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Salty Sails

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Everything posted by Salty Sails

  1. Special THX to @vazco for this content. It was alot of fun. o7
  2. Den Black Friday gabs bei NA schon! Allerdings in anderer Form. Die Veteranen werden sich sicherlich noch erinnern was an diesem Tag in schwedischen Gewässern passierte.😂😂😂
  3. Wie wäre es, bis Release mal PVP oder PBs zu machen? Lern doch auch mal die andere Seite der Medaille kennen. Wenn eh Allles gewiped wird! Verheiz dein Bares!
  4. 1. read all new stuff 2. open game and test it 3. now you can cry Tuning All blueprints were removed from the admiralty and added to player shipyards for simplification (some of them of course will require permits to build) https://steamcommunity.com/games/311310/announcements/detail/1693798980352970270
  5. Basic Capentrytool is shit? Basic Hull Refit is shit? If you only fight against NPCs, you don’t need any better upgrades. To get better loot, why you not try OW Fleets instaed of your stupid admirality orders.
  6. If a Player goes online after a wipe/ or all redeemables are gone!
  7. then show me a kill screenshot from clerk...!!!
  8. Surrender and captured an empty ship isnt a kill for me. And the sceenshot shows me only a bug... not a kill! So, you have to work for your bounty...
  9. no proof for a kill, no bounty... surrender isnt a kill for me, because no one sunk his ship...
  10. Did you captured him? Because i cant see a kill on him.
  11. and? who told you, that carriages is a material what will be wiped? i cant see a list with all the mats...did you? show me pls. i had golden marines... after a wipe, they are gone, but hey... i m still alive...
  12. its not the first wipe in that ALPHA Phase. All people want changes, now there are coming... you have enough time... you can craft enough ships. 20-30 days is a long time, but good to get the info now and not few days before. so dont cry about few materials... its all just pixels. btw. list with mats will be posted soon.
  13. SOON. But not sure, if this will be a DLC or ingame stuff!
  14. niiiice pic, will be my next desktop background I think🤔 i hope it was green on green...just for a screenshot....✌️
  15. 10 PVP Marks for each kill on Sir Henry Durnin and Captain Cid from HANSA Clan(Prussia)
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