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Felix Victor

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Everything posted by Felix Victor

  1. Not in API data. Patrol zone is in La Mona though, for the PvP server. It seems that PvE has a different cycle. Will fix it in the coming days.
  2. 31 May patch changed the speed calculcation and we cannot find out how. The devs are not responding on discord. Not much I can do.
  3. Cloning should work now, please test. Thanks again for the report.
  4. Pirate rig has sails power modifiers whose impact I cannot calculate. Spanish and English refits have modifiers I can use, mast thickness, for example.
  5. The map pulls new data at 1040, 1050, 1100, 1110, 1140, 1300 UTC. How would we know if the data is fully updated? In my experience API data changes several times during maintenance and there is no indicator for an completed update.
  6. Thanks for the report. I cannot reproduce it, could you please explain it step by step.
  7. No idea. Try to refresh the browser. Post screenshots here if the problem persists.
  8. 13.0.0 (2021-06-15) Features new layout new: list of conquest flags updated: trade system (as of 11 June patch)
  9. To my knowledge API data files are updated several times during maintenance. My map retrieves new data starting at 1040 every few minutes.
  10. Ship speeds in the game have not changed but MaxSpeed in API data. So the calculation is messed up...
  11. @jodgi Hi, long time no see ^^ Any interest to update the calculation? Devs have fiddled with the numbers again (api data for MaxSpeed has changed).
  12. Will not work as there is no North/South Europe on this map. It is not the ports but rather the trade items that are labelled by their origin.
  13. buyPrice * 1.8 + (planarDistance * buyPrice * distanceFactor(item)) / 1000
  14. Data is from @qw569😳 which is updated monthly (https://www.reddit.com/user/qw569/)
  15. I will see what I think is useful. Haven't checked the new trading logic yet.
  16. Yeah, saw it. API data seems to be out of sync with the game. Cannot do anything about it.
  17. Please indicate what result you got and what results you expected. In case you have used the ship compare without choosing woods, you will get a lower base speed.
  18. 12.6.5 (2021-05-27) 27 May patch (for changes see above)
  19. May patch Changes to (trade) items: https://editor.mergely.com/k7dvNH6R/ ships: https://editor.mergely.com/DmPb3xUe/ cannons: https://editor.mergely.com/rdxPX6V8/ woods: https://editor.mergely.com/N0KS0aeQ/
  20. Not implemented as @qw569😳 provides no such data. (timeInTicks - 621355968000000000) / 10000)
  21. https://www.venea.net/web/net_ticks_datetime_converter
  22. 'single raid' and then select the port at 'show trade relations' Seems likely but it is the direction to the closest circle, what information would it add?
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