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Felix Victor

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Everything posted by Felix Victor

  1. Thanks for the report. Can you give me concrete examples, please?
  2. Yes. I decided against it as the modal already contains so much information and I do not want to add more selects such as for cannons. There are some spreadsheets around for this, a very good one from @SS Minnow, for example.
  3. It worked. I received some donations already, including from the devs 😀 Many, many thanks to all. 👍
  4. v8.11.7 2019-07-05 fixed: ship compare wood modifiers corrected navbar with icons minor changes
  5. v8.11.6 2019-07-04 fixed: list buildings shows shipyard level 1 cost correctly fixed: ship compare shows leak/splinter/fire resistance correctly added: paypal donation button (#218)
  6. Map will most probably not working after maintenance. I am working on fixing it but I am struggling (also with the unstable hotel wifi). Still works but I cannot update it yet. Found it, update will be deployed soon.
  7. xml game files, locally stored in steamapps\common\Naval Action\Database\DesignModel\Modules const speedConstA = 0.074465523706782; const speedConstB = 0.00272175949231; const calcPortSpeed = ship.Specs.MaxSpeed * speedConstA - speedConstB; const speedDegrees = ship.Specs.SpeedToWind.map(speed => speed * calcPortSpeed);
  8. It could but I would need to completely revise the code. Currently, I do not have the time for it (need to be grinding) and the json files use only 60KB. favicon.ico is a combined icon and is cached.
  9. I will add a donation button with the next hotfix or release, eta this weekend.
  10. Do you want to have the ship json file displayed or the ship compare dialog opened, for example?
  11. netlify.com has a new certificate. Firefox might have problems to get the new certificate. Workaround: Go to about:preferences#privacy Uncheck ''Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificates" Load the map Check ''Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificates"
  12. It is not the direct line between capitals, at least not always. And a nearly correct information is in my opinion even worse than no information at all. See above for a moderators guessing about region shapes but nothing I could neither understand nor use. The collecting exercise won't work. Too much manual intervention and too faulty.
  13. The map has received a lot of interest after the wipe which also means a lot of server traffic. I use netlify to host the site. I have never noticed it or they have changed their pricing model, half of the allowed bandwidth is already used. It will cost for above 100GB. So far I can use their (great) service for free. I am now considering the options: 1. Hope for the best that the bandwidth threshold is never reached. 2. Try to reduce frequency or amount of data downloaded. 3. Look for another free hoster with higher bandwidth. 4. Try to collect money from users, maybe $20/month needed. Preferred option is 1, obviously. Option 2 is also related the browser caching, one of the biggest IT mysteries (leading to outdated files). Option 3 might not work (do not know any comparable free hoster, and I need time to move there). Option 4 is my least preferred option as it require payment for a service that I consider should be free (and I would need some time to set it up). Any thoughts?
  14. Will collect some in-game data here (if others than rediii also report) and try to match it with API data.
  15. Thanks. Maybe other can report on their findings here.
  16. This is from API data. 0 means the lowest probability, not improbabie.
  17. Oops, try this https://na-map.netlify.com/data/ship-blueprints.json
  18. It is not contained in API data. See discussion in this thread.
  19. Not a calculation, but contained in API data. It is roughly dependend on the ship mass. https://na-map.netlify.com/data/ships.json
  20. This is a rounding error which can't be rectified.
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