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Everything posted by OneEyedSnake

  1. I do wonder if you know what happened to the pirates in real life?
  2. oh, i actually do like you. but also, no. i dont think pirates were meant to be the pirate nation, otherwise they would be called that. hence why we dutch are called verenigde provincien. devs like their accurate name.
  3. pirates were vastly out numbered for reasons... Join a real nation!
  4. Good. now you can stop being a fake nation and go play on "hard" mode. thats why you joined them after all isnt it?
  5. yea, wish they would only test and implement like 1-2 things at a time >.>
  6. B.b.bbut I am used to making 2 million in like 30 minutes .-.
  7. the only reason we could protect them was because we could teleport. haha. dont feel like sailing for hours. but you do bring up a good point, this will prevent smaller nations from over expanding, as we wont have a clan in each location to defend it, much as they did in pvp1.
  8. Perhaps increasing ow sailing speed could compensate for the no teleport, but still make everyone sail around?
  9. id agree. they should. unless the devs are planning on pirate implementation this patch too? @Ink @admin?
  10. as far as pirate mechanics are concerned, until you guys can not capture ports and have limitations to your crafting of large ships, your mechanics must stay the same as any national's. when this does change then certainly this is a good idea for the pirates to be unique!
  11. can not move more than 1 kt in connie, and 0 kts in any trade ship. with no hull items. 11/10
  12. Excellent point, and thank you for the clarification and update!
  13. http://www.navalaction.com/blog/ have we forgotten? Or what is the stage of development with these ideas? Specifically the "EXPLORATION GAMEPLAY- September 15, 2014" part I personally loved them when i first started and couldnt wait to try them when I saw these announcements, I havent heard much on these since, and was just suggesting them in case they had been forgotten in this immense project, which is understandable.
  14. *naval action player passing through* *was waiting for "what does the pray button do" post and the devs angrily deleting comments making up what it does XD
  15. yes you can. i have gotten one for over 40 hours, justification was late game play was a complete lie and it took me 40 hours to get there. also, steam policy is before 7 hours, no questions asked.
  16. must not have been too fond since we both quit for several months lmao My fondest moments were of getting lost without a compass and no map grids, that was great. Trying to land in Cuba, and ending up off the map. ha
  17. they become our neighbors pretty quickly, once we take spanish ports, but meh, last i heard they had 40 something rolling french, no point in fighting 14v40 lmao I really wish the devs would rename us to just "Dutch" no one knows what the hell Verenigde Provincien is, like who cares about United Provinces? Is that like the US? lmao
  18. If you make the 2 hour sail from your dane capital to ours, ill fight ya haha. But yea, more clan based control for nations that run like that. eye roll at every other nation. ew.
  19. so far not much of a fan of this teleport deduction. Smaller segregated nations, such as the Verenigde Provincien (Nederlande), will stay small because who really wants to sail for 2 hours between ports to get to action. You got the Naval part down. but the Action part is very lacking when it takes so much longer to get anywhere.
  20. "a bit of a delay" <---- past 3 months. Devs, just say you dont know when this wipe will come out, this coming soon thing is a bit old to be honest, no one knows what to expect right now so its a bit hard to play the game. i said 2018. no one believes me, but its almost halfway there. ha
  21. then we will have the problem we had before, several people will get excluded, and a minor nation could potentially grow very large out of proportion, however with high enough server population i can see it working again. But lets be honest, the server population will drop drastically after the first week, and nothing will work again after that. Its just a cycle. I think the devs are working on a combination of what we have now and then though, will be interesting to see the more final details on it.
  22. yes! splitting it to two servers is basically what we have now...
  23. I would love to see Galleons in the game simply because of their beauty, nothing to do with war tactics, but as bought ships that have boarding bonuses and are eye candy, i mean NA has such an incredible graphics engine might as well as a side project after release.
  24. In terms of needing more ships. I have at least 2 first rates in 8 ports. And likewise with 4th/5th rates, with the rest smaller vessels. When the tested does come up, which it hasn't, we do plan on going there. But as for now we are burnt out and tired of how this game is being jostled from one extreme to the other at poor times .
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