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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. Was this rant directed at me? Lol. You hardly understood what I wrote. Not what I said. For "PVE" players, you guys are remarkably aggressive towards other players. Again, I am saying that not all PVE players "just need to train and toughen up" to become PVP players. I was actually taking *your* side, but your blind hostility towards every single PVP player out there made it more important for you to attack me than understand what I wrote.
  2. Devs aren't sitting here hitting F5 to collect feedback. They're fixing bugs that weren't fixed in the last builds. What is it with this forum that has people create threads linking to their other threads where no one cared as well? I also don't believe in the "PVE server is just training ground for PVP server". There's genuine pure PVE players, who will never even consider a game where they fight other players. If the PVE server were just that, you might as well just create a no-PVP newbie zone where all new players start and can play until they choose a nation and leave on the PVP server, and save yourself an entire server.
  3. WoW introduced the so called "bum mark" in 2005 already. You win a battleground, you get 3 marks for that battleground, you lose you only get 1. So yes, WoW does indeed give you a participation trophy. Also in WoW players died so frequently in PVP all around, you were bound to get a few kills here and there even as a bad player. Yesterday there were 90 minutes between two kills on the entire EU server during prime time. World of Tanks, which you're going to copy in NA Legends, gives a participation trophy on every battle. In low tier battles, this trophy is so low it covers all repair and ammo cost. Even if you die without firing a single shot, you get rewarded. Speaking of WoT - that one actually does give non-kill rewards. Shoot someone down to half hp, you get rewarded for that even if he survives the battle. Will we see that in NA Legends as well? If only that had come true...
  4. > P.S. Waffen sind bei dem Treffen nicht erlaubt! heh. Süßwasserpiraten.
  5. The 20% labor discount is currently being applied to random ports, I even found a few neutral ports that feature this.
  6. All Upgrades should come from the workshop, and the materials should be reasonably easy to obtain. This Cartagena Tar, special gunpowder and all that ultra rare stuff sound more like something from a korean grind MMO.
  7. Nenne nur einen Spieler, der nie PVE gemacht hat. Einen einzigen. Nur weil jemand PVE macht, ist er noch lange kein "PVE Spieler". Es gehört in dieser Meta einfach dazu. Ich finde es auch amüsant, wie hier parallel zwei sich gegenseitig widersprechende Standpunkte moniert werden. a sagt, dadurch dass es so viel Geld gibt wird keiner mehr material verkaufen wollen. Nie wieder. b sagt, dadurch dass es jetzt so einfach ist schiffe zu bauen, wird nie wieder jemand Geld auf dem freien Markt für ein Schiff ausgeben. Nie wieder. Es kann nur eine der beiden Aussagen stimmen, das fällt euch schon auf, oder?
  8. No, both were genuine fights between fleets without hostility missions involved (all happened around scheduled PBs, not during hostility flips)
  9. today many ships were destroyed in PVP EU in large scale RVR battles. I haven't seen that sort of fighting since early Summer 2016 (outside of small battles). Apparently players are willing to risk stuff again.
  10. There's no reasoning possible when you go full on strawman argument with me. no ship dura iz gud, ok? iz gud. It would have been bloody nice if you had read the posts following the one you quoted, because we literally went over what you said already.
  11. Just like the trader tool. But it's there, and I have no reason to believe the information to be wrong. If the shot log says something used double shot, I can tell - from the damage they did.
  12. So you've captured Frigates that fired long guns according to the shot log and then they had mediums when you had them in port?
  13. are you talking about looting sunken ships or are you talking about boarding and capturing ships and keeping them?
  14. so... you can easily grind down big ships in an Indiaman because all they do is irrelevant sail damage?
  15. And how do you do that? Right, you talk people into it until they're sick of hearing about it. By the way, one thing yet to be touched is super low supply resources for upgrades such as Cartagena Tar... Surely we can have a better system than random generation of the resource every X hours that whoever has the highest buy contract at the time will get?
  16. One huge issue is that you can't see what other ports are selling, so everyone relies on the capital being the port where trade happens (or another agreed hot hub like Belize). Is "capital" even a thing anymore at this point? Is KPR in any way different from Belize? If I decided to sell stuff out of one of my clans ports right now, I'd have to spam nation chat to the point of a moderator shutting me up. Because no one would know I sold proper ships there for sale, no one would know I'd have all cannons there.
  17. I'm not making cannons because which size is it you want? 4 6 9 12 18 24 32 - that's seven different cannons. Add carronades you get another 4 relevant sizes, That is 11 different products. Putting a working number of all of them into the store would require more labor hours than I have available. I pay a lot of taxes to do that and then half of the contracts just expire for nothing. Nope, not gonna work it like that.
  18. @admin is it intended that former free towns (such as Hat Island) don't allow for any resource production?
  19. No, that whole part was not in the patch. You capture ports for the weekly victory mark shower. The only thing you can do is ask the port owner to pay more money on maintenance so you can harvest 20% more resources...
  20. I know why you have labor hours instead of timers. It does not change the impact of the mechanic. It literally works like that energy bar in freemium games, once you have no labor hours left, you can log out for the day. (or pay an obscene price to refresh your labor hours). Combat Marks are now up to 6500 in Gustavia, at that price it would be insane to keep a profit-oriented crafting business running beyond the provided hours.
  21. one Mark is easily 5k. Ten Marks make a Labor contract. 50k to get 500 hours? Unreasonable if you're doing economy for profit. No one will be paying for that kind of markup.
  22. The main issue remains that the severe labor hour limit makes playing as a dedicated trader and crafter unattractive. If I were to play that role, I'd get 30 minutes of gameplay out of the game every other day. If the game made it possible to play economy for hours (just like PVE grinding is available for 24 hours a day), we'd have players who do exactly that. But we have a labor hour limit similar to the energy bar of a facebook game - You're out of energy! come back tomorrow! Admin you say we have a player driven economy.. but we don't have the player type driving the economy because of that.
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