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Norfolk nChance

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Everything posted by Norfolk nChance

  1. A funny but hard lesson learned a while back on [PvP Global]... https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/21509-“being-prepared…”-and-norfolk’s-hard-lesson/ Norfolk
  2. Ganked by the Germans...! https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/newly-restored-19th-century-german-ship-sinks-after-collision/ar-AACCO2v?ocid=spartandhp
  3. The idea might be good... The idea is GOOD. The idea really does work, proved by multiple game peers... The idea mechanics look realistic, with data capture and storage workable... So, why do you tell me GL has no interest in PC development? That sounds like madness... Are YOU telling me the biggest problem to my idea is GLs commitment to Naval Action Open-World...? Prove me wrong Dev’s, back the Goldfish & Elephant idea...
  4. Looking at my Crystal Balls… Without trying to blow myself up, currently testing UA: AoS and UA: Dreadnaught. I missed Ink’s This Land… I’ll take your bet… POST launch there will be no more substantial patches. Minor DLC additions and that’s it. No RvR, it will be left to the community with no NPC overlays or challenges. I predict I’ll be testing NA2 or/and NA-Legends within 6months Just to repeat myself… today’s date is the 7th June… Dev’s need to prove me wrong. Balls of steel, back my Goldfish & Elephant idea. I currently feel I’m holding the Dead man’s hand… what about you, feeling lucky? Norfolk.
  5. No worries at all, but today’s date is the 7th June... Where is the push...? I love the game, but fcuk I’d fire GLs marketing manager Back to the historic data thing, my time on WoWs, the players continually use the website. The stats from kills like the eve board I loved. The Player obviously would have a private option to stop others looking in... I’m not sure what could be collected in terms of data, but it becomes very addictive very quickly in terms of viewing. I will admit it did improve my gameplay in WoWs showing I was using too higher ranked ship for my skill set. Dropping down a peg or two and my scores improved. This is not quite the same with NA but you can see what I’m pushing out... This idea needs commitment from the publisher to do. It would also be a good testbed to start for NA-Legends where this type of out of game stats is a MUST HAVE. Appreciate the feedback guys N.
  6. I have no idea on the launch date other than Admin’s post on the 27th May saying within the next 30days from that date. So, would suggest end of June if all goes well. To be honest I was surprised at the target launch date. I was expecting something much later in the year. I’m a true amateur in this industry and no idea on its working, but usually in my world I’d build up to a product launch. Announcements, interviews and encouraging old players back onto the servers just prior to launch... Here it feels somewhat of a ‘Ninja Launch...’ perhaps? I should copywrite that phrase before Philip Kotler steals it. Like you, I can’t wait either. What do you think of your Characters history idea? N.
  7. Idea: A Goldfish and Elephant walk into a bar… Or Idea: A Persistent Player Character (PC) History function POST Launch Short Version at the bottom... @Admin You’ll need a glass of red for this… A Thought from Yesterday’s events in sunny Hong Kong… My acts of bad behaviour in the past you’d have thought faded long ago, but NO Mrs. nChance has a detailed recall like it was carved in stone. When I came in late drunk last night/this morning. This she uses to leverage at great expense comparing with the present and my throbbing head. The memory of an elephant…! And yet this wonderful girl only yesterday I questioned the shoe shopping bag in her right hand, fails to remember just last week a purchase of Jimmy Choo’s to add to the over spill in the wardrobe. The memory of a sieve or Goldfish if you like. The same can be said with NA-OW when talking with friends and rivals of a past major victory from your great combat skills. Somehow forgetting that tag, the gank from the school boy error you made only an hour ago. Bragging rights is all part and parcel of any good MMO game. These stories build into legends and lore giving fabric and richness to this boxed Universe of ours. In real life the average Age of Sail Captain or Admiral kept detailed daily written journals or diaries of events that day. This providing a record of past actions going back throughout a man’s career in depth. We in NA-OW [EA] don’t have this ability. I would like to see a detailed recorded history of my PCs life through his years spent in Naval Action. This simple persistent tool but external to the in-game would help build player retention considerably over time. The Idea… The full launch of NA-OW is near, possibly even by the end of June’19. This as led to a resurgence of many clean up and polish ideas from the community. From my own Forum clean up to Wraiths Wiki upgrade to Snape’s website polish and so on... In addition to this is the Pre-Launch WIPE of the servers. This giving the client a fresh start to some extent depending on which servers you use. It reminded me of past ideas and opportunities for the game. This one post from July’18 I would like you to read… https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26423-idea-norfolk-compares-apples-to-oranges-to-avoid-a-lemon/ Like all my idea posts there usually long and need alcohol to finish. My idea is to tie an external website with a persistent link (or least a server cycle dump) directly into the game. I explain the need for external tools other than what’s offered just in game. This we can use to help develop players immersion further into the Game, but must be Publisher led and NOT player driven. The [WoWs] Wiki Helps SELL the Game ours doesn’t. Would YOU like to have this function…? Please do try to read the Apples & Oranges post. The section titled “More Backstory to feed my Addiction” at least read and look at my PC link, try it out, navigate look around and then put in Mixy’s profile. We could replicate something similar using the daily server cycle dump to update the external web link. With it not strictly PERSISENT but daily it would reduce server loading. Data storage also is static that’s added too every day. Summary So, I hope you can see this idea and its benefits. The proof from our other Game peers shows it does work. The problem is Publisher commitment to the game POST launch. This is the problem with this idea, it needs Game-Labs commitment to continue building NA post launch on a persistent driven basis. Otherwise, its down to Wraith, Felix and other players taking the lead and keeping it alive. Norfolk nChance Short Version Old idea to capture Player data on a regular persistent basis that builds up into History. This Players Character can be viewed via an external web link that’s updated once every server cycle.
  8. Just tried my old method Capt. Norfolk nCook “Pacific Route” and failed. Like @Suppenkelle mentioned Admin closed the gates in a patch update I believe to be true. Route was [820,-400] due south. Once past Santo Tome de Guayana [791,-425] on my Starboard side the ship just stopped. I needed to turn completely about to get moving again. No grounding or the visible islands as before just open ocean. Will try again later, but pretty obvious tis closed for now. Next step is finding another hole... Norfolk
  9. LOL look at me trying to start a new way of doing things... Good point fella N.
  10. @Wraith I can’t argue with your view, but we’ll just beg to differ. At launch is a milestone you’ll agree, a line in the sand if you like. The 3 categories of player (1-Current, 2-Old, 3-New) however we all start, will need to research the present game mechanic. The launch, and you may disagree with me here is to attract Cat2s back (by far the largest client group) and Cat3s (the smallest). Then to keep both Cats long enough to turn into Junkies and purchasing DLCs. You & I can (Cat1s) easily navigate the forum, but what about @Jeheil? He knows his stuff, but RoE, PBs, BRs, SafeZones... Crafting and its 7levels now? That info he needs to relearn, is not obvious at present in my opinion to find easily. The Newbie, tutorials brilliant. However again that grind path he’ll need to research and is buried under old irrelevant data to him. By cleaning up the forums at launch, helps not only navigate but keep in touch with the latest discussion topics. The idea was to make it easier to find current game mechanics. This without getting swamped with older discussion threads. I understand your search by date technique, but in my opinion still leads to sifting of threads. When I log on to the forum normally its not to find out something specific, but more as to what’s going on and current discussions. This I’d assume is similar to you and is vital for any new player to make a habit. Having a clear clean forum helps with this process. I feel we still have too many facing menu options. The Archive then is for the older player to drill into who is looking for something more specific. N.
  11. I like the idea how @Zlatkowar is already talking tactics with load outs. This over a Battle autopsy becoming a brilliant residual feature. It’s a lot of work you’ve done already, but some kind of record turning into lore takes it to another level... N.
  12. @Wraith You make a real valid point. Unfortunately, the forum has become a mix of useful and outdated threads. For instance, Rules of Engagement, a new player would find it very difficult to sift through the quagmire of dated and live mechanics. The idea is to help the NEW client find what he wants quickly. The Archive section is so important as it gives like you state the HISTORY and procedural knowledge paths taken. Also, the lore of past actions... N.
  13. @Cetric de Cornusiac Suggestion: Like we have on the PvP Caribbean News a ‘Battle Report’ of a Port Battle. Could you do something similar in fashion. How did it go... good and bad moves made and outcome? This with some image pic... The idea to continue the promotion and drive interest in this driven player content. Norfolk
  14. Idea: Archive & Clean the Forums at Launch @Admin Summary At launch archive both the main Game-Labs and STEAM forums at Launch. START a fresh. I can’t remember when GL cleaned the forum the last time, but I do remember it being a vast improvement. The current posts should be accessible via an archive function. Why Is this Important? Think in terms of the new client. What CORE basic topics will he need to understand. Then an area for Support Updates and Discussions. A new player hitting the sight will be confused over feedback and arguments around a subject matter. The Archive Sections We can still access old or pre-launch threads but in a condensed manner. Norfolk
  15. @Adam @Ink and the Dev’s Nice one Guy’s. Any last-minute help with anything just ask. Well done, Norfolk nChance [ELITE]
  16. https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/29160-cant-post-on-forum-cant-send-private-messages-either/ N.
  17. @Cetric de Cornusiac That’s a lot of hard work and thought you’ve put into this. Player driven content is so badly needed and this I think a near first for the PvE Peace server. Re-Post the thread on the STEAM discussion page as well. Well done fella, and Good luck Norfolk
  18. Hell Fire...! Player Driven Content returns to a Snow flaked Caribbean...
  19. @Nick Thomadis (can't use link correctly DKs the post) Not sure if you’ve seen this YouTube by thehistoricalgamer posted 4th May’19. Just an fyi... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GshiUPC1I0A Norfolk
  20. So you know of John Snow, good glad my statement was correct then... Norfolk nGenius
  21. @Papillon You make a valid point. The distinction between Toxic and Over-Sensitivity in this game is much closer (or bar is set higher if you will) than other MMOs with a much younger crowd. If @admin has added ‘family insults’ as you state then they must ban him. Forget the warning first... I agree it does take five minutes for a quick look but a distraction all the same. How long did the Dev’s look at forum ban cases just recently, five minutes? I’d hope a little longer than that, but considering the reputed size probably not. How far does this then go? I do empathize with @dron44I but I feel it’s a warning when all said and done. The Global Chat has a limited life span if the Tribunal becomes flooded with similar evidence of this new class of Toxic Behaviour. And I guarantee it will be flooded. Norfolk Ps Once chat as gone, it won’t comeback.
  22. @dron44I What do you genuinely think? This was my reply to your last post with the same title at the bottom. Is this current image TOXIC no, is it Cyber Bullying no. It is poor taste school yard humour by Jenek yes. Why should this client receive an outright Ban? Report him if you’ve sensitivity issues and then press ignore. The problem is what I’ve sighted below. Reporting this on the Tribunal now means @Ink needs to look at this. Not a moderator. By also reporting him it does the same action. You are adding to the @admin problem… I don’t want him to have rethink. I’m not justifying @Janek in anyway, but have think first before instigating a Tribunal post. Norfolk nChance [ELITE] Put things into some realistic context here... Was this toxic behaviour or cyber bullying? I think not, was it school yard, in poor taste behaviour? Probably yes. Does it deserve a warning probably yes, a ban no. The @admin problem… The thing is with this sort or reporting and behaviour we play into @admin hands. He’s wanted and warned in the past how he’d like to shut down global chat. It wastes @Ink time. If @admin decided to do this just because of this one-sided behaviour offered as evidence it would be a travesty. I don’t want to lose Global chat. This was not toxic or bullying behaviour. However, I do think @dron44I and @Jack Aubrey owe some form of apology… If you want a real mom joke…What’s the difference between your mom and 3 dicks…? Your Mom can’t take a joke…
  23. the idea as a campaign mission for the U-Age of Sail game we are currently testing... Sorry my bad for not making that clear NnC
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