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Norfolk nChance

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Everything posted by Norfolk nChance

  1. @melarky A couple of things first. Bottom left click Windows icon, then the Cog Wheel “Settings” above the “START” button. About half way down the list on the left side click “Tablet Mode” Make sure it is switched OFF. Then, Just above click the “Power Setup” on the list on the left. On the far right click “Additional Power Settings”. Just make sure your Power Plan is “High Performance” and Not “Balanced” while playing PC Games. Naval Action in Game... Press “Escape” key top left. Choose “Options” from the Pop-Up. Then left tabs click “Graphics” Second choice “Full Screen Mode” check or uncheck as you wish. Also note was is the “Resolution” showing... mine is 1920x1080. Hit “APPLY” and then “Back” and “Continue”. Iconize the Game. Anywhere on the Win 10 screen RIGHT Mouse click and then click “NVIDIA Control Panel” Headings “Display” > “Change resolution” ... make sure the resolution matches the game number so for me 1080p, 1920 x 1080 (native) Do the same “Adjust desktop size and position” Norfolk
  2. @melarky This might be your problem, scaling differences between Game, Win 10 and your GPU... I DON’T recommend you download this software but do recommend the system checks before hand https://windowsreport.com/indows-10-fullscreen-games/ This may occur after an nVidia driver update resetting scaling parameters etc. We’ve had two in a short space of time. Norfolk
  3. This is a much better and tidy version. I’ve Included an active table of contents to jump to a story or chapter for much easier reading... Norfolk A Pulp Fiction in Naval Action.pdf this PDF no longer available. Am working on a FINAL-CUT of A PuLp Fiction, but will take a couple of weeks still
  4. @Jean Ribault I’ve have my own clunky issues with this platform and cannot find a manual, and editing why o why does it add extra line spacing? This is what I do, but please if anyone knows better shout... Adding images or PDFs or Excel doc,s etc... First, Check your “attachment limit”. Top right, down arrow, next to your PC name then choose “My attachments”. Your quota should be blue and below 9.77MB. If not then delete some old file images. Use “SORT BY” > SIZE. Then click on the Post title, in the title “EDIT” and delete the old images, one image at a time editing each old post. If its an OLD DROPPED or DELETED or LOCKED post the Image will not automatically drop from “My Attachments”. Need to follow the link prompt add @Ink and file name. He’s the only one who can clean it. Second. If the attachment limit is good then... Forum front page, next to BELL “+ Create” down arrow. Choose status... then drag drop the image here. This will make it appear in your FORUM album. This then will allow you to attach... Norfolk
  5. I asked the question, because my “General” assumption looked wrong. The momentum looked too large, this from me using fingers n toes first before the TI-84 comes out. Doing a little story, I wanted to give the reader a frame of reference to the momentum or force delivered... “The HMS Indefatigable took the full force of 500 tons the L’Ocean three decker broadside delivered or one and a half 747s.... hmmm...” something looks wrong... No physics needed at this stage... 30 tons or 20 tons gives a much more accurate reference if not an exact one... Then again, I too will never be a physicist just a simple humble Investment Banker of the worse kind.
  6. Thanks Tom, that's great and highlighting my screw up as well. My 500 tons momentum seemed way too high, why the question. The 30 tons without any degradation may seem light-ish… But using 24 or 20 tons at 100 yards makes sense. Ships very rarely were completely blown out of the water. The Victory delivery on the Bucentaure must have been powerful and for the French crew horrific https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ship_Bucentaure_(1803) Norfolk https://www.convert-me.com/en/convert/force/kilonewton.html?u=kilonewton&v=294
  7. Question: How much Momentum does a three-deck broadside from a L’Ocean deliver at 100m (109yds)? Momentum = Mass x Velocity p=mv This is the gun setup Lower Deck 16x 36pds =576 mass Middle Deck 18x 24pds =432 mass Upper Deck 18x 12pds =216 mass Total mass = 1,224 stationary I know the muzzle velocity of a 36pd cannon is 450m/s that’s roughly 1,000mph. But sort of stuck from here... I was thinking using the same velocity speed... but needs degradation 1,224pds x 1,000mph = 1,224,000pds /2,500 tons = 490 tons momentum is delivered at the muzzle? Is this anywhere close because it seems rather a big punch?
  8. The Pacific a New Frontier... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCFBtIqhWKA This is the last story in the Pulp Fiction Series. I Hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think. Would you like more in future? Thanks again for taking the time to read them Norfolk the end... http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26960-guide-norfolk-ncook-using-a-map-charts-coal-to-get-around-the-caribbean/
  9. The Battle of Tiburon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk GB Fleet Route: START [125, -3], E [170, -3], N [170, 20], NNW [155, 38] In Preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable... - Dwight D. Eisenhower
  10. Pirates, Privateers and their Ridiculous Names... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl6fyhZ0G5E You Get What You Give...
  11. The French Merchant Admiral and some sympathy for the Devil... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lM4dBQrLC8 Map [771, -140] https://www.loc.gov/item/2010593374/
  12. The Old Admiral & the Sea... Map Route [83, -3], [125, -3], [170, -3], [170, 20], [155, 38], [125, 43], [55, 33] or [70, 10 to 42, 21] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSy9D3He6q0
  13. An Unplanned Exit... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wNSHPQj0W8
  14. A Pulp Fiction in Naval Action Go to the PDF file below much better read While playing NA-OW have you ever thought about what goes on when docked or the politics and stories behind the actual battles you take part in? What did the pirates do and say to petrified sailors on a tagged trade ship? There are countless real-life stories and NA incidents as well with an interesting backstory. Here is a short collection of mine revolving around the Summer/Autumn time of 1808 while I was on holiday in Scotland with the daughter of the head of the Jamaica station James Dacres... Unfortunately, I cannot display maps with drawings etc. due to memory restrictions. So, I will show the coordinates and descried routes as best as possible at the start of each story or chapter as required. May I suggest you read the Captain Norfolk nCook nav guide here and look at these other chart links... http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26960-guide-norfolk-ncook-using-a-map-charts-coal-to-get-around-the-caribbean/ https://na-map.netlify.com/ http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/8451-shrouded-recluses-map-with-accurate-coords/ @admin and the Dev’s have created a great world in which to have adventures. You the community then add to this world making a great game even better... The stories interweave within each other covering all aspects of the Caribbean work. There is six in total and will post them all in a week or so rather than in one drop. Let me know what you think good bad or don’t give up the day job... Thank you for reading Martin. a.k.a Norfolk nChance [ELITE] Ps from time to time you might recognize a Character or two, this of course is purely coincidental
  15. @Ink On the job learning. Sort of worked your idea but not... http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26875-idea-pt34-fleet-commanders-companion-fcc/?tab=comments#comment-580527 Top right PC Name down arrow key > My Attachments > SORT BY > SIZE Start Quota 9.62/9.77MB limit red line The Top file is NorfolknCook.pdf size 2.23MB and 84 downloads The second is Idea3.2FCC.pdf size 1.63 MB and 22 downloads I chose to edit the second. The easiest way... Activity Tab > My Activity Streams > Contented I Posted in No just the center link thread title, I'm an idiot Link above go down to my second POST the PDF is completely removed. Returning back to [My Attachments]. New Quota 7.99MB/9.77MB limit blue line I don’t want to delete the NorfolknCook.pdf. Any thoughts? The reason I needed to use a PDF instead of my normal [ELITE] STEAM Guide was I couldn’t import the Maps. Even edited as a photo. Even so the process you’ve given me is start Many thanks for the other replies as well guys Norfolk Ps @Captains You can but only as individual unit posts not as a whole in one go
  16. @Ink OK am old and useless according to Mrs. nChance so bear with me... FORUM > PC Name down arrow key (top left) > My attachments... This reads Quota 99% used 9.63MB of limit 9.77MB These are POSTs with a link image or PDFs or XLS going back to last Feb’17. Questions... How do I reduced or delete these images? How would this affect the POST? Apologies for the slow on up take. I’m just a man... Norfolk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OO2PuGz-H8
  17. @BuckleUpBones Nice link and subject very close to my heart. A total shameless plug but stick with it. If laid down from the very start its much easy with updating plus new games titles its copied and rolled over in a structured way... The One single event key above anything else that will send Naval Action [NA-OW] into a client explosion is a Persistent out of game link that puts the game in context to drive in game content... Stage1 the persistent PC History http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26423-idea-norfolk-compares-apples-to-oranges-to-avoid-a-lemon/ the deeper Backstory that drives in-game content http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26648-idea-dynamic-npc-nation-overlays/ Stage2 the persistent Caribbean Boxed Universe History This is easier to jump to the [ELITE] Guide archives link. Second section ideas. Look for the Four-part idea Old Admiral & the Sea Project. Part3 is the [FCC] Fleet Commanders Companion Idea I suggested. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26689-the-elite-archive-guides/ http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26875-idea-pt34-fleet-commanders-companion-fcc/?tab=comments#comment-580527 Overall apples to oranges like for like game compare puts NA-OW in context with size in relation to its Peers I think fairly. It shows a key element missing from this game that is in the others. Summary Its easy for me to comment from my ivory tower, but if you read through my ideas there is a common theme. This can be replicated into other Game-Labs [GL] Products. This leading to my last link... Have a think about it and let me know... http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/27041-idea-dreadnought-ea-easier-build-road-map/?tab=comments#comment-585899 Norfolk nChance [God complex]
  18. @Ink FORUM idiots guide Do you know if there is a user guide to this Forum platform? I’m running into issues with importing PDFs and size file problems plus Hidden function style mechanics. Don’t want to trouble you with individual issues just if you could point me in the right direction? Norfolk nChance [ELITE]
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pzKyeIex2Y A sequel Noooooo…….. the story was told and completed.
  20. If a brand-new player came with someone you knew on the info sheet then you’ve got that players assurance and reputations backing. Like in RL recommending some one could back fire if he turns out to be a dick. Its also simple to add this function... The downside is if I recommend one of my new ALTs to do mischief to a clan. However, this is strategy is short lived as your main reputation sinks... Norfolk nGRU
  21. This weekend I will re-watch DasBoot while sitting in the shower with the lights off drunk and scare myself to death... Mrs. nChance deserves a medal a times...
  22. @DeRuyter LOL no fella. I asked @Andre Bolkonsky about fleet mechanics (Jutland-ish) and did the German’s have submarines or really destroyer style Torpedo Boats like the V-25. They had subs... [WoWs] has wonderful eye candy but the game fails in several ways. One was Carrier play and plane spotting for one. They the dev’s [Wg.n] promised never to intro Subs... Why I posted the note was as fyi for Darth but for him to see the work input effort. They added a new axis, this in the Halloween rollout tests will probably mean its introduction within a year... Norfolk nDasBoot
  23. Again, I agree and can see both sides here. Out of Game linked PC History I’ve wanted for some time. However, once the master forger is activated then it (history) should be wiped completely especially a paid DLC product. https://worldofwarships.eu/en/community/accounts/554819715-NorfolknChance_UK/!/pvp/overview/ Idea of Reference tags... What about this system instead. Each PC can have three other PC references. These appear on the info tag of that PC. It would work exactly the same as friends lists. Example... @Norfolk nChance asks say @Wraith for a reference. @Wraith would find Norfolk in the Find list right click and click referenced. Wraith & Norfolk are in different Nations never mind clans. If Wraith changes his mind again he can retract the reference the same way. If Wraith knows Norfolk changed name he could give the NEW PC Name the reference. This giving value to the new PCs Name without revealing the old name... Anyone wanting a background check before clan invites etc can see 3x different PCs to contact... Norfolk nChance [ELITE]
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