: BasePrice from API data planarDistance: distance between sell port and closest port dropping this good distanceFactor: RangePct from API data But fear not, my map calculates it all. Just use 'Select trade relations' and click a port. Estimated net profits are indicated at the bottom of the port info.
  11. Fixed, thanks for the report Reload with f5 or invalidate cache with shift ctrl r
  12. v10.11 2020-08-23 list cannons: cannon families are (un-)selectable ship compare: thickness cap is 100%, minor fixes recipes: (extra) labour contracts added
  13. With PB circles you mean the join circles? size: my estimates are 14 and 28 pixels position: 5 pixels away from port in the direction indicated in API data (rotation) const getJoinCircle = (id: number, rotation: number): Point => { const { x: x0, y: y0 } = apiPortPos.get(id)! const distance = 5 const degrees = degreesHalfCircle - rotation const radians = (degrees * Math.PI) / degreesHalfCircle const x1 = Math.trunc(x0 + distance * Math.sin(radians)) const y1 = Math.trunc(y0 + distance * Math.cos(radians)) return [x1, y1] } Calculated data is here: https://github.com/felixvictor/na-map/blob/master/src/lib/gen-generic/pb-zones.json
  14. Result is Probably nothing you can parse directly with http.jsonp
  15. v10.10 2020-08-16 port info: port bonuses added list port bonuses: added Thanks to @qw569😳 for making the port bonus data available. Will update the map as often as this thread is updated:
  16. v10.9 2020-08-07 list woods: wood family (regular, seasoned, exceptional) (un-)selectable minor changes and improvements
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