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Rebel Witch

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Everything posted by Rebel Witch

  1. Having to log off of the game just to avoid getting ganked or attacked into a second, third etc battle just because you successfully escaped the first tag is not a very common sense idea. I really thought they did a smart job by giving players the option to escape to nearest port, if you escaped the battle, why not let you actually escape? You also had the option to go back to ow and take your chances. The only other solution i can think of is give ships exiting pvp battles the "OPTION" to stay invisible longer to a max of 2 minutes. That way they can try to escape in OW since they already escaped the 1st battle. Or they can log off too. Slower computers really get hurt by this so maybe 2 and a half minutes? I think the other parties involved should get some kind of notification if the other player log off that way we avoid having players sit there wasting time when the battle is essentially over.
  2. They could do coordinates only when you are close to land or within sight of land. That way it reflects the crews ability to determine where they are using charts. Once you go into deep ocean, you are on your own and the stars, no gps guidance.
  3. some interesting ideas which make sense since the pve zones, highly protected by the European powers, would likely tax the shit out those living in their ports. You know those european and american money grubbin corrupt sons a tax'n the hell out the good folk, time for a rebellion and turn the whole map new colors! Hah, just my plug for player made nations.
  4. all of these ideas are very bad for player freedom and long term game enjoyment. The devs are going the right direction right now. we have a vast, beautiful open ocean world to sail and mingle with other players, trying to box players into zones or categories of play will do more to turn people off than turn them on "long term" in a sandbox mmo you have to learn to adapt, you cannot try and get devs to force other players into boxes of play so you can play how you want. well you can try but its just bad for the game imho.
  5. It would be a long term mistake to completely separate the pve and pvp world or realms. because it takes away from player freedom and options. why not have players be able to shift from pve to pvp when they want too? why not have players be able to shift from pvp to pve when they want too? by making pacific a pve zone that is completely separate from the Atlantic pvp zone, two different realms that one cannot experience when they so choose it really just sounds so limiting for players. why even have them on the same server then? Again, i point to EVE Online, the way they set up the server realm is an example of WHAT WORKS what makes almost everyone happy. I can promise you that if EVE Online had a separate space for the care-bears and a separate space for the pvp'rs that game would be dead by now. What makes EVE so special and groundbreaking is how well they blended PVE and PVP into one seamless universe. naval action can be just as balanced and fun if done right on the high seas.
  6. Over the next weeks as we get ready for the big changes to the game I will be hosting Regatta's or sailing races. Now i do not have much in terms of ways to set up the race, race cones per say etc so its going to be pretty simple and straight forward. We go into a battle but instead of firing guns, we line up, and we then race around lets say La Navesse. I am offering 1million doubloons to the winner of these Regatta, perhaps if they are liked enough i will increase the prices. I love racing and racing sailboats even in a game sounds like fun For now the Regatta rules are no shooting each other, no ramming either. clean race and the inside ship has right of way (closes to race inside line or island) Lets have some fun, see you in game !!
  7. totally agree, i hope they go back to every port must be fought over again too.
  8. To avoid confusion about what i mean about "player pirates" I mean the current Pirate faction in naval action would be removed and instead of players not affiliated with one of the NPC nations being in a pirate faction. they are just simply free and independant. they can then create their own clan or nation and they can create their own port color so when their nation takes over a port it is their nations color not the color of pirate brown or whatever. that means you would eventually have the map filled with colors on the ports as player made nations battle for the ports and to build their nation. the NPC nations, sure you can still join them and fight for them and take ports for them but the NPC nations will also be the PVE zone area ports that cannot be conquered. yes it would be very similar to how EVE Online is where you have a pve area that is NPC safer zone and the rest of the map is a free for all, players control everything about it.
  9. So i just commented on one of the other threads and thought this was a very important topic that cannot get enough discussion. here is what i wrote and why i feel that opening the ports on the map to be conquered by player made nations, instead of us all doing the fighting for NPC nations, is a game changer. I am thrilled at the recent announced changes because it feels like the Devs have found their mojo, a direction they want to take the game that will bring it to release and a steady growth. PVE, PVP area's are a big plus. I really really hope they soon announce that players will be able to affiliate with not just an NPC nation but can choose to create their own small nation, join player created nations etc. Naval Action will open up into a massive ocean sandbox if players can cut the shackles of the NPC nations and start to create their own clan like nations and even start taking ports for their nation, would open this game up completely!!!! would be like opening up the barn doors and letting all the horses run free, it would breath a whole new fresh air to the game play while keeping with the historical feel. It would be like an ALTERNATIVE REALITY, where the european powers have lost control of the sea and instead of a pirate faction, players are the pirates and privateers and they carve out a whole new tall ship era. instead of players being "in the pirates faction" and their ports a dark brown. players would make their own clan nations, ports they take are for their nation not for the entire pirate faction. and each player nation can pick their own color, maybe turn the port dots into little flags players can create to identify their ports with. man the possibilities become endless when players can create their own nation and ports open up for everyone to take instead of just NPC nations and npc ports. just my thoughts for future possibilities
  10. I am thrilled at the recent announced changes because it feels like the Devs have found their mojo, a direction they want to take the game that will bring it to release and a steady growth. PVE, PVP area's are a big plus. I really really hope they soon announce that players will be able to affiliate with not just an NPC nation but can choose to create their own small nation, join player created nations etc. Naval Action will open up into a massive ocean sandbox if players can cut the shackles of the NPC nations and start to create their own clan like nations and even start taking ports for their nation, would open this game up completely!!!! would be like opening up the barn doors and letting all the horses run free, it would breath a whole new fresh air to the game play while keeping with the historical feel. It would be like an ALTERNATIVE REALITY, where the european powers have lost control of the sea and instead of a pirate faction, players are the pirates and privateers and they carve out a whole new tall ship era. instead of players being "pirates" and their ports a dark brown. players would make their own clan nations, ports they take are for their nation not for entire pirate nations. and each nation can pick their own color, maybe turn the port dots into little flags players can create to identify their ports with. man the possibilities become endless when players can create their own nation and ports open up for everyone to take instead of just NPC nations and npc ports. just my thoughts for future possibilities
  11. POTBS failed! i was there when potbs came out and i played it for two years it was a big hot mess. It is a game that should have stayed in beta testing. It is because of potbs that i am not ashamed to warn the devs here not to go with durability on ships, its because of POTBS that i push for this game to go the direction of EVE Online mechanics, NOT potbs mechanics because potbs, as fun as the game was, FAILED because it could not keep players interested, the pvp was wishy washy and the devs for potbs kept screwing around with game mechanics trying to cater to different groups which pissed everyone off and led to cascade of failures. if this game follows the path of potbs, it will fail, mark my words! at least the Devs of this game are not releasing the game yet before they are confident in the mechanics of how the whole world will work. we are still testing this game.
  12. Good to see you Mr Clark. You have some very good concerns. You are right many players will leave, having to test a game is a pain in the "you know what". I planned to sit it out until release of the game myself after this winter, but I will try to test the upcoming changes and give my feedback. My message to players who plan to leave because of these big changes, dont let it keep you from coming back after release when we no longer will have to worry about wipes and massive game changes. We are all pawns in one big beta test still.
  13. perhaps the only solution to the "too many SOL's" problem is to put a "maintenance fee" on SOL's. they already tried making them harder and more expensive to build, that wont solve the problem, it will just take longer until everyone is in 1st rates. they have floated the idea of putting limits on SOL's in port battles but that doesnt solve the steady saturation of SOL's sailing around. Perhaps the only solution is to either 1. make SOL's exclusive to clan ownership and each clan can only have a certain amount of them? 2. slap a MX fee on 1st, 2nd, 3rd rates. Lets say 3rd rates cost 100,000 gold a month. 2nd rates cost 500,000 gold a month, 1st rates cost 1mil gold a month. that way only the filthy rich can afford them but not even the filthy rich can hoard them . it would also mean clans may have to pool money just to have a SOL fleet. it is historical to the period too that SOL's cost so much to maintain that only the largest navies could afford them and even then they were often put in ordinary when not at war. me thinks this is a subject that will be going on for many years in naval action
  14. Great idea, especially for ships that have been in a few battles, been around a month or two and just getting old right? we have ship paints, so in the future hopefully we can get old looking ship schemes. however this is something that can wait until after the game is released, i think the devs have much more on their plate just getting ready for production.
  15. Lets wait and see how this new system plays out first before we pass judgement, though your concerns are notable. Help test this new system when it comes out then lets discuss?
  16. Look to the sky for guidance and you shall find it. EVE Online started so small and gradually worked up to become among the most successful and notorious MMOs in gaming history for a reason. Its model works brilliantly. I am among those who believe the mechanics of EVE Online would serve Naval Action well and make this game a blockbuster, given time to raise her sails! EVE had a high sec region and nul sec region, it worked brilliantly . While i think the high sec region of NA could be around jamaica, east cuba, haiti, i think what the Devs are doing is a step in the right direction here.
  17. You will be back. this game is in testing, i have to remind myself of that. the Devs have a game that is ground breaking and with vast appeal and potential if they get it right. Getting it right is on their terms and we players are along for the ride. I hope they take their time before releasing it, tweak, test, fool around all they want until they find whats right. Release what will pull in a big audience of gamers who will pay the builders to enjoy the ride they created! Dont lose faith Dev's, dont let the lashing out of players fool you, it means people are paying attention Keep up the good work guys!
  18. poorly worded on my part. what i meant is those ports are best left in the conquest pool. combining the newbie area and pve area gives more space for the pvp free zones which i hope one day the devs allow players to own the ports and create their own nations instead of the forced npc nations we have now.
  19. For the past few months it certainly looked like Devs were just throwing up their hands trying to figure out how to make this game balanced and better. After the past two announcements i feel confident the Devs have their mojo back and have a plan now. However you are so right, if the Devs give up on this game , its such an amazing game with great potential it just needs the right mechanics. I suggested going the route of an EVE online like mechanic, and if the Devs ever give up on this game i want to start a kickstarter or gofundme so we can keep this game alive. The latest announcements are very promising, i am confident the Devs are on to something good.
  20. this is great news and sounds very promising. i hope the newbie zones are going away then and players can just start out in pve zone. those newbie areas are prime pvp realistate
  21. well said Kiith and lets hope we get more player control over what nation to play, as in player made nations (like corps in EVE) and then more player control over dealing with players within that group.
  22. Not sure why people are calling for an entire asset wipe (not including ships) for the sake of the economy. There is never going to be a good test of the economy while this game is in Beta test mode because.. first of all the rules and balancing of the game are ever changing. changes until release will always off set any idea of a good test of the economy. second of all the Dev's are giving out more and more free ships in the form of gifts and ship notes. Players are getting about 20 ship notes a day? thats 20 ships potentially un-crafted made out of thin air, that devastates any player economy. Wiping everyone's assets solves NOTHING. It will merely slow testing down , piss off a lot of people who then have to go get materials again and start over. The economy in this game is DEAD and it will always be DEAD and unrealistic so long as ships can be gifted and created out of thin air. Player economies are a delicate business and outside free ships and stuff destroys it faster than you can say "government subsidies"
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