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Salty Sails

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Everything posted by Salty Sails

  1. Any suggestion or advices, how to survive the final battle??? What kind of units for main attack, secondary attack and both flanks!? What tactics do you prefer? Very defensive or aggressiv? Pls post your ideas with some screenshots!
  2. thx for info. Sometimes, i think, the small skirmish/battles needs more time and more casulties than the big main battles.
  3. When i started the Battle, i was expecting a large and long fight over 3 days, or in different parts of the map. But... i dont know why, i finished the battle on the first day against very weak troops of the Union.
  4. If i had to explain the people in my life, what i m doing the whole day. https://youtu.be/QwFs5NVKVWo?t=288
  5. Bei den Preussen gibts auch zwei aktive deutsche Clans, müsstest aber ohne ein sicheres Capital leben und ohne eine Safezone, denn die gibt es hier nicht. Wenn du also eine Herausforderung suchst, gerne PVP machst, Portbattles etc., dann wäre Preussen sicherlich auch eine Alternative.
  6. in what region your are sailing, because nps, will only spawn if there is a player activity in that area. as far as i know.
  7. you will find a lot of NPCs on open world, so not hiding in missions anymore. sail around in enemy areas. leave your safezone. have fun.
  8. Kiritimati Masts made from the strongest trees found in the famous Christmas island. Edinorog guns that will make your opponents fear your ship. Rare Christmas gift – Danish 2nd rate Christian. Redeemables must be claimed before 25th of January 2019.  i think you are few days too late. gifts were given on both server. So every player could redeem them on war and peace.
  9. Finds irgendwie echt schade, dass das Boarding Menü nicht so umgesetzt werden konnte, wie es eigentlich geplant war. Für mich persönlich eher eine Enttäuschung, so wie jetzt aussieht! Knallbunte Karibik und dann so ein blau-graues Menü beim Boarden!😤🤬
  10. Win??? 998 are not 1000! Go to school!
  11. There were few wipes, so redeemables are gone! Try to finish the tutorial. After u finished it, you will get master and comander rank, alot or repairs,rum, 2 ships for free and some other stuff, I can’t remember. There are also two ships as dlc, if you need a ship without crafting or shipyard.
  12. Pls. No, it’s still a trader ship. Sure, u can win fights with her, but she can enter every port. If the ship gets 5 knowledge, pls change it to warships, that she can’t enter enemy ports.
  13. Where did the players know, that their opponents do have better upgrades or ships? Are their trading screenshots or talking about in pm about things, like poods, upgrades, shipbuild? You only see, enemy player in ow, rest will be surprise for everyone, and its fine.
  14. Where is the longtime motivation for new players? if a beginner captured a trader brig with (random) doubloon drop,can buy all the fancy stuff(upgrades, Skillbooks), and all old veterans tried over months to collect books, like 5 rings? Why not give all new players max rank, so they can sail biggest ships from beginning??? For me, your suggestions sounds more like a joke. Tell me, what should players do ingame for next weeks, months, years? I think, players need motivations like super rare things ingame for longtime fun. BTW. Atm they can do few traderuns and buy super upgrades, i cant see problems to get upgrades, ships etc.!!
  15. Früher gabs mal deutsche Moderatoren, die regelmäßig Patchnotes und Neuigkeiten der Devs übersetzt haben. Von denen lässt sich niemand mehr blicken, außer um Verwarnungen zu verpassen!😂
  16. English German Aim Zielen Fire Feuer Ready Fertig/Bereit Charge Angriff Retreat Rückzug Die Stirb Kill them all Tötet sie alle Double Quick (Run) Rennen March Marschieren Forward Vorwärts Halt Stopp Form line Linie bilden In column In Kolonne Hold position Haltet die Position Form square Bildet ein Quadrat Reload Nachladen Save yourselves Passt auf euch auf Deploy(deploy cannons) Macht die Kanonen bereit Now We will all die Jetzt werden wir alle sterben Something like this...
  17. Don’t forget, learn to read the combat news! 😂 If players would learn to read the combat news, they would know, where it is dangerous. But most players sailing brainless/afk with their consti classic or Christian. So it’s not my fault when they are crying in forums or nation chat, when they lose their best ships. BTW. I don’t care about if the enemies it’s a new player or an old player. Since you can’t see the rank and name. Sink them all, or try it at least. Playerbase is down, so you will be happy about every enemy or fight in ow where u can join.
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