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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. I'm allowed to do more than just bang together a pair of symbols.. ...I get to nod.
  2. I still think teleport to freeport should return but when you teleport to any freeport your crew are lost. Meaning you must buy more crew back
  3. Blue fields where Is that... Oh you mean the British crafting and farming hub. I'll make a special visit just for you buddy
  4. Sorry is 50% of the pirate nations strength... Enjoy global my friend,
  5. I can't wait to see the British defend three port battles in one evening!
  6. The whole point is to introduce a money sink. Would you prefer 5th rates cost 10k, 4th rates cost 100k, then big bucks for bigger ships. It's just ment to be a way for clans to push there own agendas
  7. More and more British players are jumping ship already. If you play British and want to win. Global is calling your name!
  8. Monkey my friend you make me smile Have a good day sir!
  9. Are you tired of being on the loosing side on the eu server, then move to global. The British on global server are winning, leave the sinking ship that is the British on eu. Follow captains like spitfire and others who want to win once again. "I think it's time that the poor downbeat British captains get a chance to win again"
  10. Batman, does something about rats and a sinking ship cone to mind?
  11. What did the British give the Americans??? Unless I'm mistaken didn't the usa and Spain/pirates allie up? The British haven't left historical British waters yet (correction- apart from ponce) to capture a region!! DOUBLE POST PLEASE DELETE
  12. What did the British give the Americans??? Unless I'm mistaken didn't the usa and Spain/pirates allie up? The British haven't left historical British waters yet (correction- apart from ponce) to capture a region!! Delete please -not sure why this is happening from my phone
  13. What did the British give the Americans??? Unless I'm mistaken didn't the usa and Spain/pirates allie up? The British haven't left historical British waters yet (correction- apart from ponce) to capture a region!! How can the British claim to be protecting the poor usa, when the USA has allied with nations the British are at war with. Please explain, I just don't understand your argument
  14. Free ports should have a maximum size of docks, to support ottos idea. I'd like to see clans being able to invest money into free ports to create hubs. Clans should be able to pay for storing ships. Eg (see below) all clan members get a free outpost here once clan invests in the port. 1) basic level, 5th rates (750,000 cost) 2) lower tier, 4th rates (1.5m cost) 3) mid tier, 3Rd rates (6m cost) 4) top tier, 2nd rates (20m cost) Clans should also be able to purchase agents which enable missions to be generated in surrounding waters. (for each tier of mission, double the cost of the agent. Top tier costing 100m) Teleport here should be available but to get this clans must purchase the feature for example 25m but you get no crew after freeport teleporting (as it should be everywhere in my opinion). Giving clans an area to invest in brings content to clans and grants benefits for being in clans. *ideas on costs is open to review*
  15. Now now, Christendom. British captains only are able to see things that support their views. I think it's called selective blindness!!! Btw on global, did gb and usa allie up or go to war?
  16. And yet you play British?! Freeport offer staging points. I'd be more in favour for being able to create an outpost at a free port for 48-72 hrs only
  17. And yet you can't conquer anything! Why is that British captains?
  18. My friend we have just adopted the behaviour and attitude of the British. Ally with the strong and attack the weaker nations... Incase you have a short memory I suggest to review your British history on pvp eu/1.... I know pirate history is erased on kpr but the pirates have been attacking you for as long as pirates have been around! In real life the British crushed the pirate threat but in game the British hide from pirates...
  19. Outside of all this British chest banging and gusts for winning a single fight in a war that may last months. If I was a British captain I'd be looking past all this fan-fair and elation and I'd be looking at what does the Spanish consider victory in those war...! Is it one porting gb! Is it crippling the British economy! Is it forcing new players to pick another nation! Is it crushing all pvp fleets! I'd also be asking if the British are so powerful why do they have the same relevance as the usa?! Even the usa are trying to capture ports! I wonder what other nations will jump on Spain war with gb the moment gb starts loosing. Gb how many fronts can you fight on!
  20. Come now British, a war is never one battle! When you loose a port we will claim no powerful victory. When the Spanish capture your regions, no victory will be shouted about on the forums. A victory is only a victory when a nation is beaten so badly they either surrender or are conquered entirely. Either way, victory will only happen when the British have a single region.!
  21. The British have already proven that lineships are weak against cheap throw away fire ships... The British also showed that the age of lineships is every limited to Dare I say port battles only
  22. Have the mighty British empire captured any ports on the eu server yet? I'd say take pictures and draw maps of your empire before it starts to shrink!
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